Chapter 24: Moving day!!

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Chapter 24

Today is moving day. It isn’t that hard my truck actually worked so we loaded what was left which was just like clothes and stuff Cam didn’t want the movers to break into the trucks. It didn’t take long. I haven’t been to the farm because Luke didn’t want us to see our rooms. Ya know him being big into surprises and stuff. So we got there and Luke told us to go look at our rooms. I took Bo to look at his and it was of course all Camo which he loved. Then we went to Maddie’s room and her room was pink and purple and it was princess themed. She loved her room. It was connected to mine by a Jack and Jill bathroom. I went in my room and I was in awe because it was beautiful. I told Luke I didn’t care what my room looked like. I think he enlisted Ash to decorate because it was very magical. The room was beach Themed with Beach chairs and rug that looked like sand. This seems like a good place to write music and everything. The celling was painted with a kind of galaxy theme and it has like little lights for stars. This was pretty awesome. My room looks like it is straight from the Caribbean or something. I heard Luke talking to Maddie and Bo. He came into my room “SO what do you think” “I love it. It’s perfect” I gave him the biggest hug. You would think it would be all camo but I told Luke and Cam that I wanted something relaxing and something that would help me create. That’s why they enlisted Ash because she is so creative. They even hung up pictures of my mom and my real dad also pictures that I’ve taken with everyone since I got here. We finished unpacking and we just relaxed at home I talked to Elijah a little but Jake was getting here today so he was spending the day with him. Gianna will be here tomorrow so I am excited about that. I’m glad her parents are letting her do this. She told them it will be good for her music like a summer study program. I don’t know I guess it’s kinda true she can learn a lot from everyone. They are amazing at what they do. I was lying down in my room writing a song or trying to write a song when Luke came in and he was holding one of my books. “Whatcha doin baby girl?” “Just a little writing, Whatcha got there Luke?” Well Allie I hope you don’t mind I read some of your mom’s and your songs.” “Well that’s kinda rude Luke. That’s kinda private” I said with a little smile and he got a sad face. “I’m joking Luke. It’s fine I know that my songs aren’t that good.” He smiled a little “Y’alls songs are great. We should try and get some of the recorded or maybe you could record them.” “Umm well if someone likes them I guess they can have them.” He smiled really big. “I want to hear you sing one of your songs one day though.” “Ok I can do that.” He tapped my nose and I laughed “Well mom’s got dinner almost ready” “Ok” They aren’t pressuring me to call them mom and dad I had a talk with Cam and told her that I’m not ready to call them that. I don’t know I feel like it would be easier to call Cam mom then it is to call Luke dad even though I feel like he is my dad. It’s just that I have a really bad track record with dads so I don’t want to lose Luke or anything. I know it will happen one day on its own. I hope he doesn’t make a big deal of it when it does.

I went down and ate dinner with the family. I usually help Cam cook dinner but her and Luke decided to do it themselves which I didn’t mind I was exhausted and I loved my room. I never want to come out. “I guess you love your room, It’s gonna be hard to get you out of there” Cam said “I love it, but I was just tired. I’d rather be with you guys most of the time.” Luke just gave me a look that made me laugh. “Well we like being around you all the time missy” He said and I laughed “Well that’s nice to know” He mouthed smart ass under his breath and I laughed again “Hey you two” Cam said “You guy are worse than the little ones at least they can make it through a meal without bickering” The whole time she is talking Luke and I are making faces at each other and laughing. “I swear you two are like children.” “Oh we love you Cami” “Yeah we love you babe” Luke and I got up and started giving her kisses on the cheek. “Eeewww stop it you two. You are seriously pains in the butt.” “But I thought you loved us.” I said pretending to be sad and sitting back down. “See what you babe you hurt Allie feelings you knew she’s sensitive.” I put my head down pretending to cry and Luke came over and gave me a hug. “Allie I do love you.” She said getting up and walking over to me and hugging me when she did I started laughing and Luke grabbed her and we started tickling her. “Thomas Luther Bryan Stop it right now” “Ooooh Luke you’re in big trouble now.” I said getting up and trying to walk away before she pulled out my full name. “Not so fast Missy.” Luke grabbed me and pinned me on the floor and was tickling both us. “Luke stop I thought we were on the same team here.” “You were gonna leave me once your momma started pulling out full names.” “Like I said Thomas Luther Bryan You get off me right now. It’s dinner time not play time.” “It’s always play time.” He said still tickling us and we were laughing hysterically. “Momma, Daddy are you gonna eat” Maddie yelled but we didn’t respond “Momma, daddy, Allie We are supposed to be eating dinner. Why are you on the floor?” Bo said leave it to the three year olds to be the responsible one. “Yes Bobo we are but your daddy likes to break the rules.” Luke looked at Cam and gave her a kiss on the lips. She smiled an unwilling smile. He kissed me on the forehead and helped us both up. “I’m sorry Bobo.” Luke said laughing. “Daddy I wouldn’t leave your team like Allie did” “Thanks Bo us guy have to stick together.” “Always daddy.” I love that little boy so much. “Momma I would have protected you you from daddy unlike Allie.” Maddie said “Thanks princess.” Everyone calls her princess Maddie or just princess. She’s still my little Maddie monster “So I’m just getting the feeling no matter what I’m wrong.” “Pretty much” Luke said with a chuckle and a smile. “Hush it nobody asked you” I said sticking my tongue out at Luke “I think we should really have our own reality show. The Robertson’s don’t have anything on us.” Cam said and we started laughing. After dinner we played some games and watched TV. I decided to go to bed early. I called Gianna and I could just feel her excitement through the phone I don’t think she will even sleep. When we get her tomorrow the adventure begins because I’m taking her Luke’s tour rehearsal so she’ll meet Luke, Jason, Blake, Miranda and Chase. Everyone else is doing shows tomorrow. She is going to freak and if Elijah is there she’ll meet him and we’ll both meet Jake. We talked for a little while. I decided to call Elijah <Hello> That’s weird and it didn’t really sound like him <Hey Georgia boy> <I want your body> <What?> I heard wrestling and a little bit of arguing <Hey beautiful> <Well there’s my Georgia boy I guess that was Jacob. He seems awesome> <He is, just likes to mess with me. I’ve been talking about you all day> I heard Jake in the background say “literally all day” That made me laugh. <How was your day> he asked <well moving was a pain, Cam was so worried that we would break something but you should see my room. It is perfect> <Did they do the beach theme?> <Yeah how’d you know?> <Well you talk about the beach a lot and how much you wrote at the beach and how you have a lot of good memories so I told Cam.> <You know you are kind of amazing. And if you were here right now I might just kiss ya real good.> <Well then I wish I was there baby girl.> <I wish you were too.> < I could hop in my truck and come see you.> <Yeah the only thing you would see would be Luke’s handsome unhappy fatherly face.> <The beginning of that was nice you should have stopped at Luke’s Handsome face.> I started laughing <Oh your laugh is the cutest thing baby girl.> I could hear Jake in the back making gagging sounds and Elijah telling him to shut up. <I’m sorry baby. Jake is just that friend.> He laughed <Don’t worry Gigi is that friend to so we’ll just let them be that friend together and we’ll be left alone.> <Or more annoyed> we both laughed. <Well I’m gonna go to bed now Georgia boy> <I wish I could cuddle up next to you and go to sleep baby.> <That is wishful thinking. Luke would never let that happen> <Yeah I know sweet dreams beautiful girl. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.> < Ok Good Night Georgia boy.> I fell asleep under the stars in my room. 

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