chapter 42

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So many thoughts ran through my head I actually thought I was going to explode. "I'm coming home tonight." I hung up and stood up while turning to Troye. "I am flying home tonight. My mom has three weeks to live and I need to be there for my sister. You can stay in our house as long as you planned. Are you coming with me back to the house now?"

He looked so rushed as he shook his head. I ask him to tell Connor to ride home with Marcus as I grabbed my bag and walked to the car with Troye. Once we were in the car and situated, I sped home, surprisingly I wasn't pulled over by a cop.

Once we pulled up, I got out and ran to the house, thankful that Jenn and Andrea were home. Troye and I ran upstairs and I asked him to buy my plane ticket to Baltimore giving him my credit card while I packed.

I packed one third of all my clothes and packed my make-up bag and some shoes along with all of my electronics and anything else I would need. Troye was still on the computer once I was done so I ran downstairs to inform the girls.

"I am flying home tonight. My mom is dying so I told Troye he can stay here since tonight is his last night. Comfort him if he decided to stay." They nodded and I ran back upstairs. Troye handed me my ticket which was for six at night giving me three hours until my plane leaves.

I changed into sweatpants and a black hoodie before putting my phone in my purse. "Okay, I'm packed and ready. I have an hour before I should leave. Are you staying here tonight?" My mind was moving so fast right now and I liked it because if I slowed down, I would have time to think about my mom and her news about my dad.

"Could you drive me to Marcus' hotel? I don't want to intrude on Andrea or Jenn." I nodded my head and decided to drive him now since I needed Jenn to drive me to the airport. He grabbed his packed bags and we got in the car, setting out to the hotel.

"How long will it be until I see you again?" I just realized I won't see him for at least a month probably. "I don't know. With me working on my music, I'm busy. I'll make room to visit you though." Too soon, we arrived and I helped him get his bag out of the car. "Thank you for being there for me. I'll miss you but not too much." He rolled his eyes, "You too bitch."

I hugged him and said goodbye. "Love you Troye. Text me." He nodded and I got back into the car, driving home. Once I was back home, I already needed to load my bags into the car. Once that was done, Jenn and Andrea got in the car to drive me and we set off. "I'll be gone for a little over a month, so here." I handed them my payment for the month and neither of them would take it.

"Fucking take it. I'll be back with Olivia and will have to stay at the house until I find a place." After a couple tries, they took it and we arrived to the airports. I grabbed my bags and we walked in through everything until they couldn't follow me anymore.

"Bye guys. I love you so much. I'll call you soon but if Rebecca gets out, tell her to call me." They all started tearing up and I had to pull myself out of their grasp. Once I was properly searched and all that, I went over to Starbucks to get coffee. I had a half hour before the flight and I remembered I need to call Louis and Sam.

I called Sam first and explained everything which he was very understanding about and told me he missed me already. I hung up not wanting to cry and called Louis, advising him to go home and I'd go to Utah sometime.

Once everything was arranged, it was time to board our flight and all I could think about was how mean I was to my mom when I was on the phone with her before I met Louis. The plane ride was torture. I wonder if Olivia knows yet. These type of thoughts filled my head the whole flight and thankfully, after the four and a half hour flight, the pilot's voice came over the speaker.

"We have just landed in Baltimore, Maryland." I quickly stood up and grabbed my carry-on bag before I pushed through the crowd to get off the plane and retrieve my luggage. Once I was able to leave the airport, I got a taxi to my house since I obviously wasn't going to ask my mom to come get me.

As I pulled up to the house, I realized it was already one in the morning here and my mom and sister are probably asleep. I paid the driver before grabbing my suitcase and walking up to the front door. Thankfully my mom didn't take the spare key out of the birdhouse which was next to the door which I opened the door with and quietly walked in the house.

Even though I would probably stay awake all night due to jet lag, I was exhausted. I walked upstairs, straight to my room where surprisingly my bed was still sitting and fell right asleep.


I woke up to my phone buzzing causing me to reach for it and answer. I didn't even look at the caller ID before I picked it up which is why I was surprised to hear Jc's voice. "Hey Lucy?" I pulled the phone away from my face to see that it was five in the morning here meaning it was two there.

"Uh, hey Jc. What's up?" I heard a lot of noise in the background. "I just wanted to say hey", He drew out the sentence making it obvious that he was drunk. "Hey Jc, well I have to go." I hung up and decided to get up since I didn't really want to sleep.

Knowing my mom doesn't wake up until eight, I got in the relaxing shower and stood under the hot water until I found the motivation to face what today brings. Everything has been so negative lately. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel before going back into my room.

I was going to put on sweatpants and a hoodie since I felt like doing nothing today but that isn't like me and I don't want to worry Olivia. I still probably have to break the news to my nine year old sister that she most likely has three weeks to spend with her mother.

Once I was dressed in a gray crop top with a breast pocket and black leggings, I went over to my still standing vanity. I left my hair to air-dry while putting on mascara. Once I was done, I went downstairs and started making coffee while mixing pancake batter now that it was seven thirty.

I made fifteen pancakes and poured myself coffee while waiting for my mom to come downstairs. It was weird that I could feel my anxiety rising just to see my mom. I never realized how much I missed her. I would go wake up Olivia but I want to talk to my mom alone.

As on cue, I heard footsteps on the stairs before I saw my mom walk into the kitchen. I jumped out of my seat and ran up, wrapping my arms around her, "I missed you so much mom!" She kissed me on the head. She looked so happy to see me. Once I let go, we sat down and talked while drinking coffee.

"So right now, I don't care about the whole father situation. Why do you have three weeks?" She looked down before speaking, "I developed a brain tumor and it turned up with cancer which is spreading like wildfire." I felt my breath get caught in my throat.

"Mom.." I got up and went over next to her. "I want you to know you've been the best mom yet. You've always been supportive and now is my time to support you." She kissed my cheek before me asking, "I'll get Olivia, right?" She nodded her head which calmed me down a little knowing I'll have my sister.  

"We can talk later, go surprise Liv." I nodded and walked towards her room. Am I ready for all of this? To lose my mom? To raise a child? Her future is basically in my hands now.

(Sorry this is so short! I'm not so good with sad situations but I hope you liked this! I won't be updating this whole week I think, sorry! ILY ALL! ) 


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