Chapter 2 The Hospital

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Chapter 2

Last night was rough for me I stayed up most of the night thinking about if my mom was alright or not. I think I cried so much that I have no tears left I just feel empty now. I was just lying there looking at the ceiling and listening to my Ipod. I pretty much listen to all music but Country is my favorite and that’s what I listen to in times like this. I tried to think positive that my mom was ok but if something happened to her I will take Maddie and never go back to that house. I didn’t want to lose my mom even though I hated her sometimes because she never leaves David. She tried her best to protect me and took most of the abuse but he still did awful things to me. Though Maddie was only 2 he would yell at her and occasionally hit her but I was would always step in and that would put the anger on me instead of her. “Girls breakfast is ready” I heard Mrs. Frank say through my headphones. All of a sudden Maddie came running in and jumped on me. She had a huge smile on her face. She was so innocent. I took my headphones out. “Sissy, Sissy get up now.” She said while pulling my arm trying to lift me up. I smiled as I sat up and pulled her into my lap. “You know what time it is?” “No, no, no, not time” She says trying to run away. “It’s Mr. Pinchy time” I started tickling her and she was laughing hysterically. “Sissy stop, Please stop” I stopped and kissed her on her forehead. “I love you sweet girl” “I love you sissy, Now eat time” I looked up and Gigi was standing in the door way. “Morning G” “Morning A” I got up and put Maddie on my back and walked downstairs to a feast. I was guessing that my mom isn’t doing well because Mrs. Frank made all my favorites. She made French toast, cheesy eggs, home fries, bacon and sausage. “So Allie after we are done eating I’ll take you to see your mom” “Is she ok?” I could tell by her expression the answer was no. “No they don’t know if she’ll wake up. They say she has bleeding and swelling in her brain. She has very little brain function” I was instantly sad again I couldn’t even eat the rest of my plate. When Maddie was done we went upstairs to get dressed.

A couple hours later we were heading to the hospital. Mr. Frank didn’t come because he would probably kill David. He has pulled a gun on David before when he came over and was hitting my mom in front of their house. It’s sad that even with people reporting the abuse and the hospital records. No one cared he never got arrested Because most of the cops and people who are supposed to protect you were all really good friends with him. When we finally made it to the hospital I went to the front desk. “I’m here to see Ann Marie Sander. I’m her daughter” “She’s in ICU room 2130” “Thank You Ma’am” “Your welcome honey” We walked to her room and I walked in. I saw my mom hooked up to so many machines. Maddie held onto me really tight. I felt bad because she didn’t really know what was going on. I handed Maddie to Gigi and sat by my mom. I took her hand and just started to cry. I was feeling angry and sad. I felt bad but I also blamed her for not leaving. “I’m gonna go see if I can get any more information. Girls let’s give Allie some time alone.” I just prayed that she would be OK but I knew deep down that she wouldn’t be I just wanted her to come back. “What are you doing here you little bitch” I heard from a familiar voice “I’m visiting my mother who you put in this hospital bed. You worthless excuse of a man. Why are you here it’s not like you care about her.” “Don’t talk to your father like that.” He slapped me across the face. “You are not my father; you’re just an abusive piece of shit.” He punched me in the face and I fell to the ground crying “Your mom isn’t here to protect you. I’m gonna pull the plug on her as soon as I can.” “I don’t need her I’m taking Madison and we are leaving” “Good I never wanted either of you anyway especially you” “Good I hope you rot in hell” I stood up and He punched me across the face again and I fell to the ground again. “If I ever see you again I will kill you Allison” I knew he wasn’t lying he was a psycho “If I ever see you David don’t worry I’ll kill myself.”  He walked out of the hospital room. “Maddie say bye bye to momma and give her kisses.” She did and I kissed my mom goodbye. I knew this would be the last time I saw her whether she lived or died I would never come back. 

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