Chapter 32 Tour Day/ Lunches

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Chapter 32

Allie’s POV:

I sat up in bed and stretched thinking how great it was to not be woken up by a little one or a man sized child. I looked at my phone and it was almost 1130. Wow I finally got to sleep in but G was still sleeping. I sat up and grabbed my lap top and started writing what would be the first chapter to my blog. It was mostly about my mom’s death, Maddie, my new family, and Gigi. I finished writing it and it was noon. Gigi was still sleeping so I decided to go downstairs and see what everyone was doing. I saw Luke sitting in the living room. I heard Maddie and Bo outside running around I guess Cam is out there with them. “Morning daddy” “Morning little bear. How did you sleep.” “Great. It’s always good not to be woke up by little ones or a man sized child.” I said rolling my eyes. “Man sized child? Is that me?” He said laughing and pointing to himself. “Yes that would be you.” I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. He pulled me down and started tickling me. “See man sized child. Stop it daddy. You’re so annoying.” He continued to tickle me. “You two are starting early.” “Morning Momma” I said in between laughing and Luke still tickling me. “Morning sweetie, Luke that’s enough. You hungry Allie? Is Gigi up yet” Cam asked “Yeah Gigi is still in bed and yes mom I’m hungry.” “I’m hungry too” Luke said “No one cares” I said laughing. Luke just looked at me and poked my side and I jumped and he laughed. “You’re gonna regret that later.” He said but before I could give my smart ass reply the little ones came in. “Morning Sissy” Bo and Maddie came in yelling before climbing in my lap. “Good morning little loves. Were you having fun outside?” “Yeah come play with us Allie” Maddie asked “Ok fine” I grabbed a granola bar from Cam.  I haven’t even showered I’m still in my pj shorts and tank top and my hair was still a mess. Their lucky I brushed my teeth. I love them though so we went out and played for about an hour. I walked in the house and was shocked. Mel, Uncle Jay, Elijah and Jake were in the living room. “What the heck daddy” I screamed “What is wrong with you Allie” He laughed as I’m running towards the stairs “You don’t let the boyfriend in the house when I look a hot mess. Ugh you’re seriously the worse. How could you not tell me.” I hear everyone laughing as I run up the stairs and slam my door. I’m not usually that girl but I didn’t want Elijah to see me in my pjs. Having my hair a mess or sweat pants are one thing but pjs are a no. Gianna is still in bed She’d sleep all day if we let her. I start the shower and walk out. “Well good morning to you too Allie” Morning Gigi, I wouldn’t go down stairs until you are all dressed because Jake is here.” She sat up and went to her room and hopped in the shower. About 45 minutes later I heard momma yelling “Allison and Gianna Marie Lunch is almost ready you better hurry your butts up.” I like how she lumps us together since we both have the same middle name “Yes Ma’am” We both yelled We walked our rooms and started laughing. We were both wearing Carolina blue cause we were born and raised Tar Heel fans. I was wearing a Tank and white shorts with of course a hat that I snagged from Chase well actually he gave it to me when I told him I was a fan and I actually got to go to a game he played in. Anyway under the hat I wore my hair straight for the first time ever with a pair of Carolina blue and white converse. Gianna was wearing a dress that they sell on their website. She had her hair wavy and had on a Carolina blue headband and white sandals. “Well I’m sure all those Georgia boys are gonna freak out.” I said. “I know right” Gianna said “Girls down stairs now.” I looked at my phone ad there was a message from Elijah actually the first one said <Heading to your house till we leave for the bus> Oops missed that one. The next one said <I thought you looked beautiful in your pjs and hair a mess. I wouldn’t mind waking up to that for the rest of my life> I thought aww but I actually said it out loud “What?” I showed her the message and she said the same thing. We walked downstairs. “What do you think you girls are wearing?” Luke asked “Clothes unless you prefer we be naked daddy” He stared and got all flustered. I love doing that to him. “I-I-I jus mean we are Georgia Fans in this house. I think you should change” “Not gonna happen Luke. No chance We are Carolina Girls we bleed Carolina blue. Now we can love y’alls Bull Dogs too but we can’t stop being who we are.” Gianna said with a little hint of attitude but she had a big smile. Luke smiled back at her and we gave him a big kiss on each cheek. We then went to say hi to our boyfriends. I walked over to the couch and sat on Elijah’s Lap “Allie Cat there is more than enough room for you to sit on the couch.” “Fine Uncle Jay” I said with a sigh but I got up and so did he. “Hey Georgia Boy” “Hey beautiful Carolina girl we are going to have to get you into some Georgia gear.” “I’m not opposed to that” “You’ll look good in anything” I smiled and let out a giggle. “Thanks babe” “Especially Spongebob pjs shorts and a tank top. God I just wanted to jump on you” “That was embarrassing and I looked a mess. I hadn’t even showered yet. Daddy is horrible for that.” He grabbed my face and gave me a passionate kiss and I returned it. “You looked beautiful as always” I couldn’t help but smile he is just so sweet. “I just don’t know what I’m gonna do with you Elijah Michael.” “I have a few ideas.” He said flashing a smile I smacked his arm then gave him a quick kiss. “Ok guys lunch is ready.” We walked in the kitchen expecting like sandwiches or burger but Cam made Steak, potatoes and corn with homemade biscuits. “Wow mom you went all out for lunch.” “Well for the next couple months it’s gonna be BBQ’s, venue food, and restaurants not many homemade meals. Now take your hat off young lady.” “but momma come on.”  