-Chapter 73

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-Chapter 73: A Rough Wake Up

"It is time for you to wake up," Masamune's voice tells me and I lift my head off the soft pillow that is under my head. "I see you look rough this morning. How's your stomach?"

"Do you actually care or do you just want to make me feel like crap?" I ask him.

"I actually generally care about you and your stomach, which is why I let you have my bed for the night. I can't believe you actually stayed the night," he answers, laughing a bit.

I sit up and bit, keeping the blankets over me. I don't have my jacket on anymore and I am going to have to get rid of him in order to slip it back on. Stupid me! I just had to take it off because it was too hot with it in under the covers!

"What's going on with you? Why aren't you getting out of bed? I have breakfast in the kitchen if you want some," he asks.

"Yeah, can you give me a moment to get myself looking somewhat decent? You know, alone?"

"I guess I can do that for you despite seeing every inch of you pretty much naked," he answers, turning away. "Take as long as you need. If you need a fresh set of clothes, I'll have some brought. Do you want me to make a call?"

"Yeah, go ahead and do that. Get something a bit baggy because I'm wanting to dress a bit more casual today. Besides, it seems like a breezy day is going to happen today so I want some nice, airy clothes," I tell him. I don't want to say anything about weighing a bit more. I'm probably putting on the pounds.


"I heard that!" I exclaim, rolling my eyes.

He snickers a bit as he exits the room and I push the covers off of my body. I reach over to the side of the bed and pick up my jacket. I pull it on, covering up my slightly obvious baby bump. I wish I was one of those lucky girls who hardly shows. But nope, got to show because of the twins.

I get off the bed and go to the exit of the room and look outside of it. "Masamune, am I allowed to shower before I go? Also, I'm going to tell people I didn't stay at your place. I don't want them to assume that I'm up to something evil again."

"Yes, I'm doing that right now so keep your mouth shut! Yes, she wants something that'll make her feel airy. She's a very peculiar person," Masamune replies. "I have no idea why my son decided to marry her. However, I can assume it was a shotgun wedding."

"Shotgun wedding?" I mutter out, laughing a bit. "Yeah, right! It was because of his evil plotting that we got married. I had no idea that he would play right into my scheming hands. He did exactly what I wanted him to do at the time. Foundation X would be proud of me."

"Okay, thank you."

I step towards the living room, looking around curiously. He could have slept in one of the many other rooms. But nope, he had to take the couch and make it my problem. Arrogant douchebag.

"There you are, AOE," Masamune says and I turn my head, staring at him as he stands outside the kitchen. "Come on, enter the kitchen. It is pretty much open you know."

"Right, I know that." I nod my head and turn, stepping towards him. "Did you sleep well despite not being in your bed?"

"I slept peacefully until I remembered that you were in my home."

"And why would that be a bad thing?" I smirk slightly. I love being inside of his house and I love being on his mind. It brings me some satisfaction, I guess.

"I sometimes wonder why I even wanted to start something with you. I get that you're a wonderful product to play with but I don't get it after I stop thinking about that."

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