Chapter 40- Blow Ups

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Chapter 40

Allie’s POV:

I woke up sore as all hell. My neck and back hurt so bad and just my luck the little ones would come jump on me. “Oww Oww Oww.” I refrained from cursing even though there were a couple of nice word that I would have loved to let out. “What’s wrong sissy.” “Y’all need to chill with the jungle gym action. I’m in a lot of pain today.” “Sorry sissy” They both said. “It’s ok good morning loves.” “Morning, Can you make us breakfast. Mommy and daddy are still sleeping.” Maddie said. “Yeah I can do that.” I got out of bed which proved to be difficult. I hobbled to the bathroom to use it and fix myself up a little bit then went to the kitchen and took out a pan to make them pancakes, cheesy eggs and bacon. <Morning beautiful.> <Morning babe> <I’m gonna walk over there> <OK> I started making breakfast. I started making pancakes when I felt arms wrap around me and a kiss was planted on my neck. “Owww” I said. “you ok baby?” “woke up really sore this morning.” “I’m sorry baby.” “It’s not your fault.” He kissed my forehead and sat down talking to the little ones. It was so cute seeing him with them even though most of the time you don’t really know what they are talking about. I finished making breakfast and made both the little ones a plate. I sat it in front of them. I made Elijah and I a plate and left the rest for everyone else. “Sissy makes the best pancakes” “Thanks Bobo.” Maddie just nodded because her mouth was full. “No really babe this breakfast is delicious Uncle Jay has nothing but cereal.” I laughed as he kissed my cheek. “It’s too early for your cuteness.”Morning G” “Morning Y’all” “I made breakfast.” She grabbed a plate and sat down. “How ya feeling girl?” “I’m in a lot of pain.” “I’m sorry.” A little while later Luke and Cam came out. “Dang momma you look like hell” “Well good morning to you sweetie.” I laughed. “I’m sorry momma Good morning  are you ok?” “Yeah just not feeling well.” “Oh ok.” “Morning everyone” I’m still not happy with my dad so I didn’t say anything to him. I think he owes Elijah an apology. “Hey Elijah” “Hey Luke.” “I’m sorry about last night.” “It’s cool Luke I get it. I’m sorry I fell asleep.” “It’s ok I over reacted I should trust y’all more.” “Yeah you should.” I said sarcastically. “Now grab some breakfast old man.” I said laughing “Morning little bear.” He said kissing my forehead before getting a plate. “Morning daddy” “How you feeling?” “Really sore. Might just lay around all day.” “Well I go on tomorrow. Today is Uncle Jays show. So I’m free all day.” “Well that’s cool.” I said. “Mom you gonna eat?” “Umm.” Was all she got out before she ran to the bathroom. “Daddy?” I smiled real big making him smile. “Oh my god Dad. Is Mom?” He just looked at me with the Luke Bryan smile. “Oh My God, Oh My God, Oh My God” Gigi and I screamed. “What’s the screaming girls?” “When were you gonna tell us.” “Luke?” “He didn’t have to say it mom we are very smart. I am so excited” “So are we sweetie.” “When are you due?” “Around Valentine’s day” “Oh awesome.” I limped over and gave her a hug. “Did you take anything for your pain?” “Yeah my body is just stiff. It will get better after a shower hopefully.” We sat down and talked some more. Then we went to get ready for the day.

When we were all done getting ready I walked out I was wearing a pair of Luke’s black basketball shorts, and a red crop top and my UGA hat with my hair pulled into a side braid. “Allie seriously that’s the look you’re going with today?” “Mom please I feel like crap. My body hurts.” “I think she looks cute even though she could go for a longer shirt.” “Thanks daddy”  “Of course you would say that Luke.”  We just laughed and I gave Cam a hug. “Mom I’ll change before the concert if that will make you happy.” “No it’s fine I guess I gotta let you be you.” “Yeah that would be nice.” I smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I went to go find Elijah I was met by Gigi and Jake making out. I just ignored it and went to walk on to Uncle Jay’s bus and he was yelling at Elijah. I turned around and walked back out. “What the hell is going on in there?” “Jay is flipping out over something. Don’t really know what.” “Yeah I don’t know. He looked really mad.” “So Allie you plan on getting dressed today?” Gigi said sarcastically “Fuck off Gigi” I said laughing. I walked back on the bus and Elijah was sitting on the couch and Uncle Jay has walked back into his room. “Hey” I said shyly noticing that Elijah was really upset. “Oh hey baby” He said faking a smile. “What was that all about?” “Nothing.” He said with a little bit of anger. “Don’t lie to me Elijah” “Don’t worry about it Allison.” Just then Jason walked out. “Morning sweetheart.” “Morning Uncle Jay.” I said angrily “Why were you hollerin at Elijah.” “It’s nothing to worry about.” I sighed loud and rolled my eyes. “Then why is he so upset and barely making eye contact with me?” “What did you and daddy do?” “I just told him that if he doesn’t respect rules set up by Luke and I that I would send him back to Nashville or Georgia.” “Seriously Uncle Jay you and my dad need to relax. You’re driving me crazy. I swear if you try to separate us I will never talk to either of you again.”  I said as a tear fell from my eye and of course Elijah was there to hug me. “Watch your tone young lady. You two walk around here like you are grown. You’re still children and we set rules and you have to respect that.” “Were not children and you act like we are just the worse two people ever. We are nothing but respectful and you treat us like we need to be watched every second. Guess what we are more responsible then you give us credit for. Like I said before I won’t let you or my dad separate us. Why can’t you see we love each other? Why can’t you see that he respects me and would never hurt me?” I grabbed Elijah’s hand and we walked out of the bus.  I had tears in my eyes. “Allison.” “No. I’m done.” “Elijah.” “Nope I’ve been done.” We kept walking with Jason hot on our heels with tears in my eyes. We passed my parents. “Allison.” Luke yelled “Oh I’m not talking to you.” “What?” he said looking confused “You should know.” I said with anger and hostility as Jason was chasing behind us yelling. “Allison what is with your attitude?” Luke asked as Jason caught up. I was about to lose it. “Don’t do it baby. Just relax it will be fine.” Elijah whispered as he wiped my tears and kissed my forehead. “Luke you really need to fix your daughters attitude.” Jason said. “What the hell is going on?” “Don’t act like you have nothing to do with it. You two are trying to send Elijah away and separate us.” “See Luke the attitude.” “Yeah because of you two always treating us like were damn irresponsible children.” “Allison you need to take it down a notch” “No.” Allison Marie Bryan I don’t care how mad you are you show me and your uncle some respect.” “No I can’t even look at your faces. I’m so mad I swear on everything I love daddy you ruin our relationship and I will never talk to either of you again.” “Allison.” He yelled I knew he was fuming we just continued to yell at each other for a while drawing a crowd of the fam that were just in shock. “What the heck is going on here?” Cam questioned in her angry tone. We all just stood there silent. I went to go walk off because I was still fuming. “Not so fast young lady. I want to know why y’all think it’s fine to be yelling at each other.” “Ask them why they think it’s fine to send Elijah away.”  I said with an attitude while pointing to Luke and Jason. “Ask your daughter why she thinks it’s alright to disrespect her dad and Uncle.” Luke said with equal amount of attitude and disappointment. “Bus. NOW all of you” She said. “I’ll pass.” “It wasn’t a question you get your butt on that bus right now young lady.” I sighed and Elijah wrapped his arm around me and we walked on the bus.

