Chapter 61: What now?

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Chapter 61

We finally made it back to the bus but all we were going to do is pack and head home to Nashville. When we got there everyone ran up to me and Gigi giving us a hug. They were asking if we were ok. Gigi said she was fine and I was kinda quiet. I was not ok but I was healthy. “I’m gonna live hopefully.” I said and they looked confused. “Oh just say it or I will.” Gigi said and I shot her the death stare. “Tell us what? Are you ok?” Ash asked I could see the worry in her eyes. “I’m fine no need to worry about me.” I said trying to walk away but Elijah stopped me he put his arm around my shoulder. I rolled my eyes. “Ok well you guys are gonna find out sooner or later so yeah we’re having a baby.” Elijah blurted out and watched all their faces go from shock to worried then excited. They all came and gave us hugs and said congratulations. I faked a smile and while everyone was talking I walked away. I was on my bus packing when Ash came on “Hey chickadee congratulations.” “Yeah that’s what everyone keeps saying.” “So you’re not happy?” “Why should I be happy? I don’t get it everyone wants me to be happy about this but being 17 and pregnant isn’t good.” “Yeah but it is still awesome bringing life into this world. You don’t have to be happy right now sweetie but you will come around. This is amazing you and Elijah will have the cutest baby.” I smiled at her. “Well duh. I know but that doesn’t make it any easier to accept.” Yeah and you have all of us. Umm and why are you packing?” “Oh daddy is sending us home for a couple weeks well till the last weekend of the tour.” “Oh well I’ll miss you chickadee.” “I’ll miss you too sis but we’ll be back sooner than you think. I’ll call and facetime you all the time.” “You better. So how far along are you?” “Nurse said 4 or 5 weeks.” “That’s awesome.” I smiled and finished packing. Soon enough everyone came on the bus. Jake and Andy were gonna go back to Georgia for the next couple days to get ready to move. We got them an apartment right outside of Belmont to make it easier for when we start school. They should be moving in soon. Shane and Ren are gonna be staying with us. Gigi isn’t happy about going home because she won’t be with Mike but he’s coming back for a little bit until the next show and so is daddy. I guess that’s good. We had a flight to catch so we all packed fast. I’m surprised daddy could get us all on the same flight on such short notice but he’s Luke Bryan so anything is possible.

After a couple hours we all loaded into a van and went to the airport. We boarded our flight to Nashville. I really do love this city and miss it when I’m gone. I was looking out the window of the airplane as we flew over the city. It was just beautiful and I had a permanent smile on my face. “So you excited to be home?” Elijah asked “Yeah I love this city. I love being on the road but I love home more.” “Well I love that smile on your face.” He said giving me a kiss. “I’ll try and keep it there.” I said and kissed him again. “I love you baby” “I love you too.” “And I love our little miracle growing in your belly.” He was smiling and rubbing my belly as he said it. “Yeah I’m glad you’re excited.” “I am and you should be too.” He said with a hint of disappointment. “I’m just scared it’s hard to be happy and excited when I’m just scared.” “Why are you scared?” “I’m really just not in the right place to be having a baby. I have a lot of issues and I don’t want to bring a baby into that.” “Everything will be fine. It’s not like you are doing it alone. Just look at how well Maddie turned out and she had to grow up in a hell hole. You did that. You gave her the love she needed. This baby will be surrounded by love and you will have all the help and support you need.” “I guess you’re right which I hate to admit.” I smiled at him and he kissed my forehead. “Yeah I’m right sometimes.” He said chuckling. I just rolled my eyes. Soon enough we landed and headed back to our house. We got in the house dropped our bags and went right to bed. Maddie and Bo were knocked out. Maddie had asked early to sleep in our bed and since she’s spoiled of course I let her. I got her in pjs and then put mine on. She never even woke up when I was changing her.

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