Chapter 62- Studio time

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Another Filler Chapter and kind of boring. Sorry about that. I probably won't have another update till probably wednesday hopefully. 

Chapter 62       

It has been a week since we been home we have got a lot of songs recorded since Jake got back. My dad left for the weekend and should be back on tomorrow. Today we are helping Jake and Andy move into their new place. It was me, Elijah, Ren, Shane and Gianna of course Andy and Jake. Andy and I were just supervising and unpacking since no one lets preggos do anything. “Well at least we don’t have to lift anything.” Andy said laughing “Yeah but I hate how they think we can’t do anything. I don’t even have a belly or anything.” I said. Gigi was helping us unpack some. “SO are you excited for this move?” “Well since my family disowned me saying this was their last straw. Moving was the best option.” She said letting a tear fall. I walked over and hugged her. “Well you have us and they will come around. How could they deny a cute little baby?” “Yeah I hope so Allie but I love you guys and Luke and Cam has been awesome to us.” “Well they are the bands mom and dad.” I said laughing. “That they are.” Gigi chimed in. We got a lot of their stuff in and ordered pizza while finishing unpacking. They have a gorgeous condo with 2 bedrooms and 2 baths close to campus but not too close that they will have to deal with college students partying. It was a quiet building and very nice. I think Andy and I ate a whole pie on our own. “Damn girls were you hungry? You didn’t even do anything really” Jake said laughing. “Excuse me asshole we practically unpacked everything by ourselves. We worked up an appetite.” I rolled my eyes andcrossed my arms. “Whoa no need to get snippy I’m sorry.” He said throwing his hands up in defense. “You’re such a smart ass Jacob why do we even keep you around.” “Cause I’m cute.” He said flashing a smile. “Nope not that.” I said laughing. “Well I’m pretty awesome.” “On occasion I guess you could be that.” I said smiling. “Alright then it’s settled I’m just here to be awesome.” We all laughed at him.We did some more unpacking. “Ok it’s getting late we should get going. You two enjoy your first night in your new apartment.” They nodded and we went home.

We got home and it was about 1130 and my mom was still. “Hey y’all how’d it go?” Everyone walked in and gave momma a kiss. She smiled from ear to ear. “It went good. Everything is moved in and we almost got everything unpacked.” “That’s great I’ll go over there and bring them groceries tomorrow.” “You know you’re the best mom right?” “Yeah so I’ve been told.” She smiled and giggled a little. I smiled back. “Well I’m gonna head to bed. Don’t stay up too late” We all said goodnight and started watching TV and playing cards games. We stayed up till about 2 then went to bed.

I woke up to Elijah shaking me because it was almost 830. “Hey pretty girl get up. We have to be at the studio by 11.” “I don’t want to get up.” He laughed “Well no one cares what you want. Get up and lets get in the shower.” “Why are you so mean to me?” I whined “because you are a pain in the butt.” He laughed. I can’t stand him sometimes but we got up and took a shower which of course led to us having sex. I blame the pregnancy hormones and my boyfriend being really hot. “Ok hurry get dressed. I’m hungry.” I said getting my clothes on then going in the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. “What do you want to eat babe?” “Ummm bacon.”  He looked at me and laughed. “Ok what else with your bacon crazy?” “I don’t care bacon and sweet tea.” “Alright we can go to waffle house on the way to the studio.” He said walking out the door and going downstairs. I finished up getting ready then walked downstairs and saw my mom sitting at the kitchen island eating pickles and drinking pickle juice. “Morning momma.” “Oh morning sweetie.” I love how she thinks this is normal. “Really with the pickles for breakfast?” “Actually it’s a snack Allison.” I walked over to the island and the smell of her pickles made me start to gag. “That is gross how can you even eat that?” I said trying not to throw up but it was no use I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Elijah came in and pulled my hair back and rubbed my back. “You gonna be alright today?” “Yeah I blame my mom.” He laughed. I ran upstairs to brush my teeth. “I’m gonna ban pickles from this house momma.” “We’d be fighting Allison.” She said still eating them. I kept my distance. “Well we have to go to the studio. What do you have planned for today mom?” “Well picking up your dad and Mike at the airport and then I have a doctor’s appointment hopefully we find out what we’re having.” “Oh cool I’m excited. So we’re gonna take Bo with us today. Maddie said she wanted to go with you.” “Ok sweetie we’ll stop by the studio after the doctor’s appointment.” “Ok sounds good. We are gonna go to waffle house so I can have some bacon.” She laughed “Hey bacon is better than pickles and pickle juice mom.” She rolled her eyes and bit into another pickle and I swear I was gonna throw up again. “Come on Bo we’re gonna go now.” “Ok Allie.”  He said. “Maddie you sure you don’t want to come?” “Yep. I wanna stay with mommy and see daddy.” “Ok sweet girl come give me a hug.” She ran over and gave me a hug I kissed her forehead.  “I love you sweet girl. I’ll see ya later.” “I love you too.” She went back to the couch and we hopped into my dad’s truck and headed to waffle house. I really need to get a new truck like soon.

