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Skies were blue now they're all cloudy

HIