Chapter 49: Day trip and Oops

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Chapter 49

2 weeks later Atlanta Georgia

Savanah was awesome we did a ghost tour and I think I might have peed my pants I hate scary things and I’m not a fan of the dark.  I like getting to go out and being stuck at the venue or on the bus. Touring blows sometimes but on a good note Daze of Tomorrow hit a million followers on twitter and Instagram and our vines are being revined and tweeted like crazy. We are actually recording some songs while on the road since they have a mobile studio. We do a couple covers at the Charity festival but we want to sing our songs. We are still undecided on our sound. It’s country but rock and pop. I don’t know we don’t like labels we just want to sing. We put out a cover of Elijah and I singing Just a fool by Christina Aguliera and Uncle Blake. It was seriously the most retweeted video we have had. She has so much soul in her voice and I love singing with soul. Gianna and I have also sang a lot of Lorde and Lana Del Rey. We are getting a lot of attention. My dad says his phone is constantly ringing for people to sign us or do interviews. We are still undecided on what we want to do right now it’s fun. We have like 10 songs recorded and they are awesome. Some are my moms and some are mine then we have some we wrote together. It’s a lot of fun to perform though I love being on stage with Elijah, Gigi and Jake and since we play instruments we don’t have a band yet. Well we’re in Atlanta which is awesome we are going to the Aquarium. I got up and got dressed in the norm Shorts, graphic crop top hat and sperrys. I just went with a messy wave. I did light makeup and walked out and it was still early the only one that was up was Creeper. He was playing Call of Duty on Xbox. “Hey creeper.” “Hey Brat” “Will I mess you up it I do this.” And I hit a button on the controller and he died “Damn it I was working on 15 person kill streak.” I just laughed oh he was so mad. “Why are you such a brat?” “It’s fun now let me play.” He added me to the game and we were on the same team but I was messing with him and following him and stealing his kills. “Allison stop or I’m gonna hurt you” “What am I doing?” I did it again and he took my controller away and I died. He laughed and I hit him so he hit me back. “Ow give me back my controller” “No you don’t know how to be a team player.” He laughed and we started wrestling for the controller. It was early so we were kinda quiet. “Give me my controller.” “NO I’m not playing with you.” I laughed at him whining. “Stop being a baby.” He took off my hat and threw it across the room. And we started wrestling again we were rolling on the floor when I heard someone clear their throat. I looked and my dad was laughing and scratching his head. “Morning” We both said“That’s enough children.” “Daddy Mike took my controller and won’t let me play.” “Well Allison doesn’t know how to be a team player so I’m not playing with her” He said and my dad laughed “Ok well how about we do this.” He turned off the game and turned on the T.V. “See what you did creeper.” I said and crossed my arms and sat on the couch. “This is all your fault brat.” And he sat on the other end of the couch. My dad was laughing as my mom came out we were still shooting evil looks at each other. “They are fighting again?” She asked “Yep over the game and a controller. They’ll get over it. When I came out it was like WWE” We laughed and then went back to the evil staring contest. Then Gigi came out.  “What’s up with all the attitude?” We just looked at her and I rolled my eyes. “Now now you two kiss and make up.” She laughed we just looked at her. “Ya know you can’t stay mad at each other so might as well get to hugging.” She said with her serious face. “Fine” we both said and hugged it out. “Dad can we play now.” “If you children act your age and play nicely.” We laughed “We Promise” We said at the same time. I swear this kid is a pain but he makes my life interesting. He’s like my best guy friend. I would say brother but those are usually over protective and lame like T and BK. I see him and Gigi getting together if I can just get rid of the she devil. They are always flirting and talking. They are cute and I asked my dad how he would feel about it and he said he wouldn’t be mad even though Mike is older than her. If it’s the last thing I do Mike will break up with Taylor she makes him miserable. I was dragged out of my thought by Mike’s phone call. <Hey babe.> <I’m playing games with Allie just hanging out with everyone> <What’s the big deal Taylor.> <We’re on a bus driving what else am I supposed to do.> He put up his finger and walked back to the bunks. I rolled my eyes going to the fridge to get a drink. “I really can’t stand that girl. How old are you and why are you so damn insecure?” Taylor is 21 but she acts like middle school child. “Well she can’t stand him hanging around my beautiful daughters.” My dad said “Daddy I love how you claimed Gigi as yours.” I Smiled and so did he “Well she practically is and always be like my daughter.” He said smiling. “Good thing. But if the she devil got to know us instead of being evil then she would know we would never do that. Like G has her skanky qualities but she’s never hooked up with a guy in a relationship.” “Allie” Gigi yelled and I laughed my dad just looked at me and shook his head. “You girls could try harder also.” I rolled my eyes. “Oh ok. What time you going to the Aquarium?” “Probably about 1. Momma is getting the little ones ready now.” “I don’t feel comfortable with you guys going without us.” “Dad Elijah will be there and Creeper is coming if he gets his permission slip signed by the she devil.” My dad laughed but Mike was behind me and put me in a headlock. “I’m going and I don’t need a permission slip.” “Whatever you say. At least you didn’t deny she’s a devil.” He laughed.

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