Chapter 25: The arrival of the Best Friend

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Chapter 25

I woke up to the sun shining through the window. I got out of bed with excitement because I knew I was seeing my best friend. I can’t wait to see her. I got up and went into the bathroom and took a shower. Cam, Ash and Layla have been giving me tutorials on hair and makeup. I did my hair with beach waves. I put on light natural make up and I went to find something to wear. It was really hot so I am taking Ash’s advice and I am wearing shorts. Not like short ones but the ones that hit right before the knee or whatever I also put on a pair of sperrys. I put on a tank that showed a little bit of my belly and it said The Brunette Best Friend. Gianna has the other one and she’s wearing it today. Let me tell you a little about Gianna well she is about 5’6 and has the perfect body and tanned skin. She has ice blue eyes that will melt or break your heart. She has long blonde hair but she dyed the ends blue, purple, pink, and blue. She is perfect in my eye. “Allie Sweetie come down for breakfast.” Cam yelled “Coming” I yelled and I threw on one of Luke’s hats I stole from him and walked downstairs. I went and sat at the table I took my hat off and began to eat. “You look cute, Are you excited about today?” “Thanks and yes I am.” “I’m ready to get there and pick her up. Where are the little ones?” “They are watching a movie.” “Oh they are really quiet.” “Yeah let me go check on them” She went to check on them and they were just watching the movie and talking. I have listened to their conversations and it is the cutest and most confusing thing ever. Cam came back and sat down as I was finishing up with my breakfast. “So while you go get Gianna I’m gonna take these two to get ice cream and meet up with your daddy.” “Ok sounds good.”  I went out to start my truck and it didn’t start. I texted Luke because I knew it would be crazy taking the little ones and Cam to the airport. People recognize them a lot more than me. <Hey guess what?> <What?> <My truck didn’t start. Surprise!!> <Haha. You can take the Jeep> I let out a silent yes well not really silent. <Not funny. Thanks Luke. Love ya.> < Love ya too.>  “Truck didn’t start? You need me to bring you” “It’s a piece of crap. But Luke said I could take the jeep” “Oh I bet you are happy about that” “You know it” I said with a huge smile. Cam left with the little ones and I hung out for a little while. I decided to post a pic [Ready for my bestie @GiannaMarie to get here. Rockin one of @LukeBryanOnline’s hats ;)] [Um Excuse me @AllieMarie It’s not nice to steal] [@LukeBryanOnline it is called borrowing ;) love ya] [@AllieMarie Borrowing implies giving back I have to search your room for them. ;) Love ya too] I could just imagine his face and the way he would say things and it makes me laugh. I read some of the comments people saying we have the cutest father daughter relationship. I favorited some of the comments. I saw one from Chase [@AllieMarie @LukeBryanOnline I seem to be missing a hat too] [@ChaseRiceMusic you will be seeing @GiannaMarie Rocking yo hat today!!] [@AllieMarie @GiannaMarie Can’t wait to see that!! ;)] [@ChaseRiceMusic I think U jus killed @GiannaMarie when she sees this!! Haha #Gigidontdie]

 I put the phone away grabbed the key and my Ray Bans and got in the jeep and the top was already off. I was so excited to go get G. I took the drive to the airport and parked the Jeep. I found out where she would be coming in and I waited. I timed it almost perfect trying to get in and out. I was waiting by where she would have to go for her baggage. I had a girl come up to me she was a little younger then me. “Are you Allison Bryan?” “Yes I am” “OMG can I get a picture with you” “Yeah sure sweetie.” We took a quick picture. “Thank you Allie, I am a huge fan of you.” “Of me? Why me?” “You are extremely talented and you are a good person.” “Well thank you that make me feel good” “You’re welcome and thanks again for taking the time to take a picture with me.” “You’re welcome, and any time” She also had me sign something because she said I will be famous one day. That actually made me feel good. I actually had more people come up to me it was crazy. <So craziness I’m signing autographs and takin pics in the airport. What fresh hell is this? I don’t like it> <Get used to it. You’re my daughter and everyone except you knows that you are going to be a huge star.> <Yeah sure. I’ll see you in a bit> <OK cool>

