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I fought the war but the war won

"WHERE are we going?" Daisy asked Robbie as they pulled into a gas station

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"WHERE are we going?" Daisy asked Robbie as they pulled into a gas station. He didn't answer her, so she continued, "Look, I know you're doing this whole mysterious-silent thing, but if we're gonna work together on this, you've got to fill me in." Robbie parked and turned off the car. "You know someone that worked at that Momentum facility?"

It took a second but he sighed and said, "My uncle. I'm going to go see him."

"Uncle?" She furrowed her eyebrows as they got out of the car. "Uncle Elias Morrow? Doing time at South Ridge Penitentiary?" He turned to her as he put the gas pump into the car, and she shrugged. "I like to vet my vengeance demons before I hop in a car with them."

"He's a good man. He did a bad thing," Robbie told her, raising a brow.

"Attempted manslaughter." She nodded. "Yeah, I'd say so. What'd he do at that lab?"

"He was an electrical engineer," Robbie said, "His work was way above my head, but I think it's time we figure it out."

A man pulled up next to them in his car, his radio on. The radio said, "Suspect at large. We now have two confirmed blackouts... Miami and London. The Inhumans claiming responsibility threatened to black out a major city every hour if their demands are not--" the man turned the radio off.

Robbie turned to Daisy with a look on his face. "You hear that?"

She pulled a face and took a step back. "I don't believe it."

"Hope they don't hit L.A."

She chuckled lightly, "You afraid of the dark?"

He shook his head. "No, my little brother rides the metro. He's gonna be stuck in a bad part of town. You know what happens to people during a blackout. They think they can get away with whatever they want."

Daisy pursed my lips and nodded. "That nothing can stop them."

Robbie nodded at her. "So we're gonna have our hands full if it hap—" electricity zapped, people shouted in surprise, and then whatever lights were on, went off. All the cars stopped working. "If it happens here," he continued.

THEY were rushing their way to where Robbie's little brother was. "Every other vehicle's dead," Robbie stated, his lips pursed, and eyes narrowed.

Daisy snapped her burner phone shut. "Phone's dead, too. We're lucky this car's pre-1980, no electronics. The Inhumans would never do this."

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