Chapter 33: College What/ Tour party

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Chapter 33

We got in our Tahoe and everyone else got in their Trucks. While we were waiting to go Gianna and I took a couple picture. I posted one of us [About to hit the road on tour with the Fam. Glad I got my best friend/Sister @GiannaMarie with me!! Let me tell ya she has a mean right hook. No matter how much we fight though I love her more than anything. #Stillcutetho #girlfight #thickorthin #parentsnotamused ] Gianna posted a picture with a similar caption. We made our way down the drive way. “Hey little bear could ya get out and get the mail.” “Yeah sure I guess dad.” I got out of the truck (Tahoe) and grabbed the mail. I was going through it there was a lot of mail in there for me I guess my mail finally got forwarded and made it to our new house. I saw a letter from the county and I got excited I started jumping up and down and screaming in the road. Luke and Cam were just staring. I was semi dancing and screaming and jumping. I had a couple tears. “What in the mail could make you so excited child?” Cam asked “Look Momma Look” I said still jumping up and down. They were cracking up but I didn’t care. “It’s your birth certificate. It’s a piece of paper Allie. You have been our daughter for a while now.” “I know but this makes it real. Look at it daddy. It says Mother Camille Bryan Dad Thomas Luther Bryan” I laughed still having my little excited dancing moment in the road. Uncle Jay pulled up to the side of the Tahoe. “Luke why is your daughter havin a seizure in the middle of the road.” Everyone laughed I don’t know why I’m the only one that is excited but who cares. “Shut up Uncle Jay” I yelled “She’s jus excited her birth certificate came in. Allie stop your craziness and get in the truck.” “Fine but it’s only my Third and final birth certificate and stop trying to kill my vibe.” I said handing Cam their mail and getting in the truck. Before I went to my seat I gave Cam and Luke a kiss. “We are happy little bear just not dance in the street happy crazy girl” Luke said laughing. I started going through my mail and I got a sad look on my face because most of it was college letters because my mom made me fill out all these applications because she wanted me to go away to college. Gigi could see I was getting upset. “What in the mail got your panties in a bunch?” “Nothing” She didn’t believe me and we started fighting over the mail. “Girls you’re gonna make Luke crash.” “Well Gianna is trying to steal my mail. Last I checked that’s illegal so daddy stop at a police station. Please.” “Yeah Allie I’ll get right on that. You girls jus calm down back there.” He said laughing. Eventually I gave up fighting and let her have it. “What is all this?” She whispered. “Either they say I got into college or I didn’t. I forgot about them till  now. I don’t even know where my mom applied. I don’t want Luke and Cam to be mad at me. I don’t want to go to college any time soon.” “They won’t be mad Allie if you got into any of these schools they will be proud.” She started opening the letters and one after the others she didn’t react. I was worried. She got to the last one. “Oh my goodness Gianna you are killing me.” I said kinda loud. “You got accepted” “To which ones?” “All of them Allie with full scholarships.” “What, Where? She handed me the letters so I could see the schools of course there was UNC, then Auburn, Harvard, Yale, NYU, UCLA, FSU, Tennessee, Georgia, Julliard, and a couple others. It was like my mom applied to any college she ever heard of in the country. Gianna and I both squealed and screamed with excitement and Luke swerved a little. “Girls Damn it.” “Sorry Dad.” We quietly freaked out because let’s be honest this is pretty amazing.

