Chapter 68: 12 hours

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Chapter 68

Luke’s POV:

Gigi is out of surgery and resting it only took about 2 hours and they said she will be in a cast for about 6 months but at least she is doing fine. Allie has been in surgery for almost 10 hours. We are all camped out in the waiting room. The nurse has been in a couple times but it always makes it worse. The last time they said they almost lost her but she is a fighter. That was 2 hours ago the longer she is in the harder it gets. I don’t think Cam has really stopped crying. Actually all the girls are a mess. I am trying to hold it together. I just want her to be ok. I’d love for the baby to be ok also but seriously she can have more babies we can’t have another Allie. About two hours later the nurse came back. “Family of Allison Bryan.” We all stood up. “Wow there’s a lot of you.” She said “I’m her father.” I said. “Mr. Bryan your daughter is out of surgery but she is still not awake.” “You can go in there with her and the doctor will come in and talk to you.” “Ok thank you” I got up with Cam and Elijah and we walked to Allies room. After 12 hours in surgery there she was lying lifeless in a bed hooked up to a lot of machines. We all walked in and we broke down. I hugged Cam and she cried into my chest. Elijah walked over to Allie and grabbed her hand and cried soon after the doctor came in to talk to us. “Mr. and Mrs. Bryan” “Yes sir?” “Surgery went well but she is not out of danger yet. We were able to save the babies?” “Wait babies and when is she gonna be awake.” “Yeah she is pregnant with twins but that makes the recovery a little more dangerous. We have her in a chemically induced coma because if she woke up now it would be dangerous for her and the babies. We won’t wake her up until she’s healed up and the pain won’t be as bad and stressful.” I broke down again I can’t believe she is pregnant with twins. “We also don’t know what state she will be in when she wakes up. She died once on the way here and then twice on the table.” The more he talks the sadder I get and Cam is a wreck. “The good news is that if she is a little more stable in a couple day we will transfer her to the Vanderbilt medical center in Nashville. She is a fighter and I can tell she has a strong will to live. ” “Ok thank you doctor.” He walked out. “Cam you guys should go lay down. The buses are out in the parking lot and I know Bo and Maddie would love to sleep in a bed.” “I need to stay with her.” Cam argued. “You need to take care of yourself and Tate. I will stay and if anything changes I will call you.” She nodded and we walked out. I told everyone what the doctor said. I also told them to head home because Allie won’t be waking up anytime soon and hopefully we will be back in Nashville soon. They all left and I went to Gigi’s room to check on her and she was up and talking to Mike. “Hey sweetheart how ya feelin?” I asked and she laughed. “She’s a little hopped up on pain meds. She’s been speaking nonsense but it’s kinda cute.” Mike whispered. “Oh hush it mister. I’m jussss fiiinnnneee” She said and laughed again. I couldn’t help but laugh. “Is Allie out of surgery yet?” Mike asked and I told him what the doctor said and he started to cry. “Hey Mike I’m sure she’ll be fine.” I didn’t know but it’s what people say right. He just nodded and looked back at Gigi who had passed out. I walked back to Allies room and sat down in the chair. She had machine breathing for her and I could hear the babies’ heartbeats. I feel like that was the longest 12 hours of my life. 

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