Chapter 6 He did what?

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Chapter 6

 My phone rang and it was Gigi so I answered it. “Excuse me” I said getting up. <Gigi what’s wrong?> < David came to our house drunk and angry that your mom is dead. He was blaming you and said he knew that I knew where your were.> She was crying a lot <Gigi calm down and tell me what happened> <He came to our house drunk waving his pistol asking me where you were and I wouldn’t tell him. Dad went to get his gun and David shot him then he shot mom. I ran in the house grabbed my dad’s rifle and shot it at the ground. He got in his truck and drove off. I called the cops and they haven’t found David yet.> <Are they OK?> <Mom is she just got hit in the leg and Dad is in surgery but they said he should be fine. Please come home> <I will be there as soon as I can. I love you G.> <I love you too A” I walked out with tears running down my face. “What’s wrong Darling” “Luke I need my keys, where are my keys?” “Why do you need your keys Allie?” “I have to leave now, Gianna needs me” I was still crying and Luke tried to hug me I pushed him away. “No, just let me go I need to go NOW.”  He grabbed me and pulled me in and I collapsed in to his arms. At that moment I lost it and was crying more. “Shhhh Allie, It will be ok. Just calm down and tell me what happened.” I couldn’t stop crying but I calmed myself enough to tell Luke “David shot Gianna’s parents because of me. She needs me Luke I have to go” “It’s not your fault he’s crazy. But I’m not letting you and Maddie go by yourselves.” “Why do you even care?” “Well someone has too Allie.” He said wiping my tears. “Why don’t you go up to bed Allie and we will figure it out tomorrow I promise.” “Ok thank you so much Luke Goodnight” I gave him a big hug. “Good night Allie” I said goodnight to everyone and went up to bed. I know it’s strange but this is the safest I’ve felt since before my dad died but I was so young it doesn’t count. I cuddled next to Maddie and went to sleep.    

Luke’s POV:

My heart broke when I seen Allie upset and I went to give her a hug and she just pushed me away. She wanted to leave but I couldn’t let her go. “What are you going to do Luke” Miranda asked “I don’t know but I can’t let her go by herself it’s not safe for them.” “You want to take them in?” “I have to talk to Camille but yes. They need people in their life that will love them and take care of them. I think we can all be those people.” “Yeah I agree. But are you ready for a teenage girl?” Miranda asked laughing and Ashleigh joined in “What?”That girl is going to be trouble for you. She’s independent, mature for her age, smart, plus she’s beautiful. I’m mean she’s 16 and she’s like 5’6” Ashleigh added. “I mean I believed she was 19.” Tyler added. “Hey. but I didn’t think of that but besides her sailor mouth she seems like a good kid” Well we are going riding early in the morning so we should get some sleep” It was almost 1 in the morning and we were getting up at 5 to hit the field to go riding and then shooting. I had to talk to Camille. I didn’t want to blind side her when she got here in the morning. I picked up my phone and called Camille. <Hello> she said with her sleepy voice. <Hey Babe> <Luke what’s wrong? Are you in the hospital.> <No I’m fine I just need to talk to you.> < OK.> <So I kinda found these two girls on Jason’s property tonight.> <What, are you drunk?> <Um a little but seriously they are runaways. Allie is 16 and Maddie is turning 2.> <Oh lord are they ok, are they healthy.> <Yes, Allie is a little thin but Maddie looks healthy. They came from an abusive household and their mom died tonight. They need someone to take care of them> < If you want to take them in Luke we can. I can tell that you already care about them. I can’t wait to meet them tomorrow.”> <I love ya Camille> < I love you too babe> I hung up with her and I couldn’t help but think how lucky I was to have her. She is the kindest person I know and I’m glad she agreed to this. I know Bo will like them he just turned 3 and he will enjoy having Maddie around and I know Allie will be good with him. I finally drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I was woken up by the most precious little angel. Maddie came running to me and jumped on me. I love how she’s already warming up to me. “Luke you get up” She said with her precious little voice as she started shaking my arm. “I’m up, I’m up. Isn’t it a little early for you to be up.” I asked looking at my watch and seeing it was 445. ‘No silly” “Oh ok I guess we should start breakfast then“Luke you make Maddie pancakes, Pleeease” “ Sure thing sweetheart, What else you want?” “Sausage.” “Coming right up, You want to help” “Yes.” I grabbed a stool and let her help me make pancakes. She is such a sweet little girl. I took flour and put some on her nose and she laughed. Then she put some on my cheek. “Luke you silly.”  “No Miss Maddie you are silly. What do you like in your pancakes?” “Pancakes silly” I couldn’t help but laugh at her she is so cute. “You like chocolate chips in your pancakes” “Oh yes momma would do that when dad wasn’t around. Luke did you know my momma” “No I didn’t sweetheart” “I miss my momma Allie says she’s in heaven with Jesus.” “Yes she is.” “That makes Maddie sad but I have to be big girl for sissy” I hugged her tight and kissed her on the top of her head. “Ok let’s finish breakfast before everyone comes down.” “OK” We went back to making breakfast.

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