Chapter 37- A little Honesty

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Chapter 37

We decided to walk to the bus. “What is it sweetie.” “Elijah told me he loved me.” “Wow sweetie that’s crazy.” “I know I thought the same thing but he was so sweet he gave this whole speech but the crazy thing is I really do love him too. I know everyone is gonna think it’s too soon but I don’t care.” “Oh baby I knew I loved your daddy the day I met him, He’ll tell you the same thing. People are always too scared to say it. I know your daddy was he waited almost 5 months and I wasn’t gonna say it first. You guys are braver than us.” I laughed. “It’s all Maddie’s fault she told him he had to tell me and called him a dumb dumb.” Cam started cracking up. “She is too much. Too smart for her age.” I nodded my head in agreement. I looked down in concern. “I am happy for you two. You have a sweet relationship. Reminds me of your daddy and I when we first started dating.” “Awww thanks momma. That makes me happy because you and daddy have the best relationship.” “So Why do you look so concerned?” I laid my head on her shoulder and she put her arm around me. “What is it sweetheart?” “I just feel it’s moving fast. Like when I’m around him it’s hard to control myself and as much as I know I’m not ready to ya know there might be a time I can’t control myself.” “Well is he trying to force you into anything?” I sat up kinda offended by her question. “NO mom he wouldn’t but how can you expect him to control himself when it’s so hard for me to control myself.” “Well sweetie I don’t really know. I have been in your situation and I ended up losing my virginity to guy who kinda forced or sweet talked me into it when I was a little younger then you. I know Eli isn’t like that but you need to be sure that you are ready to go there emotionally and physically especially after what you have been through. I would prefer you wait till you are married but I know that sometimes emotions get the best of you.” “I know I’m not ready even though at times my body says to go for it. I usually come to my senses before it goes too far.” “Well I have a doctors apt before we go to the next show I’m gonna make you one to put you on birth control. Our little secret if your daddy finds out he will flip shit. I’d rather be safe than sorry.” She said laughing. “Alright I guess that would be a good idea because it helps with your periods and mine is crazy irregular. I thought you would flip shit.” “Don’t use that language Allie.” “Really mom?” “Well I’d rather you be able to talk to me then you be scared too tell me the truth and end up in a bad situation.” We talked a little while longer about things. “I love you momma. Thank you. You are the best.” “I love you too pretty girl. I’m glad you’re my daughter.” She said fixing my hair and kissing my cheek. We decided to join the rest of the group.

We walked out and everyone finally made their way down by the lake. Gigi was in the water with Mel and the little ones. Maddie came running up as soon as she saw me. “Come on sissy you said you swim.” “Whatever you want Maddie Monster.” I took off my shorts and my vest to reveal my American flag bikini. I heard Luke talking “You know that’s my daughter you’re staring at?” I’m sure he was talking to Elijah who was quiet “Hey seriously man stop staring” Luke said and everyone started laughing “Sorry Luke” Elijah said which made me laugh. I turned around “You comin Georgia Boy?” He started to walk and Luke gave him the evil eye. “Daddy stop it now.” “I’m watching you kid” “Yes sir.” “Ok come on Maddie Monster.” He grabbed my hand and wewent and got into the lake which was the perfect temperature. I had Maddie in my arms and she was holding on so tight. “It’s not as rough as the ocean sweet girl.” “I know. It’s still scary.” “Oh it’s a big bath tub. Look at Bo.” “He’s been doing this longer.” I laughed because they are basically the same age but I get what she’s saying. “Mommy” Maddie yelled practically jumping out of my arms and into hers. “Ok.” Just then I felt arms wrap around me from behind. “You know you are beautiful and your perfect body is driving me crazy.” He bent down and kissed my neck. I smiled. “I’m sure all these scars are just beautiful.” I said looking down sad. He wrapped his arms around me tighter and whispered in my ear. “They are beautiful, perfect and show the strong women you are.” He said while running his hands up and down my legs under the water of course. He was making me weak in the knees. “They are part of the reason I love you. They show that you can overcome anything. I love you and to me you are perfect and the most beautiful girl in the world” I turned around and gave him a deep passionate kiss. “I love you too Georgia boy. I don’t know what I did to deserve you but I know that I am the luckiest girl in the world.” I Kissed him again. “Allison Marie keep the making out to a minimum please you are going to give your daddy a heart attack.” “Yes momma. I will try. No promises though. My boyfriend is just so kissable.” “Try hard little girl. You too Elijah.” “Yes Ma’am” Jake and Gigi came over and we went back to swimming for a while before D and Rae and their boyfriends came over. “You guys wanna go jetskiing?” Brandon asked the guys were out of the water before we could say yes. “Momma can we go” “Ask your dad” “but mom you know how he is? He thinks I’m gonna break.” “Ask your daddy girls” “Fine” We both said. We walked up to the shores. “We gotta ask The Luke Bryan if we can go” Gigi said with an attitude and we laughed we walk up to Luke he was hanging with all the guys and some fans. The fans were surprisingly calm I guess they have to be if they want to stay. “Daddy” I say in my innocent voice. “What do you want girls?” He said in his I know you want something voice with a slight laugh that made everyone laugh. “Can we go ride Jet Skis Please Please Please?” We both said at the same time giving him the pouty face and sad eyes. “Y’all have got to stop that. How could I say no to those face.” “You can’t” We said “Just be careful and have fun” “Thank you, Thank you, thank you,” We both gave him a kiss on each cheek. We went to run off “Love ya girls” “Love ya too” We yelled back at him. As we were running away we heard “Aww Luke the big softy” Uncle Blake yelled “Shut up man y’all couldn’t have said no to them either.” Then they all laughed.

