Chapter 19: Sharing with the Group

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Chapter 19

Luke’s POV:

I went into the house to put the little one to bed but I noticed that everyone was walking up to the house. I was a little confused but I just wanted to get them to bed and get back to the party. I’m so happy Allie is having a good day. She was so happy today I’m glad I can be part of that happiness. I guess she is dating Eli now but I have to be alright with that since I said I would be but that is hard since I rather she not be dating but she is smart so I will trust her judgment. After we put the little ones down in the bed we went downstairs and everyone was sitting on the couch. “So what is this all about?” I asked “Well Ash and I have something we want to share with y’all?” “Ok I’m really confused.” I could see I wasn’t the only one Ashleigh began to talk “Well we had a heart to heart with Allie this morning.” They went on to explain what Allie went through in her child hood and all the things that David did to her and her mom. Then they started talking what Daryl did to her. I knew that she had come from abuse but I didn’t know it was that bad. She has been through so much but yet her smile is enough to make your bad day better. As Cammie and Ash were talking we were all in tears because we felt so bad for our girls. Luckily Maddie is 2 and hasn’t been in that environment that long. Cam came over and hugged me. “Oh my god Cam she has had a horrible life. I feel so bad for her.” “Luke she doesn’t need us to feel bad for her. She is strong and she looks at the positive. All we can do is give her a good life from her on out and make her happy like she was today.” “I know we can do that baby. I love those girls with all my heart. I know you all do too.” They all agreed and we tried to pull ourselves together before we went outside.  We started walking outside everyone was talking and they seemed to be able to pull themselves together but for some reason I couldn’t. I couldn’t just move past it I couldn’t stop the tears from falling. Cammie walked up next to me a wrapped her arms around me “Luke you gotta pull yourself together. She’s fine now and seeing you like this will just make her upset again.” ‘I know babe but it’s hard not to be upset and to pull myself together. Knowing what she been through I’m sad but I’m also glad that she is with us now.” “I know Luke. When she told me I broke down but she was so strong. She cried but she tried to be positive and look at the good side of everything. I don’t know how she does it. When she talks about her music, Maddie, Gianna and now being here with us she smiles so bright.” “I have noticed that about her. It amazes me.” As we walked over to the tent I saw Allie dancing with Danielle, Eli, Black Mike, Carter and couple other people she was laughing and smiling. It helped me to kind of wipe some of the tears away and crack a smile. “See Luke that smile can brighten any day. She is safe and she is happy.” I put my arm around Cam and continued to walk to the tent.         

Allie’s POV:

I was having such a good time dancing around with Danielle, Elijah, black Mike, Carter and some other people. We were laughing, singing and dancing around to the music having so much fun. Then I saw everyone coming down from the house as they got closer I could tell they had been crying and they were upset. I wanted to just run away but I didn’t they came over and they started giving me a hug and apologizing and saying things like they didn’t know it was that bad and so glad that I am here with them. I couldn’t help but start tearing up I noticed Luke and Cam were walking slower. Then Luke came up and lifted me off the ground when he hugged me. He finally put me down and he had tears coming out his eyes which made me begin to cry again. “I’m so sorry Allie” he said repeatedly “I’m so so so sorry baby girl” I tried to stop crying but everyone around me was bawling their eyes out again. “It’s Ok guys. That was my past, you are all my future.” “But what they did to you was so horrible, I just couldn’t imagine.” “I know Luke but it’s pointless to dwell on the past because the future is so bright right now. Now stop making me cry on my birthday you blubbering fools.” I let out a little chuckle“I love you baby girl” “I love you too Luke” Gave him a big hug and kiss on the cheek and he gave me a kiss on my forehead. Then I hugged everyone else. We went on with our night hanging out dancing, talking, singing, and having a good time. “What was that all about?” Danielle asked and Elijah kinda shook his head in agreement. “Well I told Cam and Ash a little about growing up and my abuse and they decided to tell everyone else tonight.” “Oh I see.” “Don’t worry I will tell you guys I just don’t want get into again tonight” “That’s OK sweetheart let’s just enjoy the rest of the night” Elijah said and gave me a hug.

Everyone started to clear out so we decided to head up to the house. Elijah and I walked up to the house hand and hand. I stopped walking as we got onto the porch. “Hey Elijah” I said walking towards the porch swing. “Yeah sweetheart” He said in his sweet Georgia boy accent. While Luke gave us the evil eye and Cammie was pushing him in the house. “Nothing just wanted a little more time with you before we go to bed. Since we kept getting interrupted today” “Oh Ok I would love that” He said smiling as he put his arm around me. “I’m happy I met you sweetheart, I know you’ve been through a lot and I’m happy that you are taking a chance on me.” “I am truly happy and this is a new beginning. I’m happy that I met you and I would be crazy not to take this chance with you because you are the sweetest guy.” He turned and kissed me with so much passion. I could feel it in every part of my body. I feel like our lips were meant for each other.  Our Kiss was broken “Elijah Michael” Jason called from the house.  “What Uncle Jay?” “Y’all come in the house it’s really late.” “Yeah we’re comin” I couldn’t help but laugh “what’s so funny” “You know Luke put him up to that right?” He just laughed and stood up holding out his hand for me to take. I grabbed it and stood up on my tippy toes and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before walking into the house hand and hand. “Geez Luke got Jason doing your dirty work?” Luke and Jason laughed “It’s not funny guys” “It’s a little funny” “Shut up Jason it’s not you both are a pain in the butt” “Well Allie it’s almost 3 in the morning. Good night baby girl. Love you” “Night Luke, Love you too and thank you for an amazing day” I gave everyone a hug and went up to sleep. I ended up snuggling in the bed with Maddie and Bo. 

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