Chapter 50: What Just happened?

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Chapter 50

Allie’s POV:

I texted him again <Hey baby what are you doing?> Still no answer. “What’s wrong?” My dad asked “Elijah’s not answering. I’m gonna go over to Uncle Jay’s bus.” I got up and walked off the bus. Uncle Jay was on his way to sound check and he looked mad. I was worried I ran on the bus and Elijah was sitting on the couch with his down. “Babe you ok?” He just kept looking down. “Elijah.” I asked again walking closer to him. “Promise you won’t freak out.” He said and I was confused. He looked up and his lip was busted. “What the hell Elijah?” “It’s nothing Allie.” “Nothing now he thinks it’s cool to hit you. That’s not OK.” “We got into a fight Allie. I lost my temper and so did he.” “Did you hit him?” “No but he got in my face and pushed him and then we started fighting.” I was so pissed off I seriously was about to lose it. “Hey calm down baby. It’s ok.” “Your damn lip is busted up don’t tell me to calm down.” I got up and got some ice and something to clean his lip. I started cleaning his lip. “Owe baby. I know your angry but be gentle.” He let out a little snicker.I’m sorry I’m really mad.” “I know so am I.” “What were you arguing about?” He leaned back on the couch and I nestled myself into his side “I don’t even know. We have been on edge and I guess today was just the last straw. I don’t know if I can stay on this bus with him. I look at him and I get angry.” “I’m gonna kick his ass.” He kissed my forehead. “Don’t pretty girl it will just make it worst.” Well then come on just in case he comes back.” “Alright.” We walked off the bus and Elijah still had ice on his lip because it was swelling. I don’t know what’s wrong with Uncle Jay but this is ridiculous. I saw him coming as we were walking to the bus and I was about to say something but Elijah pulled me into him tighter and whispered. “Don’t say anything.” Ugh I hate that I love him and I will listen to his wishes any other time I would do what I want. I looked at Uncle Jay and rolled my eyes. “Oh that was great.” He said laughing but stopped because it hurt a little. “You said not to say anything I didn’t.” “Yeah I did but if looks could kill.” “I would be driving the damn tractor that mows him down.” Elijah looked down at me and shook his head. “alright crazy girl. I love you.” “I love you too” We walked on the bus and everyone was gone except my dad and mom. “You ok Elijah?” “Yeah I’m fine.” I gave him the evil eye for lying. “You don’t look fine honey” My mom said “He’s not because Uncle Jay is a jack ass. He actually hit him, busted his lip and bruised his handsome face. I swear I could throw a bus at his face I’m so mad at him.” That made them laugh. “Well I don’t know about bus throwing but I do know you need to watch your language.” I just rolled my eyes. “I’m not joking dad you need to talk to him. I would but I was told to stay out of it because apparently my anger will make things worse.” I said looking at Elijah “Well I’ll talk to him ok. You guys gonna come out and watch.” “Maybe later. Daddy can I talk to you?” “Sure” We walked into the back. He could tell I was still mad. “Allie it will be ok.” “No it won’t be ok. I know this is my fault. Their relationship is falling apart because of me and my issue.” I said letting a tear fall and my dad hugged me. “Allie you need to stop blaming yourself for everything. Jay and Eli have their own issues and have for a while. This is extreme but it’s not your fault.” “I didn’t think he’d do this. Dad Elijah is really mad with Uncle Jay and I don’t want them to fight again. Can he stay with us?” “Ugh Allie seriously.” “Please daddy it’s for the best.” I said giving him my innocent loving face that pretty much gets me my way almost every time. “Ugh fine.” I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

We walked out and my dad and mom left to go hang out or whatever. “You want to watch movies for the rest of the day?” I asked “Sounds good to me. Well anything I’m doing with you is perfect.” We pulled out the couch in the lounge and I got some blankets and I put on comfy shorts and a tank top. I gave Elijah a pair of his basketball shorts that I’ve stolen and he changed. We laid down and watched movies. His lip was still swollen and I noticed his bruise on his cheek was getting worse. I kissed his cheek. “Does it hurt?” “No I’ve been hit harder.” He laughed “It’s not funny Elijah.” I emphasized his name at the end. “I know but it’s also not that serious Allison.” He said mocking my tone.I just looked at him and cuddled closer to him. He smiled and kissed my forehead. “I love you pretty girl” “I love you too Georgia boy.” We watched a movie and then I guess I fell asleep. “Wake up lazy ass” Gigi came in. “What do you want and leave me alone.” “No come hang out with me.” “Ugh I’m avoiding” “Avoiding who?” “Uncle Jay” “Why?” “because he’s a big giant douche and I want to throw a semi-truck at his face. Now you wanna cuddle and watch a movie.” “Um Ok interesting. Sure why not but we’ll just end up asleep.” She crawled onto the couch next to me and we snuggled. Best friend snuggles are way better than boyfriend snuggles. Surprisingly Elijah didn’t wake up. I looked up at her. “Hey G.” “What A?” “You been hitting the peace pipe?” “What no.” She said laughing and I laughed too. “Visine and body spray are your best friend girl. Dad would blow a gasket.” She just laughed “You know you miss it. Well hopefully he won’t notice.” “I don’t know maybe a little. I probably wouldn’t want to throw unbelievably irrational things at Uncle Jays face.” “Yeah I can’t see you picking up a truck.” “Ya never know with how mad I am at that man.” She just looked at me confused and showed her Elijah’s face. “He did that?” “Yeah he has anger issues. Ugh I just want to beat him repeatedly with an airplane.” She laughed. “Allie people would take your anger more seriously if you were a little more rational.” “Anger isn’t rational G. Now watch the damn movie and cuddle.” She laughed and we watched the movie and fell asleep again. We were woken up when we heard talking.