Luke pulled into a parking garage under a building in Nashville. We got out of the truck. “Now what was so exciting that you almost killed us?” “Well ummm.” I hesitated “Allie seriously it’s not that big a deal.” Gianna said then walked away to catch up to Jake. Thanks Gigi I thought to myself as she left me with no back up. “Well spit it out sweetie.” “Well my mom kinda made me fill out college applications.” “Ok and?” Luke said with a confused look. “Well I kinda got accepted to some with a full scholarship.” “Oh my goodness Allie that is wonderful which one?” Cam asked I handed them the letters “All of these.” I said with a smile they read and saw where they were from. They freaked out and gave me a big hug. “We are so proud of you little bear. I knew you were a smart ass but I didn’t know you were actually this smart.” Luke said as they let go of the hug. “SO where do you think you want to go?” “Oh mom I’m not even thinking about that. I don’t want to leave my family. I think I want to hold off on college till I turn 18 and go with people my age.” “You’ll always have your family.” “I know mom but we don’t have to think about that now.” “We love you baby girl” “I love ya too momma and daddy.” They gave me a hug and kiss. “SO daddy where are the buses? Why are we here?” “The buses aren’t here yet. we have to do a pre tour party then we get to see the buses.” “Ugh you didn’t say that.” “Stop whining they always have the best junk food and everyone will be here.” “Fine” I said jumping on his back. I do that a lot to pretty much everyone because I’m lazy, spoiled and they love me. “Who said I was carrying you?” “Well you said we were going to the buses. I don’t see buses so you owe me.” “Fine”  “Ok well giddy up then daddy” I said kicking my feet on his side like you do to a horse and he started to pretend gallop. We were both laughing. We made it inside and Luke was still carrying me on his back. “To lazy to walk Allie Cat” “Oh hey Uncle Blakers No daddy jus needs to get some exercise he’s getting a little pudgy.” I said and as I was laughing Luke let go and I fell on my butt him and Blake were laughing hysterically. “Ooow that hurt. That’s a long way to fall jerk.” They just kept laughing. “Allie why are you on the floor again.” “Seriously mom you must have your Allie abuse blinders on today because your husband just dropped me on my butt.” She laughed  “Well what did you do?” I just rolled my eyes as Gianna came walking over. “Uncle Blake where’s Aunt Rand?” “Hell if I know. Last I saw her she was in there” He said laughing and pointing to a door that leads into a building. We walked towards the building and she came walking out. “Aunty Rand” I said running and giving her a big hug almost knocking her over. “Hey sweetie, what a warm welcome?” “Well I missed you Aunt Rand.” “I bet you did you’re momma told me all about your behavior.” She said letting out a little laugh. “Yeah well ya know momma she’s blowing it out of proportion. Anyway this is Gigi the other half of momma’s problem.” We laughed “It’s nice to meet you Miranda, I’m a huge fan and I jus honored to be in presences.” Gigi said holding out her hand being surprisingly calm but I still laughed. “Sweetie you ain’t learned yet we hug in this family” Miranda said pulling her in for a hug and Gigi squeezed her back I just giggled. “It’s nice to meet you too. I hear you have talent and a mean right hook.” Aunt Rand said and we started laughing. My lip is still swollen and Gigi has a bruise on her cheek. Both of us have scratches and stuff on our arms and legs. “Seriously Aunt Rand it wasn’t that big a deal. We are back to normal today. You would have been semi proud of us probably not our language but for sure our punches.” I said putting my arm around Gigi. “Yeah I heard all about it. Let’s keep that to a minimum though so your momma and daddy don’t kill you and blame me.” “Yes ma’am” We said laughing. “What’s so funny over here.” Blake asked as him, Luke and Jason walked up “Your faces” I replied. I know cheesy but those are the best. We started laughing. “Oh good one Allie” Luke said “I know daddy. I’m a genius remember.” “Yeah I think those schools got it wrong.” “Whatever. Bye daddy.” I said rolling my eyes and waving then grabbing Gigi “Come on G I’ll show you how to make our big bro BK upset.” “OK cool.” As we walked away I heard Luke telling them about me getting accepted to college. He sounded so proud. On the way to go bug BK we ran into Danielle and her boyfriend Brandon. “Hey D long time no see.” “Hey girl I missed you? What happened to your face?” Gigi and I laughed “Well first this is my best friend Gigi, Gigi this is Danielle.” “I know Allie I voted for her on The Voice. It’s nice to meet you.” “Thank you it’s nice to meet you too. Back to your faces?” “Well we kinda got into a fight with each other. No big deal we’re cool now.” We laughed she introduced us to her boyfriend. Then we told her we were gonna go say hey to everyone else. I told Gigi the plan we walked up said hi to everyone and when we got to BK we both grabbed the last two cake pops off his plate. Then we went to sit next to Ashleigh “Damn it Allison” I started laughing “What Bro?” “There is plenty cake pops around this place.” His face was priceless angry but with a slight hint of a smile because he wasn’t truly mad. “Oh well you should go get some your plate seems to be empty.” By now Gianna and I are cracking up and everyone is laughing too. “Not you too Gianna” “Sorry Bro you got your panties all in a bunch it’s pretty hilarious.” “Seriously you girls are gonna get it. Payback oh you jus wait.” “Love ya Bro” We both yelled at the same time. “Don’t pull that sweet innocent twin shit with me” He said walking away and we started cracking up again. “You girls are seriously the younger sisters he never wanted.” “It’s jus so easy. He knows he loves us” “Yeah he does.” We looked over and BK was eating his cake pop over by the guys giving us an evil eye. We just laughed. “So your faces look real pretty. I’m sure your momma loved that.” “She is pretty much jus ignoring it. She hasn’t mentioned how gorgeous we look. After we got home we packed and just messed around with daddy. Then we went to bed when the big dope made her mad.” “Yeah well y’all are crazy. Chase actually recorded it but we told him not to post it. He thought it was hilarious. I had a little chuckle at the beginning but it went a little too far.” “We know Ash. Oh guess what?” “What’s up?” “Well my mom kinda went college application crazy and I got accepted with a full scholarship to like some of the best schools in the country.” “Oh My Goodness girl that is amazing. Congrats have you decided where you wanna go?” “Nope not planning on going till after I turn 18 I don’t wanna leave my new family any time soon. Even then I don’t think I want to go too far.” “Well I guess you have time to think about it” “Yeah I do oh and I’m gonna start my own blog website thing to tell my story, well we all have a story to tell and we are going to do a You Tube thing and sing covers, answer questions and tour videos. And daddy thinks it’s a good idea and Monaco is going to help.” “I’m gonna help you with what.” He asked in his questioning tone. “Nosey much Michael?” “Well I did hear my name.” “I’ll tell you later creeper.” “Ooook I guess.” He said with a chuckle and he rolled his eyes. “That’s good sweetie” “We need to come up with a name  though since I don’t want it to be just about me I want it to be about all of us and how we overcame the bad days in our life.” “Well I’m sure you’ll come up with something.” “Yep. I’m sure we will. Gigi and I have been throwing things around but we have to run it by the guys.” We talked for a little while. Gianna was talking to Layla and when they were down we all talked a little while before Gigi went to find Jake. I decided to go see what they guys were talking about since Ash, Layla, Cam and my mom started talking about more girly stuff. “That’s my cue to leave. I can’t get into all this girly stuff. I’m gonna go hang with the guys.” “Allison” “Yes mom” “It’s not bad to be lady like.” “Mom jus cause I wear hats and occasionally fight my best friend don’t make me not lady like.” I said laughing “If you say so sweetie.” “Hey I wear makeup; I don’t wear big baggy pants and guy t shirts well every day. I don’t do nasty guy things like fart, burp and dig in my ass. And most days momma I even brush my hair, oh and at least like almost every other day I wash it. I jus rather talk music, sports, hunting and stuff like that. Not designers, clothes, hair and all that. But I still love ya classy ladies.” By the end of my speech everyone is cracking up. “Ok crazy girl.” Cam managed to get out while laughing and giving me the motherly slap on the behind. I just laughed and walked off.

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