Chapter 28: Surprises and Hurt feelings

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Chapter 28

I wish I could say we got a warm wake up but with my dad that’s not his style blow horns are more his pace. Gigi literally jumped out of the bed which made me laugh like crazy. “What the hell is going on” “oh that’s daddy’s way of waking people up.” “Bryan kids get your butts out of bed now” Luke yelled into his favorite blow horn. “I could kick him in the knees right now it’s 7 in the morning” I said looking at my phone and we laughed. Gigi and I got up and went down stairs “Daddy it’s too early” I whined in my sleepy voice “Yeah Luke teenage girls don’t like waking up before noon” Gigi added with a hint of sleepy attitude. “Well you’ll love what I have planned for today.” He said with a big smile he was already dressed in a pair of khaki shorts a graphic tee and of course his hat. “We better or you’ll be in big trouble mister” I said waving my finger. He laughed “Now go get dressed little ladies and wear comfy shoes.” We both said ok. We went upstairs and Cam was getting the little ones dressed. “Morning Mom.” “Morning Cam” “Good morning girls” “You need help momma?” “NO you girls go get dressed I got this.” She was also already dressed in a maxi dress and sandals I wouldn’t call those comfy shoes but I guess she does. I went to my bathroom took a shower while Gigi went to her bath room and did the same. I decided to wear a pair of khaki shorts that hit above the knees I don’t what they are called with a light blue shirt that showed a little bit of my belly and was longer in the back. It has white writing and says blame it on my wild heart. I did my makeup natural like I usually do. I did my hair with a beach wave and through on one of Luke’s Buck Commander hats backwards. I wear a hat almost every day it drive momma crazy. I put on my Sperrys and walked out. I met up with Gigi in her room she was wearing a cute summer dress that hit above the knee and sandals again in my opinion not comfy shoes but whatever. “Geeze Allie your dressed like a girly version of Luke.” “What’s wrong with that?” “Nothing I guess.” She laughed. “I’ll be downstairs” I went downstairs while she finished her makeup. Everyone was downstairs and Maddie was wearing a dress similar to Gigi but Bo was wearing Khakis and a tee shirt. “Allie where is your dress?” Maddie asked “Still at the store sweet girl” I said sarcastically while laughing which made Luke laugh too. “Your dressed like daddy” “Why does everyone say that like it’s a bad thing?” I said looking at Luke. He gave me a confused look and shrugged his shoulders. “Because you’re a girl Allie.” “I know that Maddie. Thank you for reminding me sweet girl.” I laughed again. “You’re welcome; maybe we can get your dress from the store.” I laughed a little harder. “Maybe Maddie.” I went to the stairs “Gianna Hurry the heck up.” I yelled “I’m comin” She yelled “Really Allie do you have to wear a hat?” Cam asked taking my hat off. “Momma come on, I love my hats. Well mostly daddy’s hats.” “Like father, like daughter. You look good without it sweetie.” She handed me my hat back and I ran my hand through my hair before putting my hat back on. “Oh My God, you did that just like Luke.” Gianna yelled and laughed. “I know. I saw them do it at the same time yesterday.” Cam said. “Well I’m sorry I’m daddy’s girl” I said giving Luke a side hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Yep that’s my girl.” He said kissing my forehead. “Everyone ready to go” We all yelled yes excited.

