Chapter 47- Well Then

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Chapter 47

Allie’s POV:

Well last night was a mistake I feel so lost right now. I can’t stop thinking about all the bad. I buried it so deep and now it’s back because of a choice that I made. I’m pretty sure that Elijah is gonna hate me and break up with me. I don’t even want to open my eyes and face the day it’s going to suck. I just want to sleep the rest of my life away. I opened my eyes and looked up and I was lying on my dad’s chest. He really is the best I don’t know what I would do without him. I guess he felt me moving. “Morning little bear.” “Morning daddy. I’m so sorry.” I said and then the tears started to fall again. He hugged me tight. “Shhh little bear its ok. Don’t cry” He said kissing my forehead. I couldn’t stop crying. “Allison it’s OK you’re safe. I promise you that.” I just couldn’t stop. I got up and ran to the bathroom and started throwing up but there was nothing in my stomach. I heard everyone talking I curled up on the floor and cried until I heard yelling and a loud thud. “You did this. This is all your fault.” My dad yelled “I’m sorry I didn’t know.” Elijah said “I should kill you for hurting my little girl. I trusted you and look at her.” “You think this is what I wanted?” “Luke let him go.” My mom yelled “You both knew better and said you wouldn’t go there and you did. Now look at what happened.” My dad yelled “I know I messed up Luke but I would never hurt her on purpose.” “Seriously Luke let the boy go” My mom yelled again. I pulled myself off the floor and walked out I didn’t want my dad to kill Elijah or them start fighting. “Daddy stop it now! It wasn’t his fault he really did try to get me to change my mind. If you’re gonna blame anyone you blame me. I’m the damaged one.” My dad just looked at me then looked at Elijah. “I’m sorry Eli” He said “I get it Luke and I deserved it.”

 I turned around and walked backed into the bathroom and cried some more. I heard the door open. “We have a key now little bear.” My dad said. I just looked at him with tears still falling. “Where’s Elijah?” “He’s really upset talking to Gigi.” He came and just picked me up I just wanted to stay there alone on the floor. He placed me on the bed. I looked up at him. “I really messed up huh?”  I said crying into his chest. “No Allie it’s better to know now and we can work on it.” He kissed my forehead. “I love you little bear.” “I love you too poppa bear.” Well I guess I don’t have any more tears because it is all dry. “I need to talk to Elijah.” “You sure.” Yes. Might as well get it over with.” “I’ll go get him.” Elijah came in about 5 minutes later. I could tell he was crying. He sat on the bed next to me. “Um I’m really sorry Elijah.” I said letting a tear fall. “No Allie I’m sorry I hurt you and  I am so sorry.” I saw a tear escape his eye. “You did nothing wrong Elijah. Don’t you dare blame yourself neither of us knew that  this would happen.” I moved closer to him. “Look at me babe.” He did. “Please don’t blame yourself because I’m damaged and I understand if you don’t want to be with me anymore.” He looked at me shocked and he grabbed me hand. “Allison Marie Bryan I love you and I am not going anywhere. We will get through this together.” He is literally the sweetest guy ever. “Elijah I love you.” “I love you too pretty girl.” I leaned in and gave him a quick kiss. “Will you lay down with me?” “Of course” We laid down and I fell asleep.

