-Chapter 46

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-Chapter 46: Next Stage

"He took Poppy and disappeared," Emu tells me, leaning back against the wall of the CR.

"I see...thank you," I mutter out. I feel a bit jealous right now of Poppy. Parad hasn't run off with me like that before and I certainly won't ever experience now that we're done with.

"You seem down. What's going on with you?"

"Emu...I'm not over Parad yet. I know what he has done is wrong but my heart still beats for him. I really do love him despite all that he has done to us," I tell him, closing my eyes. "I want to see him again and try to convince him to end this. We can stop this can't we?" I open my eyes and look at him. "Tell me that we can!"

"Then you should go and talk to him. You have that right and I won't stop you. I just want you to be careful," he replies, smiling a bit. "Take care of yourself."

"Okay, I'll go see him now."


"Kara, what are you doing here?" Poppy asks me as I step towards her and the other two Bugsters. Graphite and Parad seem to be relaxing.

"I'm here to see him." I hold up my hand and point at Parad. "Parad, let's talk."

"What do we have to talk about, Kara?" He doesn't look up from his handheld gaming console.

"You ran off with Poppy!"

"Are you jealous right now? Don't worry, I haven't moved on. I wouldn't move on from you anyways. Relationships are hard to maintain. Especially when the two people who are together are very, very different," Parad tells me, looking up from his handheld gaming console. "Do you want to talk with me or fight me? I'll leave it up to you, Kara."

"I'm not going to fight you. I don't have my stuff on me. It is at the hospital," I reply. "Come on, let's go somewhere private."

"We can just kill her off," Graphite suggests. "What? We can."

"Graphite, we're not going to kill her off. I want to play with her still," Parad says, standing up. He puts his gaming console down and moves over to me. "We can move up to the rooftop together. Let's go."

"Okay." I need to trust him enough not to hurt me. I doubt he's plotting something.

"I won't toss you off the building," he states. "I'm not into doing that kind of thing. That would be terrible to do to you, Kara. I would only do it if you asked me to do it and if you were dying and needed a pity death."

"Well, that makes me feel a bit better." We move towards the door and turn to the side, keeping up with each other. It has been awhile since we've been like this with each other.

"So, Kara, what is up with the look?"

I look down at my outfit, which is a pearl colored t-shirt and black shorts. "I just picked whatever was sitting in my closet. I didn't feel like working as Nurse today and I'm not expected to at the moment with what is going on with Kamen Rider Chronicle. I'm working as a CR doctor."

"I see. Well, it suits you."


Parad shoves me against the wall and puts a hand next to my side. "I was wondering about something, Kara. Are you really jealous of Poppy right now? You didn't answer the question earlier and I want to know if you are or aren't. You have no reason to be. We're done."

"I know we're done but that doesn't mean I don't have feelings for you, Parad. I still love you with all of my heart," I answer. "I'm not over us still."

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