Chapter 53- Home

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Chapter 53

Allie’s POV

I went for a long walk with Elijah and Gigi where we didn’t really say much at all. Just walked and Gigi and I smoked a little I wasn’t even feeling like doing that either. We went back to the bus and just fell asleep. I just laid in bed with Elijah thinking about everything and decided I had to get away. It was almost 5 in the morning. I got out of bed packed a bag and booked a flight to Birmingham AL, I saw it was close to Nashville and I wanted to go home. I figured I’d fly there and then drive home from there. I didn’t want my family to know I was going home Hell I still don’t know if I was going home but right now that’s the plan. I walked back into the bunks and Bo and Maddie were sleeping together in Maddie’s bed. They do that often because they are so close anyway I woke them up quietly. I could never leave without saying bye. “Bo, Maddie wake up little ones.” They opened their beautiful little eyes. “Allie what’s wrong?” Maddie asked. “Shhhh Maddie. I have to go on a trip for a little while SO I need you little ones to be very good. OK?” “But we don’t want you to leave Sissy?” Bo said “You gotta be quite Bo and I know I don’t want to leave either but I love you a lot and I’ll see you soon.” I gave them a big hug and kiss. “Now go back to sleep like my good little loves” They laid back down and I walked out and let a tear fall. I wrote a letter to everyone and took off. I called a cab and headed to the airport my flight left at 7. I made it to the airport and through security just in time. I kept my head down hoping not to get noticed by anybody. I actually didn’t because I had my hair up and kept my head down with my hood up.

I made it to Birmingham and rented a car it was about a 3 hour drive to Nashville. I was so happy to be home even though I feel like shit for leaving. I think it’s for the best they’ll be better off without me anyway. I got to the house opened the door and took in the scent of home. I missed this place. I went straight to my room and laid on my bed and I went to sleep. I never turned my phone back on from the flight because I know by now everyone is calling. I’m just trying not to kill myself right now I don’t need a lecture or people telling me to come back. I just want to be alone. I want to try and get rid of this evil inside of me and be a better person for my family. I really hate myself right now and I just don’t really know what to do.

Luke’s POV:

I woke up at around 830 expecting Allie to be up so we could talk but she wasn’t. I thought maybe she just had rough night and slept in. I went to the kitchen to get some coffee before I looked at the counter and saw a letter.

To My Family,

I’m sorry I have been so horrible lately this pressure is just too much for me to handle. I just think it will be better if I just left. I’m sorry if this hurts y’all but it’s a choice I have to make because I am scared of the person I’m becoming and don’t want to subject you to that. I love all you very much and again I am very sorry.

Love Allison

I broke down crying like a baby. I didn’t know what this letter means. I’m so worried about her and where she may be or what she might do. I ran back to my room “Cam wake up Allie’s gone.”  She jumped out of bed. “Luke what are you talking about?” She asked and I handed her theletter. “She’s gone babe, She left I don’t why, Where. I’m so worried about her.” “We have to find her.” She said crying and I held her. Bo and Maddie walked in and Maddie looked upset. “What’s the matter?” Bo asked. “Nothing Bo. Everything is ok.” I answered “Ok When is Sissy coming back from her trip?” He asked “How do you know Allie’s gone Bo?” “She said bye daddy. She wouldn’t leave without saying bye but Maddie is sad and sissy needs to come back now.” He said and Maddie started crying so I picked her up. We tried to call Allie but her phone was off. I walked out and Gigi, Mike and Elijah were up in the lounge. “Hey Luke where’s Allie?” Elijah asked. “Um Elijah she took off sometime last night.” “What where’d she go.” He asked. I handed him the letter and they read it and they all tried to call her but she didn’t answer. “What are we gonna do Poppa bear?” “I don’t know sweetheart. Cam is trying to find her.” Gigi started to cry and Mike hugged her. “I should have felt her get up. This is all my fault.” Elijah said hanging his head and letting a tear fall. I put my hand on his shoulder “Elijah this is not your fault. We will find her and get her back.” He shook his head and Cam came walking out. “Luke she took her bank card and she bought a plane ticket and took out money then didn’t use it again.” “Where did she go?” “She flew into Birmingham.” “Why would she fly into Birmingham?” “She doesn’t want to get found she’s gonna rent a car and drive where ever she wants to drive.” Gigi said between sniffles. “We will get her back I promise.” The rest of the day sucked calling Allie and getting nothing she turned her phone on but she wouldn’t answer. She changed her voicemail to say ‘Stop Calling me I’m alive. Don’t leave a message.’ We were all trying to think of where she could be but we don’t know. I don’t know why she would leave us when she is better off with us.

I was sitting outside our bus just thinking about things when Gigi came over. “Poppa bear?” “Yeah Panda?” “I’m scared of what she might do if we don’t find her.” “She won’t do anything crazy Gianna. She’ll find her way back because even if she doesn’t care about us. I know for a fact she cares about Maddie.” “She loves us poppa bear but she’s just confused but I never thought she would leave.” She said starting to tear up again. “Come on little Panda the bus is about to start rolling.” She nodded and we went back on the bus. Maddie was still upset she sat down with Gigi and jus cuddled. She has barely eaten all day. I keep calling Allie and let her know how Maddie was but she still hasn’t called or anything.

Allie’s POV:

I woke up from my nap feeling again like a shitty person. I turned on my phone and I had a lot of messages. I didn’t want to listen to them all but I did listen to some. I was so confused about what I should do and why I even left. I just knew I had to get away from everything at the moment. I ended crying myself asleep. I woke up the next morning showered and went to my therapist office because I needed to talk to her ASAP. I was there before she even opened just sitting on the floor in front of the door. “Allie sweetheart what are you doing here? Where are your parents?” “I need to talk and I kinda ran away sorta.” “Ok well that’s not good. I don’t have any appointment set up for the morning so come in and we can talk. Then maybe you can call your parents.” “Yes we can talk I don’t know about calling my parents though.” She led me into her office and we talked for hours. “Well Allie you know what I know to be true. The person you are has nothing to do with your step father. You are an amazing young lady. You are having these issues because you never had the opportunity to address them. We will figure this out together sweetie. Allie you have had a tough life and yet you still find it in you to smile, love, be happy and build a life of optimism. Why take that away from yourself by saying you’re evil because of the evil you were subjected to?” “Well how can that not rub off on me? Why am I so angry?” “I think that there is too much good in you for you to be evil. You’re mom from what you tell me was an extremely good hearted person. I like to think that rubbed off on you. Allison everyone gets angry sometimes and in those situations I think anyone would get mad. We can work on it a little more but getting mad or angry doesn’t make you evil.” “You think so?” “Yes Allie. I don’t think there is an evil bone in your body.” She said “Well either way I’m a horrible person for leaving my family especially Maddie.” “Well you’re head wasn’t in the right place. You should call them.” “Alright I’ll do it.” I pulled out my phone which has been ringing nonstop. I called my dad <Allie where are you?> He answered the phone relieved that I answered <I’m in Nashville Daddy with Dr. Malley.> <Well I’m glad you’re alright little bear we were worried sick about you.> <I’m sorry daddy I was just confused about everything.> <I know but it’s not good to run away like that.> <I know daddy. I’m sorry.> <It’s alright as long as you’re alright. I love you little bear.> <I love you too poppa bear.> < I want you on a plane tomorrow to meet us at your Mawmaw’s house.> <Yes daddy.> I hung up with him and Dr. Malley helped me find a flight. “Thank you Dr. Malley I’ll call for my session tomorrow.” “Ok sweetie.” The next day I am on a plane to daddy’s home town of Leesburg.           

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