Chapter 77: Why me always?

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A/N Sorry updates are coming slow. Very short chapter. 

Chapter 77

I was passed out on the couch when I heard everyone. “Allison wake up.” “What do you want Gigi” I asked rolling over away from her. “They found Elijah.” She said “Is he alive?”  “Yeah.” “Is he dying?” “No” She answered confused. “Then his worthless ass can wait till tomorrow. I’m too tired and I don’t feel well.” “Allie he’s in the hospital.” “If he ain’t dying I’m not going tonight. Now if you want to go then go I’ll be right here.” They whispered for a while and out of nowhere I was being picked up and carried. “What the hell?” I questioned and looked up to Mike who was smiling. “We decided to take you to the hotel. Well I decided they wanted to drag you to the hospital.” “Are you the only one who understands?” “Most likely.” He chuckled. “You can see him tomorrow Allie. We need to get you back to bed. Plus I think you have a fever so I’m gonna need you to stop stressing.” “Easier said than done but thanks Mike I’d probably get worse if I saw him tonight.” “I know. I got your best interest in mind.” “Yes you do always.” I smiled as he put me in the car and drove to the hotel. He came around “I can walk Mike, I’m up and I can walk.” I said smiling “Fine but one stumble and I’m picking you up.” “Yeah yeah.” I said rolling my eyes and getting out of his truck. He walked me to my door and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “I have the room across the hall call me or walk over if you need anything.” “I will. I’ll be fine though don’t worry.” I walked in my room and lay down on the bed. I drifted off to bed but after a couple hours I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I screamed with the pain it was so painful. I began to panic and managed to drag myself across the hall to Mike’s room. I banged loudly on his door hoping he would wake up. I was crying and screaming with every stabbing pain. I could see the fear and concern in Mike’s eyes as I looked down and saw the blood on the ground. “Allison I need you to calm down Alright.” “I can’t lose him Mike, I can’t lose Mason.” He picked me up and rushed me the car. I hear him on the phone. “We’re on our way now. I don’t know but it’s not good. I’m worried. Ok see you there bye.” He hung up and looked at me. “Just hang on Allison. Just be the fighter I know you are.” I could see the concern in his eyes and I couldn’t help but scream and cry with every pain I had. “He’s gonna come and he won’t make it if he comes now. Mike he won’t make it. He’s too small it’s too soon.” I said in between the pain. “I know Allie but breath, just breathe and try to remain calm. I will get you there and the doctors will help you.”  He was driving so fast we made it to the hospital in a few minutes. The moment we got there I was hauled off and then I passed out. 

I woke up in a hospital bed I went to sit up. “No little bear just lay down.” “Is Mason alright?” “Yes Allie he is.” I instantly felt relief and cried. “What happened?” “They say it was stress and you went into premature labor and almost lost Mason.” “Oh” Was all I could say through my tears, because of Elijah I’m in the hospital. “We can’t have you crying and stressing again sweetheart.” I was relieved to hear my mother. “Momma.” I said as she waddled her way over to give me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “You didn’t think that I would stay home knowing my daughter was in the hospital.” I just nodded as she ran her fingers though my hair giving me the comfort I needed. I drifted back to sleep under her motherly touch. When I woke up I was shocked at what I saw and I could feel the disgust written all over my face. “What are you doing here?” I questioned. “Come on Allie can we just skip this part and get to where we are alright.” An obnoxious laugh left my lips. He had a shocked look on his face. “Oh you were serious. Are you out of your fucking mind Elijah?” “Calm down Allie.” He said in a hush tone. “Calm down where the hell were you?” “I just wanted to get away baby, I was tired of being looked up. I went to hang out with some people.” “SO you take off and don’t tell anybody.” I was fuming and my heart rate was going crazy. “I didn’t want anyone to stop me.” He answered looking away from her eyes that were burning into him. “You really are a selfish immature bastard Elijah. I was worried about you. Stressing about where you were, who you were with and what you were doing. I. ALMOST. LOST. MY. SON” She yelled the last words each dripping with distain. “Allison I am very sorry baby. I know I made a mistake by leaving and not telling you but I didn’t do anything but hang out with some friends.” “Nothing wrong why are you in the hospital?” “I had a little too much to drink and…” He trailed off  “ And you did a little too many drugs Elijah. Hmm you didn’t do anything or did you mean anyone?” “Allison” He said “What Elijah? Where is my truck?” He looked down. “Where is my truck Elijah?” “I don’t know Allie probably in a ditch somewhere or lost somewhere. I don’t know much of what happened yesterday.” “You make me worry, you get drunk and high, you end up in a hospital and you have no idea where or what happened to my brand new truck I got for Christmas. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you? I don’t understand what goes on in that stupid little head of yours.” “I’m not going to feel guilty. I am very sorry. I love you and I am sorry that I put stress on you and I am sorry that we almost lost our baby boy Mason. I am very very sorry.” He said letting a small tear fall. She didn’t care for his weak tears. “Elijah you should feel guilty. You knew what you were doing when you left and you knew I would worry which I did all day. I got so desperate I called Uncle Jay. You should feel guilty because without feeling guilty your apology doesn’t mean shit. Now you can leave and think about what you want in life and from me. When you want to grow the hell up and not be an immature piece of shit that would leave his pregnant girlfriend on New Year’s to go get high and drunk with your dumb ass friends instead of spending the day with me feel free to come back.” I rolled over on my back letting a silent tear fall from my eyes. I am seriously tired of crying over him but I know in a couple days I’ll forgive him and try to make things works. He left the room without saying another word. I can’t help a part of me that hopes he doesn’t come back trying to fix things but the other half is hurting without him. It’s so difficult.          

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