Chapter 11. Surprise!! ;-)

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Chapter 11

Allie’s POV:

I dialed her number <OMG Alli you are all over Twitter> <Yeah I heard Gigi> <So how are your parents> <Good, don’t change the subject though. You are hanging with my favorite artist and they are all calling you family> <It’s crazy Gigi, Luke actually talked to a lawyer and we can legally stay with them till my mom’s will is read> <Wow Allie I am so Happy for you>< BK posted a pic of you putting your shoulder back in> <Yeah they thought it was crazy. It’s just another day for me> She laughed <Well at least you did it to yourself this time> <Yeah I know I’m happy that Luke and Cammie want us to stay> <Well why wouldn’t they Even with all the shit you have been through you are positive and bring nothing but joy. You light up a room with your smile even when everyone knows you want to cry or have been crying.> < Gianna I love you girl, you are the best friend a girl could have. I miss you so much> <Allie you know I love you and miss you more than anything. We will make plans to see each other soon.> <I should get back before the adults get into trouble and I use the word adult loosely. I think I heard fireworks or a gun.> <OK Allie oh and my friends from school are texting me about you on all these famous people pages. So I’m famous by association.> <You need help girl, Talk to you tomorrow. Love ya> <Oh and Allie Happy Birthday girl.> <Thanks Gigi, it’s not a big deal> <Your free celebrate tell them and get a cake. Love ya> <Love ya too> I hung up and walked out of the office and crashed into Elijah again. “We really need to stop meeting like this” we both smiled “Yeah we do sweetheart” Why’d he say that crap I’m probably blushing now. “So where ya hurryin off to?” “”Luke sent me to find you.” “Ok I’ve been found now what?” I can’t believe I’m talking to this hot guy. I’ve never really talked to a guy this good lookin before. Well Austin Gigi’s cousin but I never really thought of him like that even though he is gorgeous. Any way I broke my thought. “Well I guess we join the Adults” He said putting up the air quotes as he said adult. Which made me laugh but instead we just went and sat on the couch. “So Eli how old are you?”  I just turned 17 on May 26th. What about you?” “Well I’m 16 and Oh never mind forget it” “Never mind what?” “I’ll tell you my birthday another day. So how long are you staying with Jason?” “”Nope don’t change the subject Missy” “Fine My Birthday is…”  I said looking down at my watch “Well I’m waiting. You shouldn’t have to think that hard about it.” He said flashing a smile “Fine as of 2 minutes ago it is June 10th and it is my birthday. So I’m officially 17” “Oh happy Birthday, sweetheart” “Shhhh. It’s not a big deal no need to announce it to the world.” “Hey Uncle Jay, Luke” He said as I’m going no, no, no , don’t do it. “Yeah Eli what’s up?” Luke asked as I went to run away and Eli grabbed me and wouldn’t let go as much as I struggled. “What is it Eli?” Jason asked Looking confused as I’m still struggling to get loose from his arm. Wow he’s pretty strong I don’t really mind having his strong arms around me. Oh wait snap out of it Allie I told myself.  “Someone has been keeping a big secret from all of us” Great by this time everyone had come inside and circled around. “Well someone spit it out” Luke said “you wanna tell them or should I?”  Eli asked “Fine let go and I’ll tell them.” I said with a tiny bit of attitude “Ok guys well umm” “Oh spit it out girl” Blake yelled ““I’m tryin to. Well as of about five minutes ago it’s my birthday so I’m officially 17. No biggy””Birthdays are important Allie. Why didn’t you say anything” “I don’t know Luke, never really celebrated one before and I just met y’all.” He looked at me kinda disappointed. “I’m sorry guys.”  They all smiled and started singing. I couldn’t help but smile and laugh as they gave me a group hug. “Thanks y’all. I love ya” “So Allie what should we do tomorrow” Luke asked “Oh Luke we don’t have to do anything” “Yes we do but we will have to plan something and since you have no ideas it will be a  surprise.” “Oh I don’t know how I feel about that either” I laughed. Everyone went back to doing what they what they were doing. They went back to drinking and fooling around I went back to sit by Elijah. “Thanks a lot jerk” I said punching his arm. “What? A beautiful girl like you deserves to be celebrated.” He said flashing his perfect smile. “If you say so. So back to my question where are you from and how long are you staying?” “Well I’m from Georgia and I guess I’m here for good. I got in some trouble in my town and my mom thinks that Uncle Jay will be a good influence on me” “Him?” I said pointing to Jason who was making funny noises and wrestling with Luke and Blake. “Yeah my mom may be out of her mind but I love being around uncle Jay and I get to go on the road with him and learn from him. I also get to go to school online which is better for me. Plus I got to meet you.” “Well that’s awesome and you are too sweet I’m glad I met you” “So you planning on stickin around and goin to school here?” “Luke said I can stay so hopefully I will. I graduated last year so I’m done with school.” “What about college?” “I never really thought about it my mom wanted me to go and I go accepted to a lot of schools but I wasn’t gonna leave Maddie.” “Well you could go now” “Yeah but I still wouldn’t leave Maddie, plus being homeschooled it would be hard to fit in at college especially being younger than everyone else.” “Yeah that’s true and I wouldn’t want you to leave.” “I’m hoping I won’t have to maybe I’ll think about college next year when I turn 18.” “Sounds good, you should look into Belmont they have the best music program BK and T went there. And you have an amazing voice. Plus you play guitar really well. Where did you learn play like that?” “Thank you well my mom sang I guess I get that from her. And she taught me to play the piano. I learned the guitar a little on my own but Gianna took lessons so her and her cousin Austin helped me get better. They had a band so I would play with them every once in a while.” “That’s awesome” “You play any instruments? Since everyone calls you little Jason. Which I find funny because you’re way taller than him but you do kinda look alike” I said laughing “Yeah I know Uncle Jay is older though.” He said laughing “yeah but I play the guitar, drums and I sing a little” “I’d like to see and hear that one day” “well my drums will be here on Monday and Luke is here all the time so you’ll get an opportunity. And you’ll have to show me your skills on the electric guitar.” “Sounds like a plan” I said as Luke came and squeezed between us. “Luke leave those kids alone” “yeah Luke listen to Miranda” I said “We should get going Allie. Cam is going to kill me” “Ok I’ll go grab my stuff from upstairs.” I smiled and started to walk upstairs. “You need help Allie” “Yeah sure Eli” I didn’t really but I said that to get a rise out of Luke. He looked like he wanted to get up and run upstairs. Luckily he didn’t and Elijah and I went upstairs to get mine and Maddie’s stuff.

