Chapter 14 Truth and Tears

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Chapter 14

I came out and sat between Camille and Ashleigh. “So what is it Allie” “I wanted you two to be the first to hear my story because well I don’t think I could tell Luke and Cam you have been so kind and like a mother to me in just a day and Ash I feel like you are the big sister I never had.” They both hugged me “We both love you Allie and no matter what we will support you and be here for you.” Ash said “I just hope you won’t be mad at me.” “That would never happen” Cammie said “OK so as you know my dad was a Marine him and my mom got married young when my dad was 18 and my mom was 17. My mom had me when she was 19 we were happy from what I know and from the pictures that my mom had hidden at Gigi’s house. Well the ones she got rid of before David burned them. Anyway I’m getting ahead of myself. My dad died when I was 5 and my mom was 24. When this happened she decided to move back to Cooper and a couple years she reconnected with David and got married pretty fast. It wasn’t bad at first but he just started drinking more and caring less. Then he started letting us do less and hitting momma more. The first time he hit me my momma tried to protect me but I feel like that quickly faded away. He was evil and would come up with so many ways to inflict pain on us. It was bad but he wasn’t always bad he could go days, weeks, months being the nicest, most caring guy but it only took one thing to make him snap. It was a hell living not knowing what was going to happen or if you were going to see daylight or be locked in a dark room for an hour, day, or week. Being scared about whether David would let me eat that day or not. I loved my momma but I hated her because she had enough money we could have left but she always said that he will get better and have more good days. She was so naïve and as I got older I felt sorry for her.” By this time we all are crying “Allie I know you are just giving us some of what you had been through but Oh my lord I am so sorry baby girl” Cammie Said “That’s not all Cammie.” “There’s more?” Ash said choking back tears. “Yeah Maddie isn’t actually my sister.” “Who is she? Don’t tell me she’s your…” I cut Cam off. “She’s my daughter” I put my head down in shame. “But that means you were like 14. Who did this to you? Was it David” “No David has a brother that came to live with us and he is lot younger then David. He was 17 when he moved in and I was 11. He was really nice to me and he would protect me. I thought he was a lot different than David but he was just a different kind of crazy. When I was 12 he started to do more inappropriate things like sneak in my room. But I didn’t think anything about it because at that age you don’t see anything wrong with things like that. I didn’t know what to do and I told my mom and she tried to get David to make him stop but he would just get angry and hit her or me. Anyway He kept going a little further till well you know and that went on for a while I really just wanted to die. Well needless to say I got pregnant and Maddie was born at home of course on July 10th. David told me to basically tell everyone half-truth just leaving out the part about Daryl that while on a family trip to see his mom who is another story on evil I was out by myself and someone did this to me. Well the whole first year of Maddie’s life I didn’t even hold her I didn’t even want to look at her.3 months after she was born I tried to kill myself I wrote a note and left it in my room and went out to the barn took some pills and hung myself. But momma found my letter too fast and found me. I was in the hospital for almost 4 months and counselling for another 4 months.” Again we were bawling our eyes out and they hugged me tight. “That’s what our lawyer found out?” “Well probably my name is on Maddie’s birth certificate. But we need to stop crying because I came to realize that Maddie is the best thing to happen to me because she gives me strength and without her I wouldn’t have survived.” “Well then let’s stop blubbering and go finish getting beautiful and start this party” Ash said and they gave me another hug. “Oh and you guys can tell the others because that is a convo I don’t want to have with Luke and the others.” I knew we were still all hurting but we were faking pulling it together. “Ok if you want us to. We will.” Cam said “One question Allie. What ever happened to Daryl?” “Well David made him leave so people wouldn’t look into it or I wouldn’t tell. But a couple months later I heard David talking to momma and he said Daryl was in jail and would be out for a couple years” ”Well I’m glad you’re with us baby girl I love you” “I love you too Cammie” “Yeah I’m happy to have a lil sis now! Love you to the moon and back Allie” “I love you too Ash.” We hugged again which is something I will have to get used to because they hug a lot. That was really hard but at least I got it out there and they know a little bit. I didn’t go into full details because that would be too hard but I did tell them enough. 

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