I said and she just gave me the look moms give. That I mean business look. I took my hat off and ran my hand through it to make it lay down a little. “Did you even wash your hair today Allie” Everyone laughed. I took my hand wiped my face and let out a loud sigh. “Yes I actually did because it smelled like chlorine do you wanna smell it. I even ran the stupid hair straightener through it if you didn’t notice.” I said whining. Luke came over and kissed my forehead. “Fine but I don’t see why you ruin it with a hat.” I gave Luke the help me look and him and Uncle Jay laughed. They are really not gonna help and Gianna is quiet as well. “Mom I love hats you’re lucky I don’t shave all my hair off. It’s so annoying. I was tempted the other day.” I said looking at Luke and smiling a little. “Allison I would kill you” “Why mom it’s my head.” “I’m sure Elijah wouldn’t want to date a girl with a bald head.” We both looked at him and he was quiet. He looked at Luke and Uncle Jay and they laughed again and shock there head telling him not to say anything. “I’m sure he would still like me momma. I wear hats all the time anyway.” “Allison Marie Bryan you cut your hair and I will ground you till your 35.” I started laughing hysterically and everyone joined in. “It’s not funny” She scolded “Relax mom, I’m not cutting my hair but if I’m takin off my hat then their takin of their hats too” I said pointing to all the guys. They all looked at me and sighed when Cam told them to take their hats off. I just laughed. Luke came walking past me to the table and kicked me in the butt then Uncle Jay tripped me and I fell on the floor. “What the hell. That’s not nice.” “Neither is throwing people under the bus.” They walked to the table still laughing giving each other high fives. “Allie why are you on the floor.” “How’d you miss that mom? Daddy kicked me in the butt then Uncle Jay tripped me and made me fall because I told you to make them take their hats off.” She started laughing as she brought some dishes to the table. “Really mom you find it funny you should be hollerin at them or something.” “Oh stop being dramatic sweetie.” “Fine I’m gonna kick their butts then.” “Well that sounds more like my daughter.” I went to get up and a hand reached down to help me I thought it was Elijah until I looked up “Oh hey what’s up Monaco” “Hey little Bryan whatcha doin on the floor.” He asked laughing. “My dad and uncle are douches.” I said finally getting up. “Um ok if you say so little Bryan.” “Shut up Monaco. Oh I need your help with something. I’ll tell you later though I’m starving” “Sure after you tell me to shut up ask me a favor.” We went and sat down at the table I sat next to Elijah and as far away from Luke and Jason as possible before giving them the evil eye. We said grace and then I finally spoke “Jus to point it out that Monaco was the only one to help me up. So thanks Monaco” “That’s because he wasn’t here and he still has his hat on” Luke said “Oh yeah sorry Mike we’re goin hatless for this meal.” Cam informed him “What since when?” “Since Allie Cat is a little brat” Jason said with a little laugh still shoving food in his mouth “Shut up Uncle Jay Y’all should blame momma not me. She made me take my hat off.” I said with an attitude and looking at my plate and eating some more of my food. “Yeah but you threw us under the bus.” Luke said “Whatever. Then put your damn hats on then.” I said getting up from the table and walking up to my room. All I heard was “Allison Marie Bryan” Luke yelled but whatever I know they were joking but I was annoyed. I didn’t know why until I felt a cramp in my stomach I got up and ran to the bathroom just in time. Son of a bitch I thought out loud. “Moooooommmmmmm” “What?” she yelled up the stairs. “Can you come here please” “What do you want Allie. I’m not walking the stairs.” “Moooommm” “Nooo.” “GiiiiiGii” “I’m not doin it either.” I really don’t have much of a filter so here goes nothing. “Well someone better bring me a tampon before I start bleeding on the carpet.” “Allison Marie. That’s not lady like.” “Well you didn’t wanna walk up the stairs mom. It’s natural and happens every month.” Still we have company. You didn’t even want Elijah to see you in your pjs and you’re announcing to the house that you have your friend.” I laughed “We are not friend she’s evil.” I heard everyone laugh then a box of Tampons come flying up the stairs and almost hit me in the face. “Dang Daddy you almost hit me in the face.” “Sorry crab ass” he yelled up the stairs “Love ya too daddy” I went to the bathroom and then changed into dark blue shorts because wearing white when you have your period is not smart. I went back downstairs and sat next to Gigi. “You’re next.” I whispered in her ear. “Yeah I know” She replied. I went to find Cam. “Mom can I please have my hat back. I’m sorry for walking out on lunch. Ya know hormones and everything.” She handed me my hat. I went to find Luke. “I’m sorry daddy. Just a little hormonal and all.” “It’s ok little bear.” “But you and Uncle Jay are going to get it for kicking me and knocking me down.” “Yeah sure, you and what army?” Uncle Jay said walking up “Don’t need an army gonna get ya when ya least expect it and when y’all aren’t together.” I went to walk away but Luke grabbed me and him and Jason started tickling me. I saw Elijah “Elijah help me. Make them stop” He kinda just stood there for a while not knowing if he should get involved. Then took my hand and pulled me out of their grip. “Thanks Georgia boy. I thought you were gonna leave me for myself.” “Nope I couldn’t do that” I gave him a kiss which turned a little more passionate then Luke would have liked because him and Uncle Jay started to fake couch. I started laughing and so did Elijah. By now it was almost 4 we had to start getting ready to leave. The guys went to load our bags. I guess we are takin the Tahoe on tour with us. After a little bit we were on the road to go see the bus for the first time I was so excited. I was also excited for Gigi to meet everyone else and actually see the bus. I just got really excited. 

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