When we got on the bus I went straight for my head ache meds because my head was pounding. “You ok baby girl?” Elijah asked “Yeah just a migraine and this crap ain’t helping.” He kissed my cheek which made me smile. “I love you so much.” “I love you too baby girl more than anything.” Cam sighed and looked at us all and we were giving each other evil eyes. I was so mad at Luke I never thought we would ever be in a situation like this. I was mad but I was sad because after this what if he doesn’t love me or want me to be his daughter. Thinking about it I started to tear up and cry. I got up and walked to my bunk. “Sweetie.” “No mom I’m over it. I’m angry, sad and just realized daddy and uncle Jay probably hate me now.” I just walked away.

Cam’s POV

What the hell guys?” “Well after last night Jay and I thought it might be a good idea if the boys weren’t here the whole tour. I mean all the boys we thought they could come out a couple weeks but it’s too much trying to keep an eye on all the teens. Ya know?” Luke said “You did what? You idiots.” “Cam” “No Jay you are idiots.” “Well I was having a talk with Elijah.” “He means he was screaming at Elijah for no reason.” Elijah interrupted “Don’t start Elijah” Jay said giving him the evil eye. “Uncle Jay any other time I won’t fight or argue but that girl in there I will fight anyone for. Including you.” Elijah said. “Anyway when Allison came in she heard and she asked and I told her what we decided and she lost it.” Jay finished “Elijah you won’t be going anywhere. Can you make sure Allie is alright? Try and calm her down.” “Yes Cam” “Thanks” I gave him a hug. “Now to you idiots first you can’t make decisions that affect my girls without me. Second you can’t separate a girl who has been through so much like Allie from her first love because they make you uncomfortable. Third you got what you deserve and I hope you feel bad for making my daughter and niece cry.” I said angry as I walked back to Allie’s bunk and she was crying into Elijah’s chest. “They’re gonna hate me Elijah. I shouldn’t have yelled like that. I probably lost my daddy for good.” “Baby girl they love you more than anything. They could never hate you. It will be OK. You just gotta relax maybe got to sleep.” He was running his hand through her hair. “Hey sweetie.” “Momma do Uncle Jay and Daddy hate me now. I’m sorry.” “Sweetie I gave those two idiots a piece of my mind and the guys aren’t going anywhere. They don’t hate you sweetie. I think they deserved being told off in this situation but you do need to respect your daddy and Uncle.” “I tried to walk away.” She said with a slight chuckle. “Take a nap sweetie.” “Can Elijah stay?” “Yes it’s fine.” “I love you momma.” “I love you too sweetie.” I walked out and Luke and Jay were arguing with each other and blaming each other. “it’s both of y’alls fault.” “Should we go apologize?”  Luke asked “No she’s going to sleep” Jason got up to go to sound check. “Bye idiot” He laughed and waved. “Thomas Luther Bryan” “Yes love?” “You owe your daughter big time. You really hurt her feelings today.” “I know but she needs to work on her temper.” “Yes we will talk to her about that. You still owe her.” “I will think of something.” “Good” I said moving closer to him. “I love you idiot.” “I love you too” He said laughing as our lips met in a passionate kiss that was interrupted by a “ewwww” Coming from Bo and Maddie“Sorry” Gigi said laughing. “It’s fine sweetie.” We are used to not getting that much privacy. “Where’s Allie and Elijah” “Allie was gonna take a nap.” “Oh ok.” She said we decided to go outside and join everyone. So we wouldn’t wake up Allie.

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