We jumped into Momma’s Tahoe. “Um Daddy this surprise better start with breakfast cause I’m hungry” I said and everyone yelled in agreement. “Yes this surprise starts with breakfast.” He said as we pulled into a restaurant. “Good cause you owe us for that horrible wake up.” “Yeah sure.” We got out of the car and went in and ate. I have never been to this place but they had really good breakfast. Gigi and I had a waffle with apples and whip cream with eggs and ham. Maddie and Bo of course had chocolate chip pancakes and bacon. After we ate we piled back into the Tahoe and drove for a while. Gianna and I fell back to sleep. “You girls are worse than the little ones.” I heard Luke say. “Shut up, if you weren’t driving I’d throw something at your head. It’s still too early for your crap dad.” He started laughing “It’s not funny I don’t care if you are Luke Bryan. I really wanna kick you in the knees.” Gianna added. He laughed even harder. “Luke stop laughing at the girls.” “It’s funny, they’ll love me in a few minutes” “Debatable” Gigi and I yelled at the same time and we all started laughing. We both sat up and as we did we both scream really loud in excitement. “See I told ya baby” “Oh My God Daddy The zoo we’ve never been to a zoo before.” “What? Neither of you?” “No we’ve never been to the zoo.” “See told you you’d love me” “We do, Sorry” Gigi and I said at the same time. “We are so excited.” We again said at the same time and laughed. Luke found a parking spot by now it was almost 12. Maddie and Bo woke up and were excited as well. Gigi and I gave Luke and Cam both a big hug “Thank you so much.” We both said “Anything for y’all. Come on.” It wasn’t too crowded so hopefully Luke wouldn’t get mobbed. We put on our sunglasses and walked in. I know I’m 17 but I love animals and I have always wanted to go to a zoo. I’m pretty sure this was more for the little ones but I hope Luke knows how happy he made me. I already knew as soon as we got to the Zebra exhibit we would be there for a while. She loves zebras I don’t know why. I picked her up so she could see better. “look Allie the Seebras” “Zebras Maddie” I laughed. “That’s what I said.” “Ok. I see them.” “I love Seebras.” “I know sweet girl.” We stayed there for a little while before. Luke had to take a picture with a couple fans. He’s so good with his fans and they are pretty nice. They aren’t crazy like I thought they’d be. “So where too next” “Can we go see the bears daddy?” I asked “Sure” he said with a smile. We went to see all the different types of bears I was so happy bears are my favorite animals. “Why do you like bears so much Allie?” Luke asked me “Well they are amazing animals with the way they hibernate and can go so long without eating and everything. SO when David would lock me in the dark room and not let me eat I would imagine I was a bear hibernating. I know it’s dumb but it kinda helped. They have always been my favorite since then.” “It’s not dumb sweetheart. It helped you through it.” “Yeah it did. That’s why they’re my favorite.” He gave me hug and a kiss on the forehead which made me smile. I stood there for a little while longer looking at the pandas which are my all-time favorite because they are the cutest. “Ok come on little bear we got a lot more zoo to see.” Luke said and put his arm around me. “Ok daddy” We walked around the zoo for a while. “I’m hungry again.” Gianna whispered and I laughed “Me too.” “What are you girls whispering about?” Cam asked. “We’re hungry again mom” She laughed “You girls just ate like 2 hours ago. It’s gonna catch up with you one day.” We laughed. I would just buy my own food but Luke and Cam hold my bank card and only give it to me every once in a while. It makes me mad because I want to spend my own money but I won’t argue with them. “Luke the girls are hungry” Cam laughed “Already” he said he was over looking at snakes with Bo and Maddie I’ll pass on that. Snakes are creepy and just gross. I guess he asked the little ones if they were hungry and they said no. “Y’all go get something but don’t go too far.” He said handing me some money. “Ok daddy” Gianna and I found a food cart and got chicken fingers, fries and a sweet tea. While we were waiting for our food we were approached by a couple girls. I figured they were just Luke’s fans. Great. “Are you Allison Bryan” She said holding up air quotes when she said Bryan. “Yes” I said confused and looked at Gigi. “See I told you it was Luke’s whore of a daughter” she said again putting up air quotes when she said daughter. I looked at Gigi and she looked like she was about to hit the girl. “Excuse me who the hell pissed in your cheerios this morning?” I asked with an attitude and it made Gigi laugh. “We just don’t like whores lying to Luke and using him for his money and fame.” “Listen I don’t know what you think you know but first I love my daddy more than anything in this world, Second I don’t need Luke’s money I have my own money. Third I am not a whore and if you call me that again I might let my not as nice friend Gianna finish this conversation. Last don’t believe everything you hear people are nasty and if you buy into their hate it will burn a hole in your soul.” “See I told you not to be mean to her Amy” Her friend said. “She seen this page about you on Instagram and twitter and bought into it.” Amy’s friend continued. She took out her phone and showed me. It was a hate page Called WehateAllieMarieBryan how creative right. Why would I have a hate page? I started reading some of the post and comments and it hurt my feelings. I didn’t know why someone would do that to me. A tear fell from my eyes. “I’m sorry Allison I didn’t mean too. I feel horrible.” “It’s not you, I just don’t know why people hate me so much. I didn’t do anything to anyone.” I started crying harder and Gianna gave me hug. “Allie it’s gonna be alright. They are just jealous they don’t know you, they don’t know what you been through, they don’t know how much everyone here loves you especially Luke. You guys dress alike for goodness sakes. If you were born in an area Luke was in I would think he was your bio dad.” I let out a laugh between sobs. I just couldn’t stop thinking about the horrible comment and how some of the post had some true facts of things that actually happen to me. After crying for a little while I started to ease up and wiped my face when I heard screams and Oh my Gods. I knew Luke was there and he would freak out. Before I knew it Luke had me in a hug completely ignoring his fans which he never does. “What’s wrong little bear?” “Nothing daddy” “Bull shit” “Daddy I’m fine.” I said wiping my face letting out a couple sniffles “See” “Allison Marie Bryan spill the bean. Why were you crying.” “Daddy someone made a hate page for me. It has a lot of followers and a lot of people saying mean things.” He looked at me sad. “I’m so sorry baby girl. I wish I could do something about it.” “I just don’t understand it daddy.” I started crying again. “Daddy.” “Yeah baby girl.” “Can you please say hi to these girls before they have a heart attack?” He looked down at me and I went and at next to Cam and she put her arm around me while Luke went and said hi to the girls and took picture and signed autographs. After they finished taking pictures with Luke they asked for a picture with me. I fixed my hat which made everyone laugh. Then I put on my sunglasses to hide my puffy eyes. They said thank you and walked away. “Now let’s see the rest of this zoo” I said “You still hungry?” Gigi asked “nope lost my appetite.” “Good cause Maddie and Bo ate your food.” “That’s Ok come on let’s see the rest of the zoo.” I said excitedly. I just want something to take my mind off of the hate. We walked around the zoo for another couple hours then headed to dinner.

