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Everything is shattering and It's my mistake

𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐃Everything is shattering and It's my mistake

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"I don't understand. Why was Lincoln there?" Skye asked Jiaying, trying to keep her anger at bay.

"Because of me." She frowned at the words coming out of the older woman's mouth. "I asked him to go and protect you, to keep you safe. It was a mistake. I should never have let you go at all."

Skys scoffed. "It was the right thing to do." She crossed her arms. "Even if Cal's outbursts scare the living shit, well, not living shit, because if my shit was—" She stopped as she realized she was getting way off topic. "We have to make sure that the Cal that we put out into the world is the same Cal that I've seen here... the safe and user-friendly Cal."

Jiaying touched her arm. "You were trying to make it easy on him. You were being compassionate."

Skye looked her in the eyes, "How do we get Lincoln back?"

"We don't." Skye scoffed and pulled away from her. "It's too much of a risk."

"You don — You don't understand. They will torture him. They will kill him," Skye spat at her, scoffing, and her eyes were narrowed. "What the hell?" The room started shaking as she grew angry. Yes, she could control her powers, but she was in too much anger and disbelief to see reasoning right now. "First you sent him out there to watch over me even though I was perfectly fine with my father. It's your fault he has been taken, and now you're just gonna leave him out to die?" She scoffed and shook her head. "I am so disappointed in you."

Skye stormed away from her before she could get another word in.

"WHAT part of "no" didn't you understand?"

"The part where you won't take me to Lincoln," Skye told Gordon as he tried to walk away from her, but she just followed him.

"I told you, no one enters or leaves Afterlife until we know it's safe," he restated the words he has been telling her for the past half hour.

"It'll be too late by then!" She shouted at him. "And with you are here telling me this shit, it's making his condition worse. S.H.I.E.L.D may be wrong about a lot of things, but they never leave a man behind."

"I'm sorry—"

"Don't give up hope just yet." They turned around to see Raina approaching them. "Skye can save Lincoln. I saw her do it."

"Wh — You've seen it?" Slye asked in disgust as she stared her up and down.

Skye then turned to Gordon as he said, "We think Raina's gift may allow her to see things before they happen."

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