Chapter 3 Where to Now?

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Chapter 3

I had Mrs. Frank bring me to my house. I packed as much as I could fit into suit cases and garbage bags. I also grabbed my guitars and mine and my moms writing books. I went into Maddie’s room “Baby girl we can’t take everything so pick your favorite toys. I will try and get you more when we get settled.” “Ok sissy we have to take blanky and Dora” “Of course baby girl. We can’t go on our adventure with our Dora” I put her blanky, Dora and sippy cup in her Dora backpack. I packed her carry bag and put her pull ups in there. She’s mostly potty trained but we will be on a long ride and I don’t want to have to stop too many times. I loaded all the stuff into my mom’s 2000 Ford F150 and locked the cover. I strapped Maddie into her car seat and drove to Allies house. I’ve had my license for a while now and my mom signed the truck over to me. I never really got to drive it because of David but when mom and I would go to the store she’d let me drive. I was a pretty good driver. “So where do you want to go Madison” “The beach sissy please” When we got to Gigi’s house she took Maddie out “Gigi we’re going to the beach. Sissy is taking us to the beach.” “Oh you are” Gigi said with a confused and disapproving look. “Yes Allie said so” G put her down and she went to go play with the dogs. “Allison Marie you can’t leave” “Gianna Marie I have to, he said he’d kill me if he sees me again. It’s not safe” “Your only 16 and Maddie is 2. How will you survive” “I have a fake ID that says I’m turning 20 and I look a little older. I also have a $600 dollar a month payment from my father’s family trust that I can use now. Plus there is almost $20,000 in there or more that my mom told me about. I’ll be fine” “Fine I’m coming with you” “You can’t G we’re not coming back. Your parents would flip.” “You can move in with us. Dad is kicking David out so he won’t be on the property” “I have to leave this town Gigi I can’t stay here.” She reluctantly agreed. “Maddie say bye to Gigi” She hugged Gigi and told her she loved her. “Bye G, I love you so much. You are my best friend I’ll miss you. I’ll call or text you all the time” “I love you too A. And you better call me because I’m gonna be worried like crazy”

I buckled Maddie into her seat and just like that we were on our way to the Myrtle Beach. I was Maddie’s age when I went there with my mom and dad I still have one picture from that trip. We were so happy like a normal family. I wish my dad never died because my mom would be alive and we would be happy. I plugged in my Ipod thanks to mom for the stereo upgrade. She tried to get me things to make up for all the bad in my life but usually David would mess it up. “SO what song should I put on” “Cruise” It’s always that song I put it on and she was singing and dancing in her seat. “Sissy you sing I love when you sing” “Your wish is my command” With that I started singing. I loved to sing but I didn’t think I was that good. I was really good at guitar though and I’m pretty good at piano. When you live your life in a jail you need something to do especially since David didn’t really let me watch TV. I had been driving for hours and finally made it to the South Carolina state line I decided to pull into a rest stop. Maddie was already sleeping so I unstrapped her and laid her on the seat and put a blanket over her. I took out my knife and drifted off to sleep. I had the windows cracked a little because it was a warm May night. I woke up to the sun beating on my face. I got Maddie up and we went to the rest room. I strapped her in a drove about an hour to a diner. We walked in a sat down and our waitress walked up and I could tell she was staring at the nice bruise David gave me. “What can I get you to drink?” “I’ll have a sweet tea. Maddie you want Apple or Orange juice?” “Apple please” “Alright I’ll be back with those” “So you excited about the beach sweet girl” “Yes, can I go in the water” “Well of course that’s what the beach is for” The waitress came back to the table with our drinks. “What can I get you to eat?” “Pancakes and sausage” Maddie answered with excitement. “She is so cute, how old is she?” “Thank you. Maddie how old are you?” “three.”  She says holding up 3 fingers. I just laughed knowing better then to correct her by now because she will just throw a fit. “SO what can I get you to eat sweetheart.” “I’ll just have a cheeseburger and fries.” I knew I wasn’t gonna really eat it but I’ll order and pick at it. “Ok I’ll put that in it should be out soon.” “Thank you ma’am.” I was having a conversation with Maddie but half of the time I don’t understand her but it’s cute. I took my phone out and texted Gianna. < Hey, G we are at a diner an hour from Myrtle Beach> < OK, I’m worried about you. Oh and your dad was arrested but your mom is in bad shape.><Are they looking for us?> <No from what I heard he said you were staying with family> < Wow. I’m sure he’ll be out soon. But Good I don’t want to come back. Let me know what happens. Love ya girl> <I will love ya too. Be safe.> The waitress came back with our food. She put it on the table. I cut Maddie’s food and put syrup on it. I didn’t really have an appetite. “So where you girls heading” “The beach” Maddie answered excitedly. “Oh that’s nice” “Yeah it’s her first time so she’s excited if you couldn’t tell” “How old are you sweetheart?” “I’m 19 Ma’am.” “You look younger.” “I get that sometimes.”  She laughed and I finished eating my food. She brought the check and I handed her my bank card. She came back and I signed it and gave her a big tip.

