Chapter 57: Blast from the past

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Chapter 57

The week at home was nice then we played a show in Ohio, and Chicago which were both awesome. I enjoy getting out and exploring it’s a lot of fun learning about the different places. After everything that has happened we decided to have Shane join us to play drum and a girl named Lauren or Ren as we call her who plays the keyboard. This allows us to perform better in my opinion. Jake and Elijah play the guitar and Gigi and I get to work the crowd as daddy calls it. Occasionally we play guitar and I play the piano. It has really come together lately. We decided to release our first single next Tuesday and then put out an EP just to see how well it does. I also got us our own bus and after fighting and begging daddy he is actually gonna let us girls stay on there. Our bus is really nice and since I bought it Elijah and I get the back room. We are almost to NYC which I am the most excited I have been like ever. Today is Thursday so we will have all day to explore. Elijah and I were lying in our room. I could see the city outside the window it was early the sun was just coming up I was so excited. I started jumping up and down and shaking him “Babe, Babe look were here.” “I see that crazy girl.” I smiled and kissed him. “I’ve heard some cool things about NY I want to see everything.” “Your excitement is the cutest thing ever.” I can’t believe you’re not excited. This is going to be awesome.” “I have been here a couple times Allie but I am excited to share this with you.” “You better be because I want to go everywhere, see everything and eat all the goodness the city has to offer.” “How’d I know food would be involved?” “Because I love food duh.” We laughed as we pulled up into the hotel parking lot. I ran off the bus as soon as we stopped to smell the New York air.  I know crazy but it is different than the south and I kinda like it. We are in the heart of Time Square. It was a little chilly out because it had rained but I was still excited. “I see you are excited.” “Yeah momma this is awesome.” I replied excitedly giving her a hug and she started laughing. “I can’t wait to go out today so everyone needs to get up now.” “Ok sweetheart you go get them up.” I laughed and ran on the bus waking everyone up. I tried to be nice but sometimes people just don’t get their lazy butts up. “Hey Assholes get up we’re at our hotel and we are in NYC and I want to explore.” Everyone on my bus got up then I went to wake up my dad. Momma had already taken the little ones to the room. I found his blow horn and turned it on then sat on the bed. “Wake up Poppa bear.” I yelled then blew the blow horn. He almost fell off the bed and I started laughing. “Oh I’m gonna kill you little bear.” He said grabbing me and tickling me. “I’m sorry but payback is a biatch daddy.” “Yeah it is so I’m just gonna tickle you.” No please don’t I’ll pee my pants.” He laughed, stopped tickling and kissed my forehead. “Now come on daddy I wanna explore.” “Alright Allie.” He said sitting up I left the room because my dad usually just sleeps in his boxers. He finally came out and we walked up to our room. “I really don’t like you kids having your own bus and hotel room.” “Daddy if we actually plan on having a career then we won’t be on your bus or touring with you.” “I know I miss you guys and Mike spends a lot of time over there so I get bored.” “I’m sorry daddy we will have a movie night and sleep over this weekend.” He smiled real big “I’d love that little bear.” We went up to our room. “Try to have everyone ready by 9.” “Yeah I’ll try daddy.” I walked into our suit and told everyone that daddy wanted us to be ready by noon. They all agreed.

We got ready quick we were gonna walk around the city and go with daddy to his interview. I don’t mind it’s a good learning experience. “Ok I’m hungry.” “You’re always hungry Brat.” “Shut up creeper it’s morning and I haven’t had breakfast yet so don’t bug me or I might punch you in the face.” “Oh no someone feed the bear or we’ll all be destroyed.” Jake said. “Shut up Jacob. I’m gonna see if daddy is ready.” Since we got our own bus Jake and Andy have been back with us full time Andy is even moving to Nashville. She has no musical talent but she is very smart and organized so she helps us keep everything together. She always makes sure we are where we need to be and that we act mature. I say she is too sane to hang out with us but I guess we need some kind of balance. Daddy, Maddie and Bo were ready so I grabbed everyone else. “Sissy.” “Yes Maddie Monster” “Can I stay with you tonight?” “Of course sweet girl. Now lets go see this beautiful big city.” Maddie stays on our bus every once in a while she says she loves to sleep between Elijah and me which is what she does every time. The first time I had her sleeping on my side and she crawled in the middle of us. Bo sometimes stays too but not as much as Maddie he’d rather stay with momma and daddy but if he wants to I let him. I always ask him whenever Maddie stays in my room or on our bus. I never want him to feel left out. We take the elevator down where everyone is waiting. I grabbed Elijah’s hand and Maddie’s hand. “Look Allie the buildings are so tall.” “I know sweet girl. It’s cool. Wait till tonight when all the lights come on.” Her face lit up and we walked a couple blocks to go eat at a restaurant. The place is delicious. We had some time to walk around before we went to the studio where daddy was doing his interview. “So I forgot to mention since we are releasing your single on Tuesday that you guy will be doing some radio interviews today as well.” My dad said as we walked up to the studio. I could choke him sometimes. “Really dad why do you do this? You should really give us a warning before springing an interview on us.” “I’m sorry but you guys wouldn’t have wanted to do it and if you want your single to do well you have to do these.” “Fine. But you still should have asked.” I said punching him in the arm. “Owe and next time I will. Go get everyone ready little bear.” He said and kissed my forehead. I walked over to everyone and told them. They were really calm surprisingly. “SO you guys ready for this.” I asked and they shook their head. “Why are y’all so calm?” I asked. “Because you and Gigi always end up doing most of the talking so we don’t have much to worry about.” Jake saidI laughed and so did everyone else. “What if I stay quiet because I’m so nervous.” “Well that would never happen so we will be fine and so will you.” Elijah said giving me a kiss. Andy walked off with my dad to see what exactly was going on then came back and told us what we needed to know. The interviews went well we talked about our first single which is kinda of an upbeat us against the world kinda song. It has a kinda FGL, Chase rice sound with a little bit of daddy in there. It’s pretty cool. We talked about our album and how we wrote all the songs except for 3 which we took from my mom’s song book.  Then we talked a little about us and stuff like that. Gigi and I did most of the talking but whatever. We are talkers especially when we are nervous.

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