Chapter 60- So Much crazy in our lives

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Chapter 60

Gigi’s POV:

I headed out of the FGL tent to go find Mike I asked one of the crew and he said they were in Luke’s tent. It was a little chilly so I went to the bus to grab a jacket when I walked off the bus I was grabbed from behind. I tried to scream but they covered my mouth with something. I ended up passing out. When I woke up I was woozy but I realized that I was tied to a chair and my mouth was covered with tape. I was so scared and I was in just my bra and panties. I was thinking who would be crazy enough to do this and where am I. I heard talking and I instantly knew who it was. I couldn’t say anything because my mouth was tapped these girls are straight crazy and need to be committed. I looked around the room and I saw Austin passed out and tied up in the corner I guess he didn’t approve of their stupidity.  “Oh Gianna you’re awake.” Taylor said laughing and I swear I would destroy them if I could get through this tape. “Since you and your bitch friend Allie kicked us out we had to sneak in to put this plan in action.”  I rolled my eyes. They used Austin to get them here so they could get arrested that’s just genius. “See you and your friend have caused us problems.” Again they are delusional. “I see that you have gotten with Mike.” I nodded smiling just to piss them off. “You are so smug like we just brought you here to talk to you.” They both laughed a laugh that made me want to just die. It was this annoying trying to be evil high pitched laugh. All of a sudden I felt a sting on my arm and I looked down and these psychos actually cut me with a knife. They did that a couple more times and the pain was so bad. I started to cry and scream in pain as they moved on and cut me a couple time on my leg. I felt like they were just cutting me for hours. I think I lost count after about 15 cuts and they weren’t that deep but they hurt. “So Jennifer we should go find Allison. I think she deserves a little bit of pain too.” They walked out and I started screaming and crying hoping someone could hear me. I thought hopefully Austin would wake up I hope they didn’t kill him because I can’t tell if he’s breathing.

After what felt like forever the door opened and I thought they were back but it was Allie and relief over took me she bent down trying to get me free. “Gianna are you ok. Who did this to you?” She said still trying to get me free. I saw Taylor and Jen walk back in and I screamed to try to get Allie to look but before she could the hit her in the head with some kind of bar. Allie collapsed to the floor. She was unconscious and I thought about what the doctor said. I started crying hoping that she would wake up. “Well that was easier than I thought. She actually came to us.” They let out another annoying laugh. They stripped her to her bra and panties. Taking pictures of her which I’m sure they did to me and would gladly post on the internet. They sat her in a chair next to me. She was still motionless and they looked confused. “She should have woken up by now.” Taylor said I just rolled my eyes. I was fighting with the tape since Allie loosened them a little. I was gonna fight with all my might to get us free. I was worried about Allie and Austin. “This is only fun if she’s awake.” I didn’t know they were that crazy but I was wrong as the started to cut me again and laughing. “See Gianna that’s what happens when you steal people’s boyfriends.” Wow she’s a special kind of crazy. She lost her boyfriend by being herself a jealous stupid psycho. I wanted so badly to be able to say something. I was still trying even with my mouth taped. “What’s that Gianna?” Jen said coming close to my face I took this opportunity to headbutt her and hopefully break her nose. “You little bitch.” She took the knife from Taylor and stabbed it into my leg. I screamed from the pain and started to cry again. I almost had my arms free. Taylor was trying to help Jen. I finally got my hand free I pulled the knife out my leg and cut the tape on my other arm and leg as they were preoccupied. I wanted nothing more than to beat the crap out of them but I needed to get help. I took off running out the door ignoring the pain I was in.

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