Chapter 1 Accident or??

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Chapter 1

Mom Noooooo.”  I yelled as I seen her go flying down the stairs. “Go back to your room right now before you follow her.” My dad yelled at me. That man is pure evil. He’s not even my real father but he makes me call him dad. My dad died when I was 5 he was a Marine and he died serving our country well that’s what my mom says. Even though we only had five years together I loved him and miss him very much. Two years later my mom remarried David and that was the worse decision of her life. When my dad died my mom moved back to her small farm town of Cooper (A/N not a real town by Raleigh I don’t think I just wanted to name it that) outside of Raleigh North Carolina. I walked back to my little sister and picked her up because she walked out after me and she saw mom fall. I took her to my room to try to console her. I heard them arguing that’s why I walked out just as mom went flying down the stairs. I don’t know if she’s OK but if I go back out there he will probably take it out on me. So I just sat there and held my sister both of us crying.

Well I guess I should introduce myself. I’m Allison Marie Sanders I’m 16 years old. I’ve always been tall for my age and now I’m 5’7. I have long dark brown hair, hazel eyes and tanned skin. My mom is Irish and Greek and my dad was Italian and Native American Seminole to be exact. I’m not skinny but my tummy is flat so I guess you can say I have curves. I live on the back part of farm that is owned by my best friend’s parents. Her mom and my mom have been friends for forever. Mrs. Frank well Lauren Marie Frank has always been like an older sister best friend to my mom their mothers were best friends also. Gianna Marie Frank is my only friend. The evil dad doesn’t let me go anywhere because people might find out what he does to us. He even has me home schooled which I don’t mind I got straight A’s and I graduated early. Thanks to my mom because she was a teacher for a little while more music but she is really smart. I am actually starting college courses online in January. I would leave but I have to protect my little sister. My sister Madison Elizabeth Sanders who is 2 years old but she gets mad if you say she’s 2 so we just say she’s 3. She is beautiful and smart for her age. She has light brown hair, hazel eyes and fair skin. She was still crying “Don’t cry Princess, Allie will always protect you.” She looked up at me with those beautiful hazel eyes. “I love you sissy” (in her 2 year voice) “I love you too sweet girl” This little girl is my whole world I needed to protect her at all cost.

My thoughts were broken by an unexpected sound. Why would he call an ambulance he never calls an ambulance or takes mom to the hospital? My momma must really be hurt I had to go check. “I’ll be right back Maddie, Stay here” I put her down on my bed and walked out of my room and looked downstairs to see my mom lying motionless on a stretcher with a blood stain at the bottom of the stairs. “You monster, you pushed her, I hate you” I stormed off to my room. I was expecting him to come in and hit me but I guess he went to the hospital. I knew he would lie and say it was another accident and they would believe him like always. I grabbed my phone my mom got me for when I worked on the Frank’s farm. I texted Gigi <I’m getting on my wheeler and coming over> <what happened we saw an ambulance fly past the house> Holding back the tears. <He did it again, I’ll explain when I get there> <K> I packed some clothes because we were not staying in that house if he was coming back. I put the bag on the back and put Maddie’s helmet on and rode down the dirt road to Gigi’s. When we made it to Gigi’s house I got Maddie of the wheeler G gave me a big hug and then bent down and gave Maddie a hug. “Hey little miss Maddie, How are you tonight” “Daddy was loud, Momma fell, sissy is sad and that makes Maddie sad.” When she said that I lost it and broke down G was trying to console me. “Girls come on in the house” Mr. Frank yelled from the stairs. We did as he asked. “Allie sweetheart what’s going on?” Mrs. Frank asked “The evil man strikes again” I said trying not to cry. “But what did he do sweetheart” She insisted. “I heard yelling and I went to look outside my room and that’s when I saw momma go flying down the stairs. I think he pushed her but even if he didn’t it is his fault” She pulled me in and just hugged me and rubbed my back as I cried. “Is your mom OK” “I don’t know she was motionless on the stretcher” “I will call and find out. You girls go up and get some rest and we will figure things out. We will take you to see Ann Marie tomorrow.”  I went up to the guest room and lay down and fell asleep. Maddie wanted to sleep in Gianna’s room so I let her.

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