Luke’s POV

I was hanging with the guys and a few friends just talking and answering questions and listening to music. We were gonna go out on the boats on the Lake in a little bit. When the girls came running up. “Here we go Luke” BK said stepping back and the guys started laughing the fans were Confused. “Watch this?” T said to the fans.  “Daddy” Allison said in her innocent voice she uses when the girls want something. “What do you want girls?” I answered in my I know you want something voice with a slight laugh that made everyone laugh. “Can we go ride Jet Skis Please Please Please?” They both said at the same time giving him the pouty face and sad eyes. Dang I hate when they do that it really gets me every time.  “Y’all have got to stop that. How could I say no to those face.” “You can’t” They said giving me a big smile that made me give in “Just be careful and have fun” “Thank you, Thank you, thank you” They both gave me a kiss on each cheek which does make it all worth it. They went to run off I said “Love ya girls” “Love ya too” They yelled back at me. “Aww Luke the big softy” Blake said putting his arm around me “Shut up man y’all couldn’t have said no to them either.” They all laughed. “That’s true Luke. We are happy you have to say no to them and we get to play the Uncle and big brother roles.” Jason said and all the guys agreed. “So Luke how is jumping right into having a teenage girl well girl?” one of the fans asked. “The girls are amazing. I think it would have been a lot easier if Jay didn’t have two teenage boys here.” I said laughing “Sorry man” Jay said laughing. “So Jason’s boys and your girls are dating?” Another fan asked “Yeah they are. Oh young love.” I said looking at them on the jet skis. “There are a lot more teenagers on this tour than we thought there would be.” T said laughing. “Yeah that is true.” I said as Cam, Bo and Maddie came walking up with Mel and Miranda. “Daddy” “Yes princess” “Mommy and Mel teach me to swim.” “oh really” “Yep. They said I do real good.” I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Well you’ll have to show me.” “Ok.” She said walking off “Where ya goin?” “To see TyTy” “Of course you are.” I said laughing as she went and sat with T. “Daddy” I laughed “yeah Bobo?” “Mommy said were going on the boat.” “Yep we are in just a little while.” “Yeah that’s awesome.” “Yeah it is.” I said I could see Allie and Gigi having fun on the Jet skis, Maddie and Bo with smiles on n their faces and my beautiful pregnant wife right in front of me. This tour is going to be perfect. I have my family and my extended family here with me. What more can a guy ask for. I started walking down to the boat docks carrying Bo and holding my gorgeous wife’s hand. Maddie was in T’s arms. I don’t think I could pry her away from him if I tried. We all loaded this huge Yachat with a few fans that one a raffle they had at the beginning to come on our boat. We got on and all the kids came on too. “You guys have fun?” “Yeah” They all said drying off with a towel. The yacht had a piano and guitar and everything on it. I see what they are doing here. I just ignored it but I was gonna get Allie to sing maybe Gianna too. 

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