Luke’s POV:

I wish I would have known it was Allie’s Birthday. Cam and I will have to try and figure out how to change our plans for tomorrow to celebrate it. Plus she is getting cozy with Eli and I don’t like that. The girls were right this is hard. I mean she is 17 and that is the age I guess girls start to date and even though Eli got in some trouble he is a good kid. I just wish I could get used to the whole having a teenage daughter thing before she starts dating. “Luke, Earth to Luke. What are you thinking about I think I see steam” Jason said pulling me out of my thoughts. “Well I think you should send that boy back to Georgia” I said taking my hat off running my hands through my hair before putting it back on. “Well I can’t do that Luke” he said laughing and everyone joining in with him. “See Luke we told you teenage girls are tough on a father” Layla said “Well I don’t like it, I’m not ready” They laughed again “You’ll never be ready Luke and when Maddie is her age you’ll go through it again” Ash Added “Thanks for making it worse Ash” “Anytime Luke but it will be fine you have two very smart mature girls so you have nothing to worry about.” They all were laughing at me. I saw Allie and Eli come walking down the stairs and they were smiling and laughing. It drove me crazy but I love seeing her smiling. “So what’s so funny crazies?”  Allie asked “Oh nothing Darlin, you ready to go?” “Yeah sure” she said bye and gave everyone a hug. I took her bag from Eli and headed to the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow sweetheart, happy birthday” Eli said to Ali. “Thank you so much” She said giving him hug and a kiss on the cheek. That made the whole group go Awww. Ali shot them a dirty look “Real mature guys, real mature” They laughed as we walked out the door to the Truck.

SO how do we get home? I mean to your house Luke?” “Allie it’s your house too. Well for another month or so.” “What are you talking about? I thought you said we could stay?” “Well you can’t very well stay in house that we don’t own” “Luke what are you talking about?” “We’re moving to a nice piece of land secluded, and little bigger luckily for us and closer to Jason. We have fans that show up at our house and as much as I love my fans we want a little bit of privacy.” “Oh I see you could have just said that” “Well yeah I guess, So what is going on with you and Eli?” “I knew this was coming well he’s really nice, handsome, a gentleman and we get along very well and he asked me on a date when we went to get my stuff from upstairs” “What? I’ll kill him” “Wow Luke is this what it’s like to have a real dad because I don’t know how I feel about it.” She said laughing “Well I guess I wouldn’t know I just started this father daughter thing. But if you want to go on a date with him you are 17 and I think you are mature enough to decide if you want to date a boy. But I will kill him if he’s not a gentleman.” ”Luke you’re so drunk” “Jus a little so about this date?”  “Luke I said No” She said looking sad. “Why I hope it wasn’t cause of me. I can see you like him” “No it wasn’t cause of you even though I would have asked your permission before I said yes. I just don’t think with all I been through and never really talked to a guy and I don’t think I should bring him into all of my issues. I have too much baggage. He’s an amazing guy and deserves better than me.’’ “But Allie your life is not the same anymore and any guy would be lucky to have you” “Yeah I don’t know about that. Either way I just got here we’ll see because I do like him but for now we’re just gonna be friends, hangout and get to know each other better.” “That is kinda a relief to me.” I said flashing her a smile which made her smile. “That’s the house on the right.” She pulled into the drive way.

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