Finally I saw my beautiful blonde, colorful friend wearing her The Blonde Best Friend shirt and short shorts with sandals. She had her hair curled in nice curls. We took off running towards each other. We crashed into a hug and just held onto each other because it has been so long since we saw each other. We finally let go. “Oh My Goodness Allie girl you look goooood” “Thanks Gigi and you look perfect as always.” “Thanks girl. I’m loving the Hat. Where’s mine. I thought we were twinning today” “It’s Luke’s Hat” “I get to wear Luke Bryan’s hat” “Nope” Her face got sad. I took out Chase’s hat and put it on her head. “I took this one special for you from yo baby daddy” “OMG this is Chase’s hat. Like he actually had it on his head?” “Yep check your Twitter” She looked and I swear she about fainted. “Chase Rice Knows my name and he tweeted me.” “Please pull it together girl you will be meeting him” “I’m cool I’m cool.” We went and got her stuff off the baggage claim. She surprisingly didn’t bring a lot but we wear about the same size so we can share clothes and I steal Ash’s clothes and Cam’s and Layla’s. I think they hate that I can fit their clothes. We got to the jeep and put her stuff in. We decided to take a couple of picture. In the Jeep before we left the airport. I posted a couple and then I posted one with the caption [Reunited and it feels so good. Life’s better with my other half @GiannaMarie with me. #bestfriend #thickandthink #mynumberone] Then we took off and she was asking where we were going. I didn’t tell her. I guess I was pulling a Luke. I turned up the music and we were singing and laughing. She was still taking pictures and I guess posting them because my phone was going crazy. We were stuck in Nashville traffic so we recorded a couple of videos. “Hey this is Gigi and Allie and we are takin over a Nashville” Gigi said “If we ever get out of Traffic BLAHHH” I added and we started making silly pouty faces. We were already having so much fun. I took her back to our house to drop her bags off. “Allie we are really free, Like we can really have fun.” “I know G. It is a good feeling to not live in fear. This has been the best couple weeks of my life. And now you are here it’s gonna get better. Oh and Ash has been showing me how to be a normal teenager so I’ve had some practice. I can’t wait for you to meet her.” “Yeah you needed a crash course in normal girl stuff. I am actually more excited to meet Ash because I think we were meant to be sisters.” “I guess you were since she’s like my big sis but they won’t be back for a couple days.” We finally made it to the house and she was in shock at the farm. “You’ll get the full tour later.” “Oh Wow this place is amazing” “It is wait till you see the inside.” We walked inside and I gave her the tour. I showed her to the guest room by Bo’s room and she loved it and we put her stuff in there but she’ll probably spend most of her time in my room. I showed her my room next and she about freaked out. “Holy Shit Allie this is the coolest room ever.” “I know it’s pretty bad ass.” “Yeah you are like the luckiest girl ever but since your life was pretty shitty I guess you deserved it.” We laughed and I turned on some music and we danced around taking pictures and recording videos. I uploaded a video of Gianna and me singing and dancing on Instagram. [A lil music and dancing with my bestie @GiannaMarie only thing missin is my big sis @AshleighNicole] Ash responded [be back soon girlie, I miss you and can’t wait to meet @GiannaMarie] I responded [Next time tell @PlayBKPlay that you love me more and stay!! Haha] BK responded [Not funny Young lady. I might have to separate you two and never bring her back.] [Well @PlayBKPlay that would make me cry Bro] he just put a smiley and winky face. Then I saw a comment from Luke [Allison Marie Bryan don’t you have somewhere to be.] [@LukeBryan Yeah sorry. On my way now J] I read the comments  oh shit G we gotta go, Luke is going to kill me.” She laughed. “Ok lets go” “I know a little girl who is excited to see you” We got in the Jeep and drove to the rehearsal space. 

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