Chapter 66- When Tradgedy Strikes

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Chapter 66         

Owwww. Damn it.I woke screaming “You ok Allie.” Elijah asked concerned“Yeah the crazy bed monster just kicked me in the stomach like three times but I’m all good.” “She is a wild one” Elijah said making us both laugh. He repositioned her and I got up to go pee and to brush my teeth. I came back and Elijah was up and Maddie was still sleeping. “She’s still hot.” Elijah said. I took her temperature and it was a 102. “She has a fever. I’m gonna give her medicine and hopefully it will go down. If not we’ll take her to the doctors in Cooper.” He nodded I went and got Maddie’s medicine from the kitchen. I shook her a little. “Maddie wake up sweet girl.” She rolled over and her eyes fluttered open. “Morning sweet girl.” “Morning Allie I don’t feel good.” “I know sweetheart you gotta take your medicine then you’ll feel better.” She nodded and I gave it to her. “Allie” “Yeah Maddie?” “I want daddy.” “OK I’ll bring you to him.” She smiled and laid down while I threw on a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt. “Hey love I’m gonna take Maddie to my parents.” “Ok but first I need a kiss.” He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. “Good morning pretty girl” “Good morning Georgia boy.” I smiled and picked up Maddie.

We walked to my parent’s bus and they were in the kitchen and momma was cooking cheesy eggs and bacon. “You were gonna call me right.” “Nope wasn’t planning on it.” “Well that makes you the worse Mamma ever.” I said giving her a pouty face. “We were gonna call fatty.” My dad said from the couch. “Dad you’re gonna give me a complex you keep calling me fat. I might just never eat or throw up my food after every meal.” He laughed “You not eating. Wow that would save so much money.” I laughed and flipped him off behind Maddie’s back so my mom wouldn’t see. “Hey watch it missy.” He laughed and stuck his tongue out.I walked over to him handing him Maddie. “Special delivery. She wanted her daddy.”  He smiled his cheesiest smile. “Oh and I gave her medicine but when she got up she had a fever was 102” “That’s kinda high.” “Duh daddy. But if it still is high we can take her to the doctors in Cooper.” He nodded and momma handed me a plate of food and everyone else walked in. We all ate and then went to get ready to go to Cooper. I took Maddie’s temperature and it was down to 99. So that is good.

When we were all ready we got in the van a drove to our little home town.  We all walked around and Gigi and I showed everyone around. It was a small town but we had Main Street with some cool shops. Everyone split up Gigi and I brought my mom, dad, and Maddie to meet the Andersons. Bo wanted to hang with his buddy Elijah so they went to the game shop. “Hey girls. I’m glad you could come back.” “We couldn’t leave without coming to see y’all” Gigi said. “Mr. and Mrs. Anderson this is my mom and dad, Luke and Cam. And this little one is Maddie she’s not feeling well today though.” “Oh my goodness she got so big.” Mrs. Anderson said and then they both said hi to my mom and dad.  We talked for a while and my mom decided to go sit in the back office with Maddie since she was sleep again. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson walked her back there and Gigi, dad and I talked and ate homemade ice cream.

I heard the door chime and I thought it was everyone else. I turned around and I was hit by hate, and then fear. I grabbed my dad’s arm and squeezed it tight. He looked down at me. “Dang Allie what is it? That hurts.” I couldn’t speak and a single tear fell down. “Allison what is it.” He still had his back to the door. Gigi turned around and she grabbed my dad’s other arm. “Girls?” He questioned.  “Y-y-you a-are supposed to be in jail.” I finally spoke looking at Daryl. “Well I got out and how happy I was to know you were here.” “They were supposed to tell us if he got out right daddy.” It finally registered to him who it was. “Yeah they were.” He said obviously pissed off. “You have no right to be here. I suggest you leave.” My dad said trying to stand in front of me and Gigi. “I had to see you Allison. I missed you and love you. We could be a family.” “You seriously are demented asshole.” Gianna said. I could see the anger in his eyes and he pulled out a gun. We screamed and tried to get away. “Don’t move.” He said and we all froze. “Haven’t you ruined her life enough? Why don’t you turn that gun on yourself like your brother did? One less demented asshole in the world.” “Shut up Gianna. Please don’t antagonize the unstable person with a gun.” I said she rolled her eye. “Seriously what do you want?” “I want you Allie.” I looked at him like he was crazy which he is. “All I thought about was you in jail.” “Why are you so sick? Why didn’t you get help in there?” Gianna said. I could barely talk I was so upset. “I thought about you too Gianna and getting my hands on you.” I looked at Gianna confused. “She has nothing to do with this. Don’t talk to her.” I chocked up “She has everything to do with this. What you never told her Gianna?” I looked at her. “You were gone and nobody ever thought about you again.” She said.He raised his gun up. “No don’t do that Daryl.” I said trying to use his sick twisted love to keep him from doing something. “She lied and that’s why I was in prison.” “She lied about what?” “She said I raped her and I went to jail.” I looked over at Gigi and she had started to cry. “Gigi why didn’t you tell me?” “I didn’t want to upset you and I knew you would blame yourself somehow. He was gone and I felt like I was protecting you.” I looked at him then at my dad who was full of rage and if he didn’t have a gun my dad would rip his head off. I knew that the Anderson’s were watching and probably called the cops I was trying to stall. “Nobody was accepting of our love Allison.” “That’s because you were a sick rapist. It wasn’t love you took advantage of a little girl.” My dad finally spoke and I was worried he was gonna do something crazy like go after Daryl and get himself shot. “Nobody asked you. I should just get rid of you too.” Daryl said to my dad. “No please don’t.” I said letting a tear go. “What do you want?” “Like I said I want you.” “If I go with you do you promise not to hurt anyone I care about?” “I promise. I just want you. I don’t care about anyone else.” Fine.” I said taking a step forward but both Gigi and my dad grabbed me. “No” They both yelled. “She isn’t going anywhere with you.” Gigi Said. “Didn’t I tell you to shut it you little lying bitch.” Go fuck yourself I didn’t Lie.”  He raised his gun and I heard three shots and everything went black. I was in and out of consciousness.  Heard my dad and Gigi screaming and crying then I would pass out. I heard sirens and my dad saying. “Hold on little bear I can’t lose you. I love you so much.” Then I was out again. 

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