We made it to waffle house and I got a lot of bacon and a waffle. The waitress looked at me crazy. I literally ate like 15 pieces of bacon. “Allie you know bacon is not good for you?” Gigi said “Yeah it is high in sodium and crap.” Ren added “Yeah but it’s so good” “Oh well at least it’s not peanut butter. Oh man you put that on everything with Maddie. You were always stuffing your face with peanut butter.” “Oh I remember that. I don’t really even like peanut butter anymore after that.”  I laughed. “Yeah but peanut butter is healthier than bacon.” I rolled my eyes and continued to eat my bacon. “You done eating Bo?” “Yeah Allie.” Let’s go wash your hands and everything.” We slid out of the booth and went to the bathroom. When we came out we were stopped “Aren’t you Luke Bryan’s kids.” “Yeah we are.” I said looking down at Bo. So much for a peaceful breakfast we took pictures and signed autographs and left. “So we have a little time before we have to be at the studio Bo you want to go to the park?” “Yeah please.” He said excited. The studio is boring I don’t know why he wanted to come but I’ll never tell him no. We spent about a half hour at the park playing with Bo. He was having a blast but we had to get to the studio. “Come on buddy we gotta get to the studio.” He came running to me I picked him up and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you Allie.” “Anytime little buddy.”

We left and made it to the studio just in time. We have almost every song recorded now it’s just tweaking things and trying to decide the songs that will actually make the album. We also decided to sign with Republic Nashville like Florida Georgia Line. We spoke with a lot of labels and they fit us the best. They didn’t want to try and change us instead they were fine with who we are. They also were the most supportive of our sound and the songs we wrote. We were in the studio for a while. Bo was taking a nap when my parents and Mike came in. As soon as Gigi saw Mike she ran to them and started making out. “Save that for later you two.” I joked “Shut up Allie” Gigi snapped back. “Whatever. So momma how’d it go.”  I said smiling. “Well we are both healthy.” She said smiling. “Yeah yeah that’s good but what are you having?” “It’s a boy.” She shouted excitedly and we all clapped. I gave her a big hug. “That’s awesome momma.” Now we can start shopping and decorating after we kick out Ren and Shane.” I laughed. “Wow Allie you’re a great friend.” Shane said. “I know I am but my new little brother needs a room.” I smiled. “We aren’t kicking anyone out Allison.” My mom said in protest. “Fine.” I said laughing. “So lets see what you have now?” My dad said. He has been very involved in this whole process. We were in the studio for hours but after a lot of debate we picked the 12 songs that will go on this album. I think we recorded 20. We are proud because we wrote on all the songs. We have also written with FGL, Chase, Aunt Rand and of course daddy. All the others we wrote ourselves except for 3 that were my mom’s that we tweaked a little. I think this Album is gonna be awesome. It has a lot of different things in it from really deep songs, party songs, songs that rock, traditional country and just a lot of craziness. “So let’s talk dates for the Album release.” We talked about it and decided to release it around the end of January. We will put out another single in November.  I’m glad that is all done but we have to go on a radio tour after this tour ends. 

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