Chapter 35: Meeting Family.

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Chapter 35

 I woke up to little hands grabbing my face and a kiss on the cheek. I thought how sweet until she was climbing over me trying to get out of bed. “Hey hey Maddie Monster calm down with the jungle gym action please.” “Move sissy Mommy is up.” “It’s excuse me little girl.” I grabbed her and pulled her back in bed and started tickling her. She was laughing like crazy. “I’m sorry can I go see mommy now. Please.” “I guess. Good morning sweet girl” I said giving her lots of kisses on her cheek. “Eewww gross. Good morning Sissy.” I helped her out of bed and she went into the lounge/ kitchen area where Cam was. I looked at my phone and it was only 9. I have a feeling it will be early mornings on this bus with the little ones. I heard Bo wrestling to get out of the bed with Gigi. She’ll sleep through anything so I got up and helped him out of the bunk. “Good morning little dude.” “Morning sissy” He said giving me a tight hug and kiss. “You sleep well?” “Yep but Gigi kind squishes you.” “Yeah I know.” I said laughing. Gigi is the ultimate snuggler she will basically be on top of you. I Carried him out to the lounge are and we both said good morning to Cam. “You guys want some cereal?” “Yeah sure.” I answered as Gigi came and sat next to me. “It’s alive and before noon.” I said laughing. “Be quiet Allie.” She said. We both looked a hot mess since we were in the lake last night my hair was a tangled mess and hers was a poofy disaster. “So Allie you gonna brush you hair today?” Cam asked laughing. “No mom I was planning on wearing it just like this.” “I don’t think so.” She snapped back. “If I go in the water this is what it will look like.” Yeah but you should start the day looking half way decent.” “Yes ma’am.” I said laughing. As she kissed my forehead and walked to her room I guess to wake up Luke because a little while later he came out.  He said good morning and gave us each a kiss on the forehead he looked a mess. “You don’t look happy to be up daddy. I think you’re too old to be hanging with the young guys.” After we went to bed I heard Luke go back out to hang with all the guys. “You just hush little Miss Allie. I do this for a living.” “Oh I forgot professional drinker. Silly me I thought you guys were country singers.” I said laughing. “It’s too early for you Allie. Baby Where is Allie’s Mute button” He said looking at Cam and grabbing an aspirin and water. “I don’t think she came with one” Cam said. “Yeah Luke she don’t have a mute button or a filter. Sucks to be you.” Gigi added and we all started cracking up as Luke downed his water and then grabbed a Gatorade. Cam gave him a bowl of cereal. “Stop whining Luke you decided to hang out all night. You’ll be fine after you eat.” “Yeah I know. Your daughter is jus a brat.” “I love how I’m mom’s daughter when you are unhappy with me but I’m daddy’s girl any other time.” I said laughing “You’re always daddy’s girl but when you’re a brat I choose to let you be more your mothers.” He said looking up and laughing. “Well at least one parent loves me all the time. Right mom?” “Oh yes sweetie. I always do” “See dad” I said rolling my eyes and putting my bowl in the sink. “Yeah your mom is jus saying that” “You two stop it. I swear you bicker more like brother and sister than father and daughter.” Cam said in her stern voice. “Sorry” Luke and I said at the same time making us both burst out laughing.  “Fine I’m gonna go get ready for the day I guess.” “Ok sounds good. We have to be ready by noon”Luke said. “No problem dad” That was meant more for Gigi” I laughed because she can take a long time to get ready sometimes. “Oh hush Luke I have a couple hours I’m sure I’ll be ready.” “ok cool” He said laughing.

Gigi and I grabbed our stuff and walked up to the Bathroom that the Venue had because on the bus there is only one bathroom and Cam and Luke had to get themselves and the little ones ready. They had nice clean shower areas with like 5 showers I was happy about that. I turned on my music and was trying to figure out what to wear. I figured today I would please my mom and dress a little more girly with no hat. I had a choice of a red, white and blue kinda short sundress, a pair of denim shorts that were actually short with a American flag design on them with my American Flag bikini and matching vest, I also had a white skirt with a American flag design and a American flag crop but I don’t know if I should wear white. I also had a thick American flag headband and white flip flops that matched any of the outfits. I don’t know how I feel but I’m taking Ash’s advice and gonna just ignore the scares they aren’t that bad. There are a few bad ones but a lot of them are just light marks. Rae and D walked in as I was staring and about to ask Gigi what to wear. They just stopped and started at me “Yeah I don’t know what to wear trying to make my mom happy today.” They all looked at the outfits and decided on the shorts and vest because it will make my mom happy but keep me in my comfort zone. I said OK and we all got in the showers. I washed my hair and had to condition it twice because like I said it was seriously a tangled mess. I finally got all the knots out my hair and washed my body. Next time I will brush my hair before I go to bed. I got out and went into the changing stalls. We were all singing to just about every song that played on my phone. I put one my American Flag bikini then put on me lotion that had a hint of vanilla and strawberry scent to it that drives Elijah crazy. It also has a little bit of glitter in. I slipped on my shorts and walked out. Everyone else had got out of the shower and getting dressed. I started to get do my makeup nice I know it will just get messed up when we go on the lake later but I’ll start the day looking nice.  I put on red eye shadow with blue eye liner and mascara. I decided to wear my hair with its curl. I grabbed some scrunch spray and hair spray. I started to do my hair making the curls set in then I grabbed the blow dryer to make sure they would stay and the gel was dried. I pulled my hair over my right shoulder and clipped it then put on my head band. Everyone else was still getting ready so I put on my vest and took a picture. [I’m ready to celebrate this 4th of July with My crazy Family on the Lake. Hope you enjoy your day and be safe everyone #America #LakeDaze #tourlife #Familyfirst] Can y’all hurry up.” I yelled over the music. “We are almost done relax.” Rae said with a hint of attitude. “Don’t give me attitude Missy.” She just gave me a dirty look. They were all finishing doing there make up. I told them to take a picture. I took a picture of us all while we were making crazy faces. I posted the pictures and tagged them [Getting Cute for the big Lake Party. Life is better with these girls. D.R.A.G Besties for life. #lifesadrag #YoungInAmerica #mybestiesarebetterthanyours #tourlife] Finally they were done and we got our stuff and walked out.

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