Chapter 30: Blow up/ Make Ups

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Chapter 30

I was just sitting there in complete shock and couldn’t believe what I was reading. I felt a tear start to fall I tried to wipe it before anyone saw it. I just feel so betrayed right now. The person I trusted the most lied to me and is causing me all this pain. I went from being sad to angry. I stood up and took my glasses off to reveal the tears in my eyes. “What’s wrong A?” “You. You lying little bitch” I screamed at her. “What the hell are you talking about?” “You lying backstabbing excuse of a friend.” By now everyone is staring at us. I grabbed Gianna by her arm and pulled over to the side yard. “You lied G. Who the hell did you tell? I know you told someone and they started this page. Who did you tell?” “I didn’t tell anyone A. I swear what are you talking about.” “You’re a liar, You stupid bitch. If you are the only person I told something and now they know, how else would they know.” “I don’t know what you are talking about but you are the being a bitch.” I took out my phone and showed her what I was talking about. I heard everyone talking about should they come over and break us up Jake and Eli said No because we’d work it out. Highly doubt that. “Tell me who you told Gianna, Just Fucking tell me. Not telling me makes you an even worse friend than not keeping your goddamn mouth shut in the first place.” “Fuck you Allie” I saw red and I just pounced on her and we started fighting at first it was a normal fight just wrestling no hitting. I heard BK say now should we break it up and Eli said let it go for a little bit. This fight was different we actually trying to hurt each other we started actually hitting each other Gigi slapped me in my face and I slapped her in hers. The whole time were yelling at each other I’m telling her to tell me and she’s basically telling me to fuck off. I was about to hit her again when I felt myself get wrapped up in someone’s arms. It was Elijah and Jake had Gianna. We were still yelling at each other and fighting to get free. “What is going on with you two” Elijah asked “My best friend is a lying backstabbing bitch” I said “My best friend is a stupid now spoiled little bitch.” Again I saw red we both fought to get free and went at it again this time I punched Gigi in the face and she punched me in mine. I was wrapped up again this time by Elijah and BK while Jake and Ty had Gianna. Layla and Ash stood in the middle. “Fuck you Allison” “Fuck off Gianna” Out of nowhere I heard Luke’s voice and he was pissed and I could see that Cam was also. “Allison Marie Bryan and Gianna Marie Frank what the hell do you think you are doing?” I froze and so did G. I have never heard Luke mad. “I asked a question. I’m waiting on an answer” He said still mad. G and I started talking at the same time. Well actually yelling trying not to curse. “One at a time” He said “Gianna’s a lying backstabber.” “And Allie just has issues.” Gianna said rolling her eyes at me. “I could kill you right now Gianna” I said trying to wiggle free but I wasn’t getting free of BK and Eli. Gigi was trying to do the same. “Please just separate them Now” Luke said still visibly angry. BK and Eli brought me to one of the guest rooms and Jake and Ty brought G to the other Cam went to talk to Gianna. Great I get to deal with angry Luke.

Luke’s POV

Cam and I had a nice relaxing day. It has been chaos having all the kids so these last couple hours have been perfect. We were lying in bed ;-). “I guess we should get ready to go.” “Yeah I guess but I’d rather just stay here with you handsome.” “I would too. I’d like to stay in this bed with you all day and all night but we can’t” I said giving her a passionate kiss. “Fine.” She said getting out of bed and starting the shower. We took a shower and got dressed we jumped in my truck and headed to Tyler’s. He doesn’t live that far from me so it won’t take long. My phone started ringing and since it was Tyler I answered <What’s up man> <Where are you?> He said and he sounded like something was wrong. <I’m about to pull up. What’s wrong? Is everything OK? > <No. The girls are fighting. I don’t know if you hear that but they are really goin at it.> <Why are they fighting> <I don’t Know Luke but ya gotta get here because they are about to kill each other> I sped up and pulled into the driveway. “Luke what is wrong. Are the kids ok?” “Yeah well the girls are kinda about to kill each other.” “What” She started walking faster. We got into the house and out back I was shocked at what I saw. Allie was wrapped up by Elijah and BK while Jake and Ty had Gianna. Layla and Ash stood in the middle. “Fuck you Allison” “Fuck off Gianna” I got so angry at the way they were acting and talking. Cam was visibly angry as well “Allison Marie Bryan and Gianna Marie Frank what the hell do you think you are doing?” Both the girls froze and stopped yelling and fighting to get free. “I asked a question. I’m waiting on an answer” Gigi and Allie started talking at the same time. Well actually yelling clearly trying to censor themselves. “One at a time” I yelled “Gianna’s a lying backstabber.” “And Allie just has issues.” Gianna said rolling her eyes. “I could kill you right now Gianna” Allie said trying to wiggle free but she wasn’t getting free of BK and Eli. Gigi was trying to do the same. “Please just separate them Now” I said. I don’t know what’s going on but they are really mad at each other and they look a mess. Both of them have scrapes on their body and bruises on their face. Gianna’s nose is bleeding a little and Allies lip is bleeding. Cam and I stayed to see what was going on. Nobody really knows they say they were fine then Allie lost it after looking at something on her phone. They said she was calling Gigi a liar, backstabber and that the girls curse like a bunch of sailors.

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