Chapter 54- Mawmaw says

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 Chapter 54

I woke up early and got ready to head off to the airport. I heard a horn blow and I an outside to the car making sure to turn off all the lights and lock the door. I got into the car with my hat on and down low. “Hey Allison.” “Morning Dr. Malley” I said then we drove to the airport in silence. When I got out I turned around “Thanks Dr. Malley I’ll talk to you later.” “No problem sweetie. Oh and Allie it will be ok.” “I’m not sure about that what if they hate me for leaving. What if they don’t forgive me?” “Allison they were never mad, just worried about you. So nothing to forgive just relax it will be just fine.” “Ok if you say so.”  I smiled and took off to catch my plane.  Before the plane took off I texted my dad. I’m not really talking to anyone else yet. <I’m on the plane. Will you be there when I land> <No got some interview to do little bear but I have a car picking you up there. I love you little bear I can’t wait to see you.> <I love you too daddy.> I hung up thinking great he’s sending a car and I really don’t know where I’m going. I guess I’m probably going to Mawmaw’s but who knows.

I slept the whole flight and woke up as we were landing at the airport. I grab my bag and walk out and to my surprise I see Mawmaw. I smiled and went running to her and she wrapped me in a tight hug. “Hey Cookie.” Don’t know why she calls me that but I just go with it. “Hey Mawmaw. You know that sounds like a low class stripper name right?” She laughed “Allison.” “What? I’m just saying you call me cookie and Gigi Cupcake. Like cookie, Muffin, cupcake, candy, peppermint, Cherry and cocoa are stripper names. I got life goals Mawmaw and none of them include a shakin it for dollas.” She started cracking up and wrapped her arm around my neck “Come on crazy girl” She said leading me to her truck. “So what were you thinking running away?” She asked starting the car and driving. I knew this was coming. “I really just wanted to get away and I thought well still kinda think everyone would be better off without me.” “Ya got some nuts and bolts missing in that little head of yours little girl.” I looked at her confused. “Huh?” “I’m just saying Cookie you’re crazy. You don’t just get to run away because you want to and you need some time to yourself. You had your parents and everyone worried sick for thinking so many things. It was very selfish young lady to leave your family because things got a little hard for you. If you wanted to go home all you had to do was ask and you could have went home.” She said using a stern but compassionate voice. I felt a tear escape my eyes as she continued. “I just want you to know that your daddy loves you. From the day you and Maddie walked into his life he has talked about you like you are his own. He would be crushed if he lost you. So don’t run away ever again am I understood.” “Yes Ma’am” I said wiping my tear. Damn this woman is scary if I grew up with her I wouldn’t do anything wrong. It’s probably why I’m here right now so she can slap some sense into me. “I’m sorry Mawmaw” “Its ok cookie just don’t do it again or I’ll have to kick your butt” “Yes Mawmaw” We pulled up to her house and we went in. I decided to text my dad. <Thank you daddy for the awesome surprise ride. Mawmaw just basically just chewed my butt up for lunch. How did you even survive growing up? Tough love.> <haha. I’m still trying to survive her every day.> <I miss you poppa bear. Can ya come here like now please?> <I miss you too Little bear and if I could I would but I will see you soon. I have to go do some stuff. I love you lots have fun with mom> <I love you too and I will.> The day was fun with Mawmaw we made lunch which was just sandwiches then we went shooting and just talked and watched movies. It was a good way to clear my head and she is putting me back in my place. We were sitting on the couch about to make dinner because our movie just ended. “So what is this I hear about you and Allie smoking?” “Mawmaw please seriously it’s not that big a deal.” “It’s illegal.” “Not everywhere. Plus Dr. Malley said it could be good and probably better than anything she would prescribe me for my anxiety, depression, anger, and all around cray cray.” She laughed “I think you were doing fine without it before weren’t you?” “Yeah but it helps me forget and it just helps me relax it’s hard to explain but I felt like I needed it.” “Well you don’t maybe you and Gianna need to talk about what’s bugging you instead of smoking it away.” “But drinking is worse than smoking and everyone drinks. I just don’t get it.” “Drinking ain’t illegal Allison.” “Fine I’ll just take up drinking instead. Is that what you’re saying?” “Don’t get fresh with me Allison. We don’t want you drinking or smoking.” “Fine can we just cook dinner and drop this.” “Fine what do you want to eat?” “Steak and potatoes with vegetables and biscuits.” “Well let’s get to cooking.”

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