Chapter 39- I hate hospitals

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Chapter 39

Allie’s POV:

Elijah carried me to one of the smaller boat and we went and got in the Tahoe. “Leave it to me to have to go to the dang hospital. Sorry guys.” They all said it was fine truth is it’s not. I don’t really want to go to the hospital. We got to the hospital and going anywhere with my dad can be a pain because people want pictures and autographs but it’s understandable. The hospital isn’t as bad though. Luke went to check us in and hopefully get us a room. I was sitting on the couch snuggled up next to Elijah he had his arm around me. He was holding on to me so tight like he didn’t want to ever let go. I looked up at Elijah and gave him a kiss on his cheek. He smiled down at me. “You know you scared me right.” “I’m sorry Georgia boy.” “I really don’t know what I’d do without you Allison. I love you so much I can’t lose you.” “I love you too Elijah” I said kissing him on his lips. “Wait you what Allison?” Luke asked. “Yes daddy I love Elijah, and he loves me.” “Cool” He said with a smile on his face as he sat down next to Gigi. “Took them long enough.” He whispered to Gigi making her laugh. “Whatever old man” We all laughed. Me not as much because I still had a bit of a headache. “Allison Bryan” Nurse called. We all walked back to the room. The nurse started taking my blood pressure and temperature and everything. “So what brings you here?” The nurse asked “Them.” I answered honestly “We were tubing and we fell off and she hit the water and wasn’t breathing and when we got her breathing she was unconscious for another 30 minutes after that. So we brought her here kind of against her will because she’s stubborn and a pain in the butt.” Gigi explained to the nurse and she wrote everything down. “The doctor will be in here in a few moments. Mr. Bryan can I talk to you?” “Umm yeah sure.” Luke and the Nurse walked out into the hallway.  A few minutes later Luke came back in the room. “What did she want daddy?” “Oh she wanted to request your medical records. I just had to sign some papers” I got upset. “No, daddy why does she need those?” “I don’t know Allison but it will be fine.” He said hugging me. I don’t want Luke to see my medical records it will really show how bad the abuse was. “Allison before the doctor sees you he wants to do a MRI. So I’m gonna take you down. Have you ever had an MRI.” “Yes ma’am too many times to count. I know the drill.” “Ok we’ll be back y’all can wait here.” “Just saying we’ll never make it back for fireworks.” “Allison?” “Daddy?” “There will be fireworks every night while we’re here. Ok little bear.” “Fine.” I smiled as the wheeled me out of the room. Very unnecessary to me but whatever I didn’t want to walk.

About 30 minutes I was back in the room. “So how’d it go?” “Good the nurse said she had to ask if I could be pregnant but she didn’t want to ask in front of my dad. I just laughed. She was so confused and asked why I was laughing. I told her she should have just so I could see the look on your face daddy.” I was laughing. “I don’t find it funny.”  Luke said. “I told her I would have said yes because it would have been funny to me and luckily we are in a hospital for when you tried to hurt Elijah.” Gigi and I were laughing while Luke and Elijah were sitting there stone faced. “Not funny Allison” They both said at the same time and that made us laugh harder. “Oh relax you too. It’s just a joke.” They both gave me a fake smile. I just looked at Gigi and shook my head. The doctor and a nurse finally came in. “How are we Allison.” “A little headache I’m ready to go home.” “Well we need to talk to you in private.” “Well whatever you have to ask me you can ask in front of my family.” “Well it has to do with your home life.” “Umm ok?” I questioned. “Do you play a contact sport? Or do any activities where you could get hurt constantly?” I knew where this was going and this is why I hate hospitals and I didn’t want them to have my medical record. “Nope never.” Are you being abused?” The nurse asked. I laughed then Luke and everyone laughed. “Why are y’all laughing this is serious. We see things in your medical record that show you are being abused” The nurse said getting angry. “I’m laughing because you are thinking this accident is because of abuse?” “Yeah typical signs of abuse your story sounds a little made up.” I laughed again and the nurse and doctor were getting frustrated. “Well it’s not and abusive people don’t generally bring the people they abuse to the hospital unless it’s an emergency. You think Luke Bryan the famous country star is abusing me?” I laughed again. “Allison Marie stop being rude. They’re just doing their jobs” “No daddy you will not be blamed for the shit those assholes did to me.” Now I was getting angry “Allison watch your language. You know better.” “I’m sorry daddy but I refuse to let them blame you.” He got up and gave me a hug because now I was crying. “Hey little bear it’s OK. They have to ask.” He said giving me a hug and a kiss on the forehead. “I’m sorry we have to ask.” “Well you should have read the charts and realized that she was adopted by us a month ago.” Luke said smiling at me. “Well Allison like we said we saw your medical records and they concerned us. You have had more broken bones and injuries then anyone your age that I know of.” “Yes sir I know. Things are much better now.” I said giving Luke a squeeze and a smile. “I’m glad to hear that. Now a couple questions do you get headaches often?” “Um yes sir I do” I answered shyly because I never told Luke or anyone. “You never told us.” “It’s not a big deal. I’ve had them for a while. I just deal with them.” “How often?” “Almost every day” “How bad are they?” “Well they range from just minor to a migraine.” “OK Allison we saw something’s in your MRI that we don’t like. You have some scaring and something called a traumatic brain injury from being hit in the head or knocked unconscious too many times.” “What does that mean?” Luke asked worried. I let a tear fall. “Well Mr. Bryan she’ll have to take medicine for the headaches and she will need to be careful with her activities because if she gets knocked unconscious it’s going to be hard for her to wake up.” “You should have never said that now my dad is gonna put me in a bubble.” I said laughing. “No I mean you probably shouldn’t go tubing we have a lot of people get hurt doing that but I mean just use your better judgment.” “I can do that” He wrote the prescriptions for my meds. “Allie how many times have you been knocked unconscious?” “I don’t know daddy. I stopped counting. When I was 11 he held me down and slammed the door into my head. I was in a coma for almost 3 weeks.” Luke looked so angry and he walked out of the door.  I was shocked and started crying Elijah and Gigi both gave me a hug. “He hates me” I said sobbing “No baby girl he could never. He’s just upset and needed a breather.” Elijah said “Yeah he’s mad at me.” “Be serious Allie why would he be mad” Gigi said and She stormed out the room. “Hey your dad loves you and he could never hate you. None of this is your fault.” A little while later Luke came back and he was crying. “I’m so sorry daddy” “What are you sorry about.” “Making you upset.” “Little bear I’m not upset with you. I just looked at the records with the doctors and they are horrible.” He gave me a big hug. “I know daddy.”

