Chapter 64- College Game day

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Well I'm back after my bestie weekend which was awesom. Thank you for being so supportive to me and my story. This chapter has moments but it's mostly a filler. I might update again tonight but if not for sure by thursday. 

Chapter 64          

Continue for the night before   

We made it back just in time to see Cole, TR and Uncle Jay perform it was a relaxing night kinda. My momma was pissed but when we told her that her parents signed the adoption papers for Gianna she cried which made me cry. We are an emotional wreck but whatever. After the show I pretty much went right to bed. Elijah stayed and hung out with everyone which I don’t care just because I am tired doesn’t mean he can’t stay up. Eventually he came wondering in and He tried not to wake me up but I don’t really sleep well when he’s not there. He laid down and we cuddled and I could finally sleep well.

The next morning I woke up at around 9 excited to be going to a Tar Heels game so I jumped on Elijah to wake him up. When will he learn I never let him sleep in. “Wake up it’s game day” I yelled. He let out a deep sigh “You are the worst girlfriend.” He groaned in his extremely sleepy voice. “That’s not nice Elijah.” “Yeah neither is your wake up call.” He stated as he grabbed me and pulled me on top of him. “Now you must pay.” He said. “Pay how?” Like this.” He said kissing me and I kissed back of course. I finally pulled out after our heated make out session. “I’m hungry love.” “You’re always hungry pretty girl.” “Yeah well I need food.” “Please don’t say you want bacon because you’re not getting it.” I laughed because everyone tells me to limit my bacon intake. If I could have a bacon IV I would love it. “Ummm I kinda want Chicken and Waffles or pizza.” “Well your shit out of luck because we don’t have either of those things.” I just looked at him and gave him a pouty face. “That doesn’t work on me anymore Allison.” He said laughing “Fine I’ll ask daddy. We can leave a little earlier.”  I picked up my phone and called my dad. <Hey little bear.> He said I could tell I woke him up. <So I want chicken and Waffles or Pizza and Elijah is being an ass.> Allie is being a brat Luke. We have food here she can eat.” Elijah said making my dad laugh. <You woke me up for this Allie.> <Yes it’s very important.> <Just eat what we have here and then we’ll leave a little earlier and stop somewhere.> <Thanks Love you. Oh and don’t think about wearing anything Georgia. You better be wearing Carolina blue.> <Yeah whatever you say bossy pants. I love you too.> I hung up the phone. “What did he say?” “That we can stop on the way.” “Yeah I figured. What do you want for now?” “Oatmeal will do.” I laughed and I gave Elijah a kiss and went to the kitchen. I said good morning to everyone and started making oatmeal. I sat down at the island with Gigi and Chase walked in. “Morning Chase.” We both said “Morning girls.” He said giving us both a hug and kiss on the cheek. “You ready for today?” “Hell yeah we are.” I said and Gigi nodded. “So I have a surprise for you?” Our eyes lit up and we both had smiles. “Go on.” Gigi said. “Well first I got you these sweat shirts just in case it gets cold.” He said as he handed us zip up Carolina sweatshirts. “Thank you” We both said with a huge smile. “I also have the hook up so we get to go tour the facility and go on the field.” We jumped up and gave him a hug. “Ahh you are the best. I think I like you most out of everyone.” He smiled. “Yeah for now but I’ll go so y’all can get ready.” “Ok thank you Chase” Gigi said and we gave him another hug and he left.

We all got ready I was wearing a pair of light denim jeans with a Tar Heels tank top, my matching hat and a pair of custom UNC Nike’s. Gigi decided to wear a Tar Heels dress with a headband and sandals.  I walked back into my room and Elijah was dressed in dark blue jeans and a UGA shirt and hat.  “Did you not hear what I told daddy?” “Yeah but you didn’t tell me.” He said smirking which made me laugh because he’s so cute. “It was implied idiot. I bought you all shirts and hats.” “I know but.” “No buts put it on please for me.” I said wrapping him in a hug. “Yeah fine whatever.” “Don’t give me attitude Georgia boy. It ain’t gonna kill you.” “It might Carolina Girl, it might.” He said kissing my forehead. I just laughed at how dramatic he was being. All of a sudden I heard little footsteps and my door fly open. “Allie Allie? Eww Eli put on a shirt.” Maddie screamed and I laughed and so did Elijah. She looked so cute in her Carolina blue sundress. “Yes Maddie monster, and you need to knock sweet girl so you don’t see Elijah with no shirt.” I said picking her up and laughing “Sorry I will. We are going to watch football. That’s cool.” “Yes it is Maddie I’m excited and I can see you are also.” She was smiling from ear to ear. She has always liked football even when she was a baby she never would cry when football was on she would sit there and listen and watch. It was the cutest thing but this is her first game. I carried her out and said good morning to my mom, dad and Bo. We all got in the van and left. We didn’t want to make a big thing so it was just Chase, John, Elijah, Gigi, mom, dad, Bo, Maddie, Jake, Andy, Ren, Shane and I. With Chase and my dad there it’s gonna already be crazy. Chase was asked to sing the national anthem and he asked Gigi and me to sing with him. So we have been practicing and it sounds good. We went to get pizza then went to the campus.

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