Chapter 26: Rehearsals and Shenanigans

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Chapter 26

Elijah’s POV:

Yesterday Jacob got in so I didn’t really get to spend time with Allie. I really miss her when I’m not able to see her. After our date I just feel myself falling for her a little more every time I hear her voice. She is perfect in every way. I finally pulled myself out of my thoughts and out of bed. I went downstairs and started to pour myself a bowl of cereal when Jake came downstairs. “What up man?” “Nothin much just thinking.” “Ya thinkin about her again? What is it with her?” “I told ya man she’s different.” “I can tell but snap out of it kid you gotta make time for your boy too.” “I spent all day wit you dude.” “Yeah Yeah.” We sat down and ate a bowl of cereal then went out back and rode four wheelers for a little while. When we came back it was early in the afternoon. We were outside hanging out I was looking at a picture that my baby just posted. “Seriously man. Wipe the stupid smile off your face.” “I can’t man she’s so beautiful.” I showed him the picture she had just posted.“I get it man she really is. I can’t wait to meet her. But how’d she get you wrapped around her finger so fast?” He said putting me in a head lock. “I don’t know man but I’m happy she did. If you’re lucky her friend can do the same for you.” “Yeah whatever” He said as we started wrestling around. Uncle Jay came out of the house laughing. “Hey you two” we were still wrestling around. “Ok That’s enough you boys go get cleaned up, We gotta get going.” He pretty much pulled us apart and we said Ok and went in the house and got dressed. I put on a pair of khaki shorts and a cutoff graphic tee with a hat and my sneakers. Jake put on a similar outfit. We went downstairs and Uncle Jay was waiting. We hopped in his truck and headed to the venue for his rehearsal. “Hey Luke, you remember Jake right” “Hey Eli, Yeah I do how are you doing Jake?” “I’m doin a lot better since the last time I saw you Luke.” “Well that’s good Jake. It’s good seeing you.” “You too Luke.” We went and sat down in the seats and watched everyone practice for a little while. I was looking at some of the pictures on Allie’s Instagram of fans she took pictures with that tagged her. They were saying such nice things about her and she looked so cute. Then she posted a picture with Gigi. I showed Jake. “See dude I told you Gigi was hot.” He looked at the pictures “Yeah she is gorgeous, I see trouble” “Yeah me too.” We watched the video they posted driving in traffic and just laughed. “Yeah trouble Jake. I am gonna have competition” “Yeah you are unless I take that cute little blonde off your hands? Unless this one is single.” He said as Danielle came walking up. “Not single. Hey D.” “Hey Eli, Where’s your girl?” “Oh she went to pick up Gigi. She should be here in a little bit. This is my friend Jake.” “It’s nice to meet you Jake.” “It’s nice to meet you too Danielle.” She walked away and met up with her boyfriend and Blake. I just wanted Allie to get here I texted her. <Looking good beautiful girl> <Thanks baby can’t wait to see you Georgia Boy> < I can’t wait to see you either. Where you at now? Oh Jake thinks your friend is hot> <Hahaha I told you. We should hook them up. We just pulled up to my house. We should be there soon.> <Ok see ya soon> “You are doing that whole smiling thing again” “I know. I can’t wait to see her.” “I guess I’ll know this feeling when I find a girl.” “Well maybe Gigi will be that for you if you guys hit off. You have dated some of the worse kind of girls. I’ve talked to G and she is a sweetheart. A wild child but sweetheart.” “That would be awesome.” He said as Maddie came walking up.“Hey Princess” I said to Maddie as she climbed in my lap. She’s such a sweetheart “Hey Eli Who’s that?” “This is my friend Jake” “Hi Jake. I’m Maddie but I’m a Princess” “Well Hi Princess Maddie” He said and she smiled big.We talked for a little while when Allie came in and Maddie took off Running.

Allie’s POV:

“Sissy.” Maddie came running up to me she was sitting with Elijah which was sweet. “Hey sweet girl what are you doin?” “Sittin with Eli, I’m being a good girl” “That’s good, Did you have fun getting ice cream with Cam.” “Yes I got chocolate and vanilla with gummies and sprinkle and she’s our Momma Allie you can call her that.” She said the last part with a little bit of an attitude. “I know sweet girl but listen I have a surprise for you.” “Yay what is it?” “More like a who.” I put her down and Gigi came walking in. “Gigi.” Maddie took off running into Gigi’s arms I couldn’t help but smile. “Hey Sweet Girl” Gigi said “How did you get here?” Maddie questioned. “On an Airplane it was a lot of fun.” “That’s awesome” “I missed you Gigi. You staying with us” “Yes I am Maddie Monster” “Yay. I’m so happy, Allie Gigi is staying with us” “I know Maddie. It’s awesome” Maddie and Gigi bonded a little more and Maddie was so excited. I felt big strong arms wrapped around me. “Hey beautiful” Eli whispered in my ear “Hey Georgia Boy” I turned around in his arms and kissed him with passion. “Get a room.” Gigi came walking up with Maddie in her arms. Eli pulled away and kissed my nose and wrapped his arm around my neck and looked at G “It’s nice to meet you Gianna” He pulled her in for a hug. “It’s nice to meet you too Eli” This guy came walking up he was about Eli’s height and he had long brown hair with green eyes. He was very handsome. “Allie, Gigi this is Jake.” He gave both of us a hug. “It’s nice to finally meet you Allie and It’s nice to meet you Gigi.” “It’s nice to meet you Jake” We said at the same time and the started laughing. “Allison Marie Bryan” Luke yelled for me “I knew that was coming. Gianna you wanna come meet my pain in the butt father.” “Yeah sure. He sounds mad at you though” “Yeah what else is new. I’ll be back Georgia boy” “Ok beautiful.” He said and him and Jake sat down. As we walked over Gigi was talking about how cute Jake wasI couldn’t help but laugh. This whole time Maddie hasn’t let Gianna put her down. It was cute Maddie kept saying I missed you Gigi over and over.

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