Chapter 69: Awake/ Asleep

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Chapter 69

 Luke’s POV

It has been almost a month and Allie is still in a coma but at least we are in Nashville. I have had a couple shows and appearances but I hate leaving her. I always think what if something happens and I’m not there. I only stay out a couple days and I know she’s in good hands because Gigi barely leaves her side. She annoys all the nurses and doctors but she just wants Allie to be tken care of. Eli isn’t handing it well at all he barely comes to the hospital and doesn’t even answer his phone most of the time. “Look dad Allie doesn’t look like a hot mess anymore.” Gigi said as I walked into the hospital room. She had brushed Allie’s hair and put on light makeup. I went over and kissed Gigi’s forehead and the Allie’s. “She looks beautiful Gigi.” Gigi smiled that’s how she is dealing with this. She makes sure that every day Allie looks pretty so if she wakes up she won’t be upset. “Oh hello Mr.Bryan.” “Hello doctor Fell.” “I’m glad you’re here. It looks like Allie is a little stronger we are thinking about trying to wake her up slowly over the next couple weeks.“Ok what are the risks if it’s too soon?” I asked because if it’s too soon I’d rather wait. “Well if we wake her up too soon she could go into shock and have a seizer or a miscarriage. But we don’t want to think about that.” “Well if it is too soon I don’t want to take that risk.” “We eventually have to do it but it will be a slow process.” “Ok I guess.” I wasn’t sure about this but the doctors should know best. I just hope it doesn’t go bad.

A month later

It has been a month since the doctor said that he was gonna wake Allie up and she is completely off the medicine and should be waking up soon. We were all there waiting and Eli should be here but he’s not I don’t know why but I haven’t seen him in a month. I don’t even know if he’s in Nashville. Jay doesn’t know either but we are here for her. I know she will be devastated when she wakes up and he’s not here. “Daddy.” “Yes princess” “Is Allie gonna wake up soon. I miss her.” “I hope so Maddie. That’s what the doctor said.” The doctor said she should be up any moment now. They did it slow so it wouldn’t be as much of a shock on her system. I was sitting by the side of her bed. She was breathing on her own with just oxygen hooked up to her nose. I had her hand in my hand and she moved it. “She just moved her hand.” I yelled and everyone got closer. I really hope she will be completely up and not have any loss of memory or anything wrong with her.

Gigi’s POV:

Here we are in this hospital. I hate hospitals but it’s where my sister is so I am here pretty much all day and night. She has been in a coma for two months and I feel lost without her. I pray every day that she comes back to me. I need her she is my voice of reason and I have been going through some stuff. Plus my damn leg is in this cast. Elijah has missed all of our appearances and is doing god knows what. Jacob and I think he’s using again one thing  we know for sure he is drinking a lot. We never know where he is and he doesn’t answer his phone. I left him a message that Allie should be awake today and no reply and he’s not here. I’m gonna kick his ass when I see him next. Allie deserves more than that it’s like he doesn’t even care about her or their children. I feel bad for Maddie she keeps asking if Allie is heaven with her mom. We tell her no that Allie is just sleeping till she gets better. She sleeps a lot of nights in bed with Allie she says that when Allie wakes up from her nap she wants to be there to hug her. I heard my dad say Allie moved her hand. I walked closer and a half hour later her eyes started to flutter open. She looked over at dad. “Daddy” She chock out in scratchy voice. “Little bear.” He said looking closer to her. “Daddy what happened?” He explained what happened and it all came back. She hadn’t looked over to my direction. “Where’s Gigi is she ok?” She started to get upset. “Calm down Allie I’m right here .I’m ok just need to be on crutches.” “Oh ok.” I gave her a hug. Everyone else came over and gave her a hug. Momma was crying of course. “Momma don’t cry. Stress isn’t good for the baby.” Typical Allie she is always worrying about everyone else not the fact she just woke up from a 2 month coma. We talked for a little while then the doctors took Allie to get scanned. They came in and told us news that shocked us. We were all worried but didn’t want to worry Allie so we acted normal.

Luke’s POV:

Allie woke up and I was so relieved they took her for scans and she was talking to Bo and Maddie who were on her bed. We told them they had to be gentle with Allie and not get too crazy and they were listening very well. When the doctor came back he pulled us to the corner of the room. “Mr. Bryan I’m sorry to tell you this but Allie will have to have another surgery. The scans showed some bleeding on her brain and some internal bleeding.” “How didn’t you know this before?” I said a little louder than intended.  “Mr. Bryan we didn’t know because it’s new and the last scans were fine. I’m sorry but we will have to do this soon to prevent permanent damage or worse.” “Ok well do what you need to. Just keep my baby girl alive.” I said and he nodded walking out. I tried to stay calm but Cam couldn’t so she walked out the room. I didn’t want her to go back into surgery but I know she had to. “Dang.” Allie said “What is it little bear?” I walked over to her. “My head is killing me and I feel light headed.” She said and I saw her eyes roll. Without me saying anything Mike and Jake grabbed Bo and Maddie and took them out of the room just as Allie started seizing. I ran out and got the doctor and they brought her into surgery. I slid down the wall with my hands on my head crying. Gigi sat next to me crying I wrapped her in a hug and we cried together. I texted everyone who wasn’t here and told them what happened. I am just gonna pray she is ok.

About 7 hours later they came wheeling Allie in. She was again lying there lifeless it broke my heart to pieces. “She made it through surgery Mr. Bryan and she is doing very well. We stopped all the bleeding and we even repaired some of the issues that cause her to have headaches.” “Will she be alright this time?” “Only time will tell Mr. Bryan but again we will keep her in a chemical induced coma.” “How long?” “Hopefully not long but that depends on the little fighter. I do have bad news for you and your family.” “What is it Dr. Fell?” “Well while Allie was in there she started to have a miscarriage.” I interrupted “She lost the babies?” I asked prying he said no. “She lost one of the babies it was a girl. We were able to stop it before she lost the other one. I am so sorry we did all we could.” I didn’t say anything I nodded and walked over to sit next to Allie. I said a prayer with the family and then thought about how I would tell her about her having twins and losing one. Or maybe I could just not tell her.         

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