We got to the restaurant. “You ok little bear?” I smiled real big because I love the nickname Luke gave me. “Yes daddy, well kinda” I laughed. “It will be ok sweetie, Let people spread their lies, rumors and just be horrible. We know the truth and we know who you are.” “That’s the bad part. It’s not all lies. The person or whoever runs the accounts knows some of the things that actually happened to me. Thing I haven’t even told you guys. Things about my mom which makes me think they are from Cooper.” “That’s not good but how would they know.” “Well people knew they just didn’t care. It’s a small and people talk.” “Just try to ignore it sweetie.” “I will mom” We ate our dinner at a restaurant and went home I went upstairs and put on some Pj’s and crawled in bed. I was looking at the hate page I saw that I actually have 2 fan pages and they have been defending me. I was tagged in the picture the girls took at the zoo and they said some nice things about me that made me smile. Amy also apologized again. My phone vibrated and I had a twitter notification that Luke tagged me in a post. [Anyone who feels the need to say anything mean about my daughter @AllieMarie should just stop being a fan of mine. She ain’t goin anywhere!! I Love you little bear] I retweeted and favorited his post then commented [Love you too Daddy!! Thank you for everything you do for me!! J] There were a lot of comments and everything. There was one from the hate page. [@LukeBryanOnline you shouldn’t have adopted a lying, whore then we wouldn’t have a problem. Your fans hate @AllieMarie] I just ignored it and let everyone else argue it. Before I went to bed I posted [People with so much hate in their soul you 1 need to find Jesus, 2 look internally at your problems, 3 get a life and last find out who the hell pissed in your cheerios!! #justlove #goodvibesonly #positivity] I put my phone down and got comfy in bed. It wasn’t long before Gigi was there. “You know Gigi I can sleep by myself. And your bed is really comfy.” I laughed “Yeah I know but it’s what we do.” She laughed. I used to have bad nightmares so whenever I would sleep over Gigi’s I would sleep in her bed. I haven’t had a bad one in a while like the one that I wake up screaming. I’ve had little ones but who knows maybe it’s being here and knowing I’m safe that changes things. “Gigi I have a question.” “Whad up” She said and it made me giggle. “Did you tell anyone about my life. Like one of your other friends in school?” “No Allie. Who would I have told?” “I don’t know but.” “You think I told one of my friends and they made this hate page.” “I don’t know. I just think they’re from Cooper” “I never told any of my friends Allie I promise.” “Ok just had to make sure.” “We’ll figure it out.” “I hope so. Night G” “Night A”

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