 We finally left the hospital and got back to the campsite. It was about three hours almost 11. We made it just in time for fireworks. “See I told you we’d make it little bear.” I just smiled as he went to find Cam and Gigi went to find Jake. “You feeling alright?” “My head really hurts.” I said. He sat down in a chair by the bus and I sat down in his lap. “I’m sorry I scared you today.” “I’m just glad you’re Ok. I just don’t know what I would do without you.” “I know babe. I love you.” “I love you too beautiful girl.” I kissed him with all the passion in the world as the fireworks went off in the background. “Every time I kiss you I want more.” I whispered. “Oh baby girl you don’t even know how much I want you right now.” He said kissing me again. I reached down and grabbed him. “This says a lot about how much you want me.” I said in a sexy tone then laughed. “You are such a tease.” He said grabbing my ass. “I love you baby girl.” “I love you too Georgia boy.” Can we go lay down on the bus my head is pounding. “Ok” He said as I got up and grabbed his hand. “I’m gonna go change.” “Ok baby.” I went to change into shorts and a tank top. I brushed my hair real quick and put it in a ponytail. I walked back out. “What no spongebob?” “Nope shut up.” I climbed in my bunk and so did Elijah. I snuggled up to him and laid my head on his chest. “You know your dad is gonna kill me.” “You’ll be fine we’ll just leave the curtain open.” We talked for a little bit.I gave him a kiss which leads to a mini make out session. He pulled out and kissed my forehead. “Go to sleep beautiful girl. You’ve had a rough day. I love you.” “I love you too.”  I kissed his lips again and closed my eyes to go to sleep as he ran his fingers through my hair. This put us both to sleep. We were sleeping for a while when I heard everyone come in. I pretended to be sleep in hopes they wouldn’t bother us. “Oh hell no” I heard my dad say. “Luke calm down they’re only sleeping.” “No Cam this is like our house I wouldn’t allow that in my house.” He was so mad. “Luke you’re gonna wake everyone up.” “I don’t care. She knows better.” I climbed over Elijah he sleeps like a rock and he looked so cute. “Daddy” “WHAT ALLISON? What the hell were you thinking?” He yelled. It kind of scared me and I took a step back. A tear fell down my eye. “LUKE” mom yelled at him hugging me. “I’m sorry daddy.” I said crying. He just looked at me. “Little bear I’m sorry for yelling like that.” I just looked at him. “Daddy we just talked then he was gonna stay till I fell asleep but he fell asleep. I’m sorry I disappointed you.” I turned around with tears in my eyes. I walked to my bunk and Elijah was still sleeping. He was lightly snoring “Elijah baby you gotta get up” I said rubbing his face. He rolled over. “Hey baby girl.” “You gotta get up babe” “Baby why are you crying?” “I’ll tell you later. Just get up please.” I could still hear Luke and Cam yelling. He got up and grabbed my hand. “Why are you crying?” “My dad is freaking out and he screamed at me for you being in my bunk. I thought he’d jus wake you up and make you leave.” “I’m sorry baby.” “I’ll see you tomorrow. I love you.” “Good night beautiful. I love you too.”  He gave me a quick kiss and went back to his bus. I went back on the bus Cam and Luke were sitting in the lounge. I grabbed a couple aspirins for my headache. “Night momma, Night daddy.” “Wait Allie.” “Yes?” “I’m sorry I lost it.” “yeah you did but I’m sorry too.” “You didn’t do anything wrong. I blew it out of proportion.” “I figured you’d just ask him to leave not just flip your lid.” “Come here baby girl.” I did as he said and sat next to him. “I know I need to watch my temper. I don’t know what came over me.” “It’s ok daddy I love you.” I gave him a kiss on the cheek and he smiled real big. “I’m gonna go to bed my head is killing me. Love y’all” I gave my mom a kiss before heading to my bunk. 

See You AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora