Chapter 67- When Tragedy strikes Part 2

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Chapter 67

Luke’s POV:

We were having a good day. We walked around the girls’ home town and they were happy to show us the good part and since it was early on a Monday there weren’t a lot of people. WE went to see the town’s grandparent as Allie and Gigi called them.  They were awesome and after talking to them they walked Cam and Maddie to the back room to sit down while we dug into some homemade ice cream. After they walked out I heard the door chime I figure it was everyone else so I kept eating my ice cream then Allie grabbed my arm so tight she started leaving marks. When I asked her she didn’t say anything and I saw a tear in her eyes. Then Gigi turned around and she grabbed my other arm. I turned around and saw the horrible excuse of a man that hurt my daughter. They went back and forth and I found out that he raped Gianna and that’s why he was in prison. Gianna never told us, I wonder why she didn’t tell us. After a little back and forth he lost it and went to shoot Gianna but Allie jumped in the way and ended up getting shot. He did shoot Gigi in the leg but I don’t think she noticed because she was too worried about Allison. I was too she had gotten shot three times and two were in her chest and the other was in her leg. Daryl dropped the gun in shock about what he did. He kept saying he would never hurt Allie and he loved her and that it was Gianna’s fault. He picked up the gun and I thought he was gonna shot me or Gigi but he shot himself as the cops came in. Allie was in and out of consciousness. She woke up “I love y’all don’t forget that. Please don’t forget you have fans and people who count on you daddy. Don’t cancel a single appearance or concert for me. Promise” I didn’t want to make that promise but it’s what she asked. “I promise little bear just don’t leave me.” “I love you poppa bear. Take care of my little Maddie monster.” Then she was out again. We got her in the ambulance and Gigi also because after she realized she was shot she was in a lot of pain. Everyone was freaking out about what happened. On the way to the hospital Allie’s heart stopped they had to shock her and she came right back. I told them she was pregnant and they hooked her up to a baby monitor and the baby was doing fine but they said chances of it making it were very low because Allie needed to have surgery.

 Gigi’s POV:

We were having such a good day but that’s when things go wrong. I seriously wanted to kill Daryl as soon as he walked in especially since it brought out a truth that I never wanted to tell anyone especially Allie. I know she was confused but I didn’t think she needed to know because it would stress her out. I knew he was crazy but I didn’t think we’d ever see him again or that he would show up with a gun. I knew dad was mad even though he didn’t say anything. I think he was trying to figure out a way to get to him without getting shot then he would have killed Daryl. I know I shouldn’t have antagonized him but I was so angry by his presence and that no one told us he was out. I pushed him too much and now I got shot in the leg and Allie might die. Oh crap I got shot. I said to myself and as soon as I realized it I was in so much pain I started to cry in agony. “Gigi.” “It hurts daddy.” I cried “I know it does we will get it fixed. Just be strong my little panda” I tried to stop crying. Daryl ended up killing himself and soon enough we were in the ambulance heading to the hospital. It was horrible Allie actually died on the way but they got her back I lost it when I saw that. We made it to the hospital and everyone was there. They had to give them their own waiting room to not draw too much attention by all the country stars here. Allie went straight to surgery and I had to go too. Mike came in and he hugged me. “You ok baby girl?” “Well they gave me meds for the pain but I have a bullet in my leg. Plus my best friend is in surgery and might die and it’s all my fault.” I said letting a tear fall. “Why do you girls take blame for things that are not your fault? He was sick Gigi a disgusting person and the only person to blame is him.” Mike said kissing my lips. Of course we were interrupted “Hey they are gonna come prep you for surgery” Dad said and I nodded. I could see he has been crying. “I’m sorry daddy.” “Hey none of this is your fault. It will be fine Allie is strong and she won’t leave us.” He said crying which made Mike and I cry. A little while later I was being wheeled off to surgery. They said I would be in and out probably before Allie. They said they would try and save the baby. They have a OB doctor in there to monitor the baby.

Elijah’s POV:

We were walking around the game store when I saw cop cars and ambulances. I looked at Mike and grabbed Bo and ran out the store. I ran over to the cops who were outside the store that Allie was in. “Sir what’s going on my family is in there.” I asked the cop. “We got a call that there is a man in there with a gun.” I was shocked they were making a plan to go in there and I was thinking what are you waiting for. They were on the phone with someone but as they were planning we heard 4 shots and they went to go in then we heard another shot. Cam came out the back with Maddie and she was crying hysterically. “He shot my girls” She yelled followed by “You have to get in there now.” She was yelling at the paramedics and cops. “Ma’am we can’t just go in there. The man with the gun is still in there.” “He shot himself get in there and help my babies.” She was hysterical. I went over and hugged her and Maddie. A little while later the paramedics came out with Allie on a stretcher and someone holding a towel on Allie’s chest and Luke was carrying Gigi she was in a lot of pain. Allie was passed out and they rushed to the hospital. We followed in the Van and they took Allie right to surgery. In the van I broke down. “I can’t lose her and I can’t lose our baby” “Eli she’s strong she will make it through this. We have to have faith and pray that she will make it.” Cam said hugging me. We were all crying because Allie is part of the reason we are all together. I need her to be alright. I won’t survive without her.                      

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