Elijah’s POV:

 Today has been a good day but then it turned to crap. I got back and went to get something off the bus and My Uncle was in an asshole kind of mood. I hate when he gets like this. We got into an argument about nothing. He thinks I should break up with Allie because she could do better than me. I don’t know why he’s the only one who can’t see how much I’ve changed. It was a pretty heated argument and he was in my face and I was so angry at the things he was saying I pushed him out my face. Then he hit me and I just took it and then I pushed him and he walked away. I was trying to avoid Allie but it didn’t work and she is so angry but it’s cute when she’s angry as long as it’s not directed towards you. I’m glad Allie and I have only been in one serious argument and it blew over in an hour. I guess Luke is gonna talk to my Uncle and I guess he’s letting me stay on the bus till things blow over. Allie wanted to watch movies so we did but we fell asleep. I woke up when Mike and Taylor walked in. “Hey guys?” They both said hey. Mike was laughing because Allie and Gigi were cuddling. “I know man. She rather cuddle with Gigi I usually get kicked to the side.” I laughed and took a picture. [#thestruggle when your girlfriend rather cuddle with her best friend & you end up lonely with no blanket. @GiannaMarie & @AllieMarie.] I walked over and grabbed a drink and Mike saw my face. “Allie beat you up” He said laughing “You know how she gets when you don’t feed her.” I said laughing. Out of nowhere a pillow came flying and hit me. “Shut up or I will kick both of your asses.” She said. “I guess she’s hungery. You know how the monster gets when you don’t feed her.” Mike said and she threw a pillow at him. “I’m not in the mood for your crap. I’m about 2 seconds from losing it. Y’all really wanna poke the hornets’ nest or slap a bear on the ass go right ahead.” They laughed. “I’ll leave the ass slapping to you Elijah” Mike said “Well then you can do the poking.” I said and we started laughing. Usually she would laugh but she didn’t she went to storm out but Mike stopped her I knew better. “Whoa Whoa brat what’s wrong we’re just joking.” “Let me go or I’m gonna hurt you.” He let go and she walked to the bunks and slammed the door waking up Gianna. “What happened?” She asked I just looked at Mike and we laughed. It’s not funny but it kinda is. “Seriously you guys pissed her off didn’t you?” We didn’t say anything she just got up and punched me in the stomach and Mike laughed. “Shit Gianna.” She rolled her eyes and walked over to Mike and slapped him in the back of his head. “Damn Gianna” he said I laughed then she walked into the bunks and slammed the door. Again we laughed until Taylor spoke. “Now you see baby why I don’t get along with them. They have bad attitudes. Plus do they really need to wear such short shorts.” I rolled my eyes and so did Mike. “They are the nicest girls until you piss them off. They tried to be nice to you and still do and you give them attitude. Oh and last time I checked this is Luke’s bus and they are his daughters so they can wear whatever they want.” I said walking past her and going into the bunks.

I walked into the bunks and Gigi and Allie were just sitting there laughing and it smelt like weed. “What did you girl do. Luke is gonna kill you.” “Oh relax babe it’s all good.” “Since when do you smoke Allison?” “Probably since I was about 13 and it helps me relax and not be so angry.” I just rolled my eyes. “Wow something I didn’t know about you.” “Do you love me less?” She asked looking up from her bowl. “No never that. Just you guys could find a better place instead of the bus.” They just laughed and I got some air freshener and sprayed the room. Then they put eye drops in and sprayed body spray and we walked back out. “Where did you get that from?” “I’ve had it for a while. I would sneak away and ya know. I can’t believe no one noticed.” Gigi laughed. “Notice what? And how do you go from pissed off to chipper?” Mike asked “its magic kid and we can’t share our secret with the likes of you.” “Oh ok. It’s no secret everyone knows about Gianna’s walks and her needing to clear her head.”  We just laughed. “Does mom and dad know?” “Probably but I don’t know. We all laugh because Gigi is the funniest after her walks.” I laughed and Allie shook her head. “So y’all gonna join us for a movie. There’s plenty of room.” Allie asked and Mike agreed. “What are we watching?” Taylor asked “Well It’s pretty much limited to Action or comedy because it’s all we agree on.” “What about a scary movie? She asked. We all laughed. “Ya know what screw you guys. My life was a horror movie so I’d rather not have nightmares on top of the ones I already have.” Then Mike picked a movie how about The Expendables. Allie’s face lit up because she loves that movie. We watched it and the second one then I went to get some stuff from my bus. We put in another Movie and we fell asleep. 

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