Chapter 63: Home sweet Hometown

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first I have to say how happy I am that I have 13,000 reads. That is complete insanity and I just love All of y'all. I wouldn't keep writing if it wasn't for your support. Thanks for the reads, Comments, Votes and Everything. I do this because I love to write but also because you guys are so supportive. 

Chapter 63

First week of September

We have finally got back on the road after being home. We wrapped things up with our Album and decided it will be released on January 15. We are heading to the last concert of the tour in Raleigh. Gigi and I are really nervous. For one her parents are still hell bent on her going home. The only good thing is that we have one less stress because they found Jen and Taylor and they are in Jail. Austin is fine and he didn’t get arrested because he really didn’t know anything and the girls used him. You can’t go to jail for being a dumbass I guess. We pulled up in our bus to the venue. The plan is to go to a football game a see the Tar Heels tomorrow with Chase and everyone. I am excited about that. Today we are just chilling at the venue. It’s Uncle Jay day to perform. I feel like I should go talk to him because I have been really hard on him. I walked over to his bus and he was sitting in the lounge messing around writing a song. “Hey Uncle Jay.”  He looked up shocked. “Wasn’t expecting to see you?” “I know I just want to say I’m sorry. I’ve been really hard on you and I’ve been a brat.” “No sweetheart I’m sorry. I let my anger and everything get the better of me. I over reacted a lot.” “Yeah you did but so did I.” He came over and gave me a hug. “I love you Allie Cat.” “I love you too Uncle Jay.” He gave me a kiss on the cheek. “So I like what you’re working on there. It’s sounds like something amazing.” “I don’t know about that. I’m just fooling around.” “Well I liked what I heard. Uncle Jay can I ask you something?” “Yeah anything sweetheart.” “Is there a reason that Elijah doesn’t want me to meet his parents?” “Well probably because they aren’t the best people and he doesn’t really get along with them. It has nothing to do with you Allie. They have a lot of unresolved issues.” “Yeah but I don’t know I still want to meet them.” “You probably don’t Allie.” He said laughing a little at the end and strumming his guitar. “One more question.” He raised an eyebrow. “You’re full of questions aren’t you?” I laughed “Are you mad or disappointed that I’m pregnant?” “Well I would be lying if I said I wasn’t at first but no matter what a baby is a blessing and I know you guys can handle it.” He said pulling me into another hug and kissed my forehead. “Thanks Uncle Jay. I’m still not 100% happy it happened but I am happy it happened with Elijah because I know he loves me.” He smiled and Elijah walked on the bus. “I was looking for you Allison. This is the last place I thought I’d find you.” He said laughing. “Yeah I thought it was time to forgive and apologize.” I said looking at Uncle Jay. “Well I’m happy about that.” I laughed and my phone started ringing it was Gigi. I didn’t answer though. “Gigi is calling me so I’m gonna go see her.” Elijah and I said bye to Uncle Jay and walked to our bus.

Gigi had called me like 3 times. When we walked on the bus she was pacing back and forth and Mike was trying to calm her down and block her from the door. “Gigi what’s wrong?” She didn’t say anything. “She’s trying to go home now.” Mike said “Well that isn’t gonna happen.” I said“ Allie I have to. They found out about me and Mike and they are saying they are gonna get Mike and Luke arrested or something. I don’t want to cause trouble.” “Well that’s not gonna happen. You aren’t a child you’re 17. I’m not letting you go back there.” “I have to Allison.” I grabbed her by her arm and dragged her into my room. “Owe what the hell Allie.” “You are not going to that house without me.” “You can’t come I have to go alone.” “Nope I’m going. We just have to ditch the boys.” I said. “Fine but you are so stubborn.” “I know but I’m the one they need to talk to.” She smiled and we walked back out. “We’re gonna go talk to daddy. He was working on something to get her out of this situation.” I said and we told them to stay there. They did it I was shocked. I snuck on my dad’s bus and took his keys and we drove off. I could hear Mike and Elijah yelling. “You know they are gonna follow us or worse poppa bear will come.” Gigi said worried. “I’m hoping for that.” I said with my evil smile. “What are you planning?” I just smiled. “You are worrying me.” “Don’t be worried G. We are getting you out of this and you will stay with us.” We drove the 30 minutes to our hometown and it looked the same. “They keep callin.” Gigi said “Well keep ignoring it.” “Yeah Mike is yelling at me through text. So is poppa bear.” “It’s fine Gianna. You wanna go to the store.” “Yeah I could use a soda or snack.” She replied. “Good I’m hungry.” She just laughed. “You’re always hungry but that’s nothing new and has nothing to do with you being preggo.”  She said laughing “I really just want ice cream and chips.” She shook her head as we walked into the store. “Oh my goodness Allison and Gianna I never thought I’d see you girls again.” “Hey Mr. Anderson” We both said giving him a hug. Mr. Anderson is the sweetest guy in town he’s in his 60’s and is like grandfather to everyone. “I just want to say I’m so proud of you girls. I have heard your songs and you are going to be so successful.” “You did this on your own?” Gigi asked and we both smiled. “No no no girls Tony helped me.” We all laughed “I figured that. Where’s Mrs. Anderson?” “She’s in the office. I’m surprised she hasn’t come out yet.” We all walked back to the office. She turned around when the door opened and a huge smile came across her face. “Oh my girls are back.” She got up and gave us a big hug. “Hi momma Anderson.” We both said “We were just talking about how proud we are of you girls and how happy we are you guys got out of this town.” “Well it’s good to leave but it’s good to come back and see y’all” Gigi said. “You goin to see your parents Gigi?” “Unfortunatly we are. We just had to get Allie chips and ice cream.” I gave Gianna the death glare. “Yeah pregnancy is rough on the cravings for you sweetie.” She laughed. “What?” I questioned “Oh honey I’m old and I’ve know you since you were a baby. I can tell these thing and you have a glow about you again.” I just smiled at her because she was one of the few people who knew I was pregnant “How far along are you?” “I don’t know probably about 7 or 8 weeks.” “Well congrats. I hope that boy of yours is good enough for you.” “He is. He treats me well. I know he loves me and I love him.” She smiled. “Honestly I figure this one would be pregnant by now.” She said pointing to Gigi and we all laughed. “Wow that hurts. We gotta get going. So I can get this over with.” Gigi said. We gave Mr. and Mrs. Anderson a hug and said we’d come back on Monday to see them. I got my snacks and let Gigi drive the 10 minutes to her house.

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