Chapter 71: Welcome back or not

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Sorry It's kinda short but wanted to update So here's an update.

Chapter 71

Well I’ve been stuck in this hospital for almost a week. “How’s our patient today.” The nurse Anna asked. “Oh you know a pain in the butt as usual.” Mike said and Anna laughed. “No one asked you jerk. I am perfect Anna when can I go home.” “Sweetie you can’t rush these things.” “Umm yeah I can. This isn’t a hospital it’s prison. Let me out I’ve served my time. I demand to be freed, I demand to be freed.” I said standing on my bed. Mike pulled me down by my arm laughing. Anna was laughing hysterically. “Must you be so dramatic Allison?” My dad said walking in behind Anna. “Well this is a prison and I want out daddy.” “Anna I apologize for my wild child” My dad said. Anna was still kinda laughing “Oh don’t worry Luke. She is always the highlight of my day. Luckily I got this one on camera.” My dad laughed. “Hey send that to me so I can post it.” I said she nodded and sent it to me. “SO sweetie Dr. Fell will be coming to see you in a couple minutes.” “Oh great I’m gonna get poked. I just love Dr. Fell.” “Well I love you too little fighter.” She said walking in laughing. “I didn’t really mean it.” I crossed my arm and made an angry face but I ended up laughing because to be honest Dr. Fell is awesome. “I won’t be poking you today. I just need to check your vitals and do some tests on the baby.” “Fine. Then can I go home?” “No Allison you’ll be here another couple days at minimum.” I pouted and Mike grabbed my lip. “No pouting missy. You will stay until a doctor says you can go.” He let go of my lip. “Ugh I hate when you do that jerk.” “Well if you weren’t pouting all the time I wouldn’t do it.” I rolled my eyes and looked back at Dr. Fell. “You are the cutest couple.” She said “We’re not a couple.” Both Mike and I said.  “Whoa I didn’t know. I always thought he was. He’s been here every day with you.” “Yeah I know we’re just best friends though. I have a boyfriend but he’s an ASS.” As I said that Elijah walked in “Yeah he is an Ass.” He said.Both my dad and Mike stood up. I felt like they were gonna murder him. “Hey everyone Calm down. Oh Dr. Fell meet the boyfriend I call an ASS.” She just looked at him and walked away. “Damn Elijah you look like a damn hobo.” “Allison I’m sorry can we talk alone.” I motioned for my dad and Mike to leave and for Elijah to come closer. He got closer and I sat on the edge of my bed. When he got to the right place I slapped him and then for good measure I slapped him again. I heard my dad and Mike laugh “Allison I’m sorry.” I slapped him again. “Can you stop slapping me so we can talk?” “No I’m gonna slap you until I slap some damn sense into you.” “I get it your mad.” I took a breath to try and calm down because mine and the babies blood pressure was going up. After I gathered myself I began again. “Mad doesn’t even begin to explain how I feel right now. I get seeing someone you care about in the hospital in a coma is hard but that doesn’t give you the right to run off. What were you thinking both times I woke up you weren’t here. What is more important than being here with your family and me? Making Everyone Worry about you. I wake up and no one knows where you are now I’m worried about you.” I was crying by the end and he went to hug me. “Don’t touch me.” “Allison nothing is more important than you. I love you so much.” “I don’t really believe you Elijah if you did you wouldn’t have run like a little bitch. Where have you been? What have you been doing?” He was silent. “You know what Elijah Fuck off. Get your shit together then come back and talk to me because I can’t even stand the sight of you. You look like you just came off a bender and you still smell like alcohol. If you can’t answer my questions then you can leave right now and when you can answer where have you been and what have you been doin you can come back.” I saw a tear fall from his eyes but I could care less because I was crying too. He got up and walked out.

My dad and Mike came back in and I was lying on my side crying. “Little bear. It will be ok.” “No daddy it won’t.” I said and continued to cry. “Allison he will figure it out and come to his senses. I’m sure you slapped some into him. He needs to get help and hopefully he will. He knows he could lose you and that’s enough to make any guy want to change.” Mike said rubbing my back. “Allison you have to calm down your blood pressure is going up. It’s not healthy for you or the baby.” Anna said. “Luke you gotta get her to calm down or she could send herself in early labor.” I heard that and my dad sat me up and held me in his arms. “Shhh just breath little bear. We need you to calm down and breath. I promise everything will be alright. We just need you to calm down.” He was running his fingers through my hair and a little while later I was breathing normal and I stopped crying and I ended up falling asleep with my head on my dad’s chest.        

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