I got Maddie into the car and I walked around and got in. “SO miss Maddie what song do you wanna hear? And don’t say cruise” “but I love that song” “I know but let’s pick something else.” “OK, Royal but you have to sing Allie.” “Sounds like a plan.” I put on Royals and we started singing as my Ipod went through different songs and genres of music and about an hour later we were getting close. “Allie look it’s the ocean” “I see we’ll be there in a few minutes.”Yaaayyy” We pulled up to the beach and I grabbed our bag with our stuff in it. I grabbed Maddie and found a changing area by the pier. We changed and I carried Maddie to the sand then put her down. “Look at the sand sweet girl.” She picked it up and examined it. “Allie the water so pretty” “Yes it is sweet girl, It’s the ocean.” I walked her over and let her stand in the water for the first time. Her eyes lit up and she was having so much fun. I was so happy to see her having a good time. “Sissy can we build a sand castle?” “Yeah of course we can.” We went up a little farther on the beach and started to build her castle. She was having so much fun. I took a picture and sent it to Gigi. <Gigi we made it and she is so happy.> <I’m glad you’re safe. David is out of jail I guess charges didn’t stick. Your mom is still in a coma.> <I figured they wouldn’t and I knew she would be. But I’m just going to enjoy this time with my baby girl> <OK, be safe, Love ya> <I will, love ya too> I went back to playing with Maddie. I called around trying to find a hotel that accepts people under 21 to rent a room it was the hardest thing ever. They are either really expensive or sketchy. I went with the more expensive one. “Maddie it’s time to go” “I don’t want to Allie” “We will come back tomorrow” “Promise” “Yes I promise” “Ok” She got her stuff and brought it to me. “Thank you baby girl” “I helpful Allie, I know you having hard time” I hugged her tight. I couldn’t imagine that there was a time I hated her and wouldn’t even hug or look at her now I couldn’t think of my life without her. I was horrible to her when she was a baby but when she turned 1 everything changed. I realized I couldn’t hate her just because of our family issues.

We made it to the hotel and I checked in. No one really questions my ID it is a really good one. My mom got it for me because she wanted me to run away a long time ago but I never did. It has all the ID things on it I think it could trick a cop but we won’t test it. I got all our bags and made our way to the room. This was a nice hotel and it was on the beach. We had a beach view and everything. I put the bags in the room. “Maddie it’s bath time” “OK Sissy” I put her in the bath and let her play for a while. I needed to figure out what to do. We can’t just keep running eventually we need to settle down. “Sissy” “Yes baby girl” “I want out” “OK I’m comin” I went in the bathroom and helped her wash up and I washed her hair. I took her out the bath and brushed her hair. Then I laid her down in the bed and she said her prayers. “Sissy when can we go home.” I was dreading this conversation. “We can’t go home Maddie” “We have to momma will be scared” “No she won’t Maddie Momma isn’t there” “Where she go? Is she at the beach?” “You remember when mommy fell?” “Yes. That was scary” “Well she fell asleep and she isn’t going to wake up.” “Why she no wake up?” “Because she is in heaven with Jesus now” “Can he send her back” “No baby girl once Jesus takes you, he can’t send you back. But mommy lives on in our hearts” By this time I was tearing up. She wiped my tears and gave me a hug. “I’m gonna miss momma but I have you sissy its fine.” “I’m gonna miss her too. I love you now lie down and go to bed” “I love you too sissy, can you sing to me?”  “Sure what is the song you wanna here?” “The fly song.” Ok.” I started sing Born to Fly by Sara Evans. This little girl loves country music but why wouldn’t she it’s pretty much all David allowed in the house. I didn’t even get through the whole song and she was knocked out. I took out my lap top and tried to figure out where to go. I decided on Nashville because I wanted to see where the country stars live. 

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