A little while later I was woken up. “Baby you need to get up and eat.” “I’m not hungry.” “Well your gonna get up and eat. It’s almost 330 and you haven’t eaten since yesterday.” Elijah said. “Come on” he said tickling me a little. I jumped up. “Ugh fine I’m up but after I eat I will be right back here.” “That’s alright I’ll be here with you.” “Ok well let’s get this over with.” I walked out and my dad and creeper were working on something. My mom and Gigi were trying to get Bo and Maddie to stop running around the hotel room. Ugh and Taylor was on the couch. “Sissy Sissy” Maddie came running. I paused and I chocked back the tears. I was really passed this I can’t be mad at her for what he did to me because she is perfect. “Yes sweet girl?” “Mommy said you’re not feeling well.” “Yeah I’m not feeling myself but I’ll get better.” “Well I’ll make you better.” “How will you do that?” I bent down so I was on her level.She gave me a bunch of kisses and a hug. I couldn’t help but smile. I picked her up “Well sweet girl I feel much better now.” “Well see you need Maddie.” “Yes I do more than you know sweet girl.” I put her down. I went and sat at the table and Bo came over. “Hey little dude.” I said putting him in my lap. “Hey sissy I love you” He gave me a kiss and hug. “I love you too little buddy.” He hopped down. “Now where’s the food?” “Oh Well see we have to order the food from room service.” Elijah said looking at me with a smirk. “Elijah Michael you jerk. You woke me up for nothing. You better find me some food or I’m gonna bite your damn face off.” Everyone laughed. “Um Interesting I think there’s cereal but why don’t you just look and we can order. We’re waiting on you.” He said with a little hint of attitude. I just rolled my eyes. “No one in this room could figure out what I would want to eat. It’s not that hard. I just want to sleep. You’re all annoying and I hate you.” I said walking back in my room. They laughed. I heard my dad say “I see she woke up pleasant.” And everyone started laughing again “Shut up daddy” I yelled from the room. He came in “What do you want to eat little bear.” “Nothing I just want to go back to sleep.” “Seriously Allison” “Fine something pasta” “Ok now come join us.” “No. I’m sleepy and Taylor is here and I might not be able to be nice.” “Come on your not gonna sleep all day.” “Yes I am. You don’t perform so I will be fine staying right here all day.” He grabbed me out of bed and threw me over his shoulder. “Seriously dad you’re such a pain in the butt” He brought me to the living room. “Momma your husband is being a pain.” “Yeah well what do you want me to do sweetie.” “I don’t tell him to put me back and let me sleep.” “Sweetie you have been sleeping all day.” “So what.” “Hey brat stop being a pain in the butt.” Mike said looking up from the computer. “You stay out of it creeper. Or I’ll kick your butt.” He laughed my dad walked over to Elijah with me still on his shoulder. “Here Eli I think this belongs to you.” “I don’t think I want it. It’s being mean and it wants to eat my face.” He said and we all started laughing. “Daddy put me down. Elijah Shut up.” He set me on my feet and I slapped his arm then hit Elijah in his stomach and slapped Mike upside the head. They all said Owe. “Now leave me alone you three.” I said and they laughed and surrounded me in a group hug. “You three I swear there is something wrong with y’all. Momma please help me I can’t breathe.” “You gonna be nice.” Elijah asked  “I’ll try but no promises.” They let me go and we ordered our food. “I’m gonna take a quick shower that ok with Y’all?” I asked and they smiled and nodded.

I went in the bathroom and took a quick shower as I was getting out Gigi came in. “Hey A I know you have your own stuff but can I talk to you?” “Yeah what’s up G. I’m always here for you.” She sat down on the bed as I started to look for something to put on. “Well me and Jacob broke up yesterday.” “What but you looked so cozy on the couch? What happened?” She looked down. “Well that’s because we’re still gonna be friend I understood and I think I basically broke up with him or pushed his decision.” “I’m confused I thought you guys were serious.” “We were heading there but He left this girl when he was in Rehab and he loves her and she’s pregnant with his baby. How do I compete with that or keep him from that.” “That little jerk I’ll kick his ass.” She smiled. “You don’t have to we want him to be happy. We care about him so you will be nice and support our decision.” “Fine I hope things work out.” I said faking a smile. She laughed. “I’m fine Allie you know how I am. We need to focus on you you’re crazy town sweetie.” “Thanks G I know I have issues.” “Yeah serious ones.” She laughed I have an amazing best friend. I know she’s hurting but she always moves on so fast. She’ll find someone else or just start making out with people. I just put on leggings and a tank top and put my hair in a messy bun. I didn’t wash it in the shower so it wasn’t wet. “Girls the food is here.” I walked out and Jake was here. I gave him the evil look. “Be nice bitch” Gigi whispered so I smiled. “Hey Allie” “Hey Jerk” He just looked at me then looked at Gigi who did a face palm. “I guess you told her.” “Yeah. I told her to be nice but that’s like telling poppa bear not to shake it.” That made us all laugh. “Whoa I can be nice. Now if the fate of the world rested on daddy not shaking it we would all be doomed. End of the world.” We all laughed “What I could do it if it would save the world.” My dad said and we all laughed. “Yeah whatever poppa bear” “Anyway what did you tell Allie and why is Jake a jerk?” He asked “Nosey much.” I said “Jake and I broke up last night no big deal. It was mutual kind of and it’s for the best. Allie just likes to be a drama queen.” Gigi said glaring at me. I just looked at my plate and ate my chicken parm and pasta. Oh so good. “SO what movie are we gonna watch?” “Frozen” Maddie yelled we all just looked at each other. Luckily she always falls asleep during movies so we can watch whatever we want after that. “Ok sweet girl.” We watched movies the whole night. The next day Daddy had to go on but I stayed in the hotel with Gigi, Elijah and Jake. Then Monday I flew back to Nashville with My mom, dad, Gigi and Elijah oh and of course Bo and Maddie. We have to go home for me to start therapy which I didn’t want to but I know I need it. Also we are throwing my dad an early birthday party at the farm since we have to be on the bus to Georgia Thursday.    

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