Chapter 29: Pool Party

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Chapter 29

I woke up to hone going off with my text tone.  It was Ash <Pool party at T’s be there at noon> I looked at the top and seen it was 9. < Noon. I want to sleep till forever> <Girl get your butt up we jus got in so come see us> <Fine. I’ll be there. Lucky I love ya> <Love ya too> I know Gianna is gonna be upset but at least it’s not 7. “G get up we’re goin to a pool party” “It better be after 1” “Nope it’s 9” “Why are you waking me up” “Because we are going to a pool party at Tyler Hubbard’s house.” She practically jumped out of bed. I was laughing my butt off. We got out of bed “Daddy we’re goin to a pool party at T’s house.” “Umm ok. That didn’t sound like a question.” “It wasn’t I was jus letting you know. I was gonna take the little ones if that’s ok. Give you and mom a little alone time.” “Ewww Allie. Why are you thinking about your parents alone time?” “Damn it Gianna I didn’t mean it like that. Nasty, Ewww, Gross, Seriously. I jus meant. Forget it.” By this time Luke is laughing hysterically and my face is red. “That’s fine we were gonna come later anyway around 5 or so.” Luke finally got out after his fit of laughter. “Ok” We grabbed a bowl of cereal. I texted my Georgia boy we talked yesterday but not a lot. <Pool party at T’s you gonna come?> <Yeah. How could I miss you in a bathing suit? ;-)> <LOL!! Can’t wait to see you without a shirt!! ;-)> <I’ve missed you beautiful> <I’ve missed you too Georgia Boy. Can’t wait to kiss you!!> <Well my lips are waiting> <I’ll see ya lata gotta get ready.> <Ok babe> I went upstairs posted my picture from the zoo and started getting ready. I wore my usualshorts a red and black tank and sperrys. I didn’t wear makeup because we were gonna get in the pool. I barely brushed my hair into a low ponytail and through on a Georgia hat that I stole from Elijah. I went and got the little ones ready. I didn’t tell Maddie where we were going just that it was a pool party she has been askin to see T for a while. I finished and Gigi was walking out her room wearing short shorts a tank top and sandals. She’s seriously a girly girl her hair was also done real nice and she had on makeup. We went downstairs and Luke was sitting on the couch with Cam. “Y’all can take your mom’s car.” Luke said “Ok daddy” I said “Allie did you even wash and brush your hair.” I sighed and answered her “Now why would I wash my hair when I’m gettin in the pool. Yes I brushed it into a ponytail. Dang Momma.” It had a little more attitude then I wanted but goodness women let me be. Luke just laughed and Cam hit him. “What?” he said still laughing “Don’t laugh at her Luke.” “I think she looks perfectly fine babe” Luke said “Of course you do.” She laughed. We said bye to Luke and Cam so they could have their couple hours of peace. We got in the Tahoe and headed to T’s house.

When we got there I helped the little ones out and grabbed our bags and stuff. I didn’t bother knocking and just walked in. “You don’t even knock” Gigi asked laughing “No that would be crazy.” I smiled “Allie we’re at Tyty’s house.” “Yes we are.” I smiled and she smiled bigger. “Hey Peeps you here.” I said walking towards the backyard “We’re out back.” Layla said Maddie immediately ran to Tyler of course. Bo ran to BK because that’s his favorite. I walked over and gave Ash and Layla a big hug. I introduced Gigi to them and then the guys walked over “T and BK this is my best friend Gigi” “Gigi well you already know.” She was just staring.  “Awkward” I said and everyone laughed. “I thought we were past this after Chase G” “I’m sorry” She said snapping out of it and shaking her head. “I just didn’t expect the first time I’d meet them they wouldn’t have shirts on.” We all started “I swear only you Gianna” “I know but this is crazy. It’s nice to meet you guys” They said it back and gave her shirtless side hugs because they were both still holding the little ones. I started laughing when she started blushing. We went and changed into our bathing suits. I decided to wear my pink bikini but I wear tight board shorts on the bottom to hide my scars.  Gianna was wearing a teal bikini top with black bottoms but she put her shorts back on. We went back out and sat in the lounge chair next to Ash. “So what was yours and Luke’s status about last night.” Ash asked “Yeah it seemed kinda random.” Layla asked “No not random. So we went to the zoo yesterday and…” I started and was interrupted “What the animals were picking on you Allie. I heard the animals at that zoo are jus the worst” Bk said being the annoying brother type he is. “No douche” I said smiling at him and then punching him in the arm which made everyone laugh. “Like I was saying we were at the zoo and the animals were very nice to me.” I said rolling my eyes “These girls came up to me and started calling me a liar, whore and all this other crap.” “What why would they do that?” Layla asked me. “Well Apparently I have a hate page full of half-truths and mainly lie about my life and everything.”  “What do you mean half-truths?” Ash asked “Well whoever this is they are from my hometown. The joy of small town living” I said putting my head down. “It’s Ok Allie we love you and their hate says more about them than you” “I know that’s what mom and dad say.” We sat around talking and laughing. Gianna is being normal now.  

About a half hour later the boys showed up I was so excited I got up and ran into Elijah’s arms and he almost lost his balance but he caught me. I gave him a passionate kiss I could feel him smile and that made me smile and let out a giggle. “That was a warm welcome baby” “Well gotta make up for not seeing you and not kissing you yesterday.” I kissed him again. “Alright you two your dad would not approve and we don’t either.” T said and Elijah put me down and I just laughed. “We’ll never get away with anything” I whispered to Eli he smiled down at me. “Dang T I get enough of that from daddy and BK please tell me you ain’t gonna be as bad as them.” “Worse” He said giving Eli the evil eye. “Oh goodness, you’re a mess T” He just laughed. “Well you look gorgeous baby, your body is perfect. It’s gonna be hard to keep my hands off you” I blushed a little and laughed. “Well you better or you might just lose them.” I laughed and he put his arm around my shoulder and we sat down next to Jake and Gigi on the pool side bed. Maddie really hasn’t left Tyler’s side this whole time and Bo and Maddie are pretty much inseparable. It’s cute though. “Y’all wanna go in the pool?” I asked and everyone said yes. We got up and walked over to the pool.  Gigi went to push me in but as I was fallin I grabbed her and pulled her in. We were all playing in the pool for a good while when T got out and decided to fire up the grill. We played around a little bit before getting out. I wrapped Maddie and Bo in a towel and they went and lay on the pool side bed. I was like whatever I love when they put themselves down for a nap. We went to sit on the lounge chairs. Elijah at down first and I sat between his legs and leaned back on his chest. He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around me. “Every day with you is perfect baby.” I turned around enough to kiss his lips. “Life is better with you Georgia Boy.” I turned back around just enjoying being here with some of the people I care about most. I took out my phone and saw I was tagged in a post. Gigi posted a picture of Eli and me kissing. [These two are so cute it’s gross, but at least @AllieMarie and @EliMichaelMusic are happy!!] I favorite and retweeted. “Gigi I’m gonna kill you” “Oh it’s a cute picture” I just looked at her and rolled my eyes but I had on my sunglasses so it made me giggle. “I know you just rolled your eyes right” “Yep.” I was looking through some of the comments and things from last night. I went to the two fan pages and followed them on both Instagram and Twitter and liked some of their things. I then just went to the hate page to see what lies they were spreading today. I was completely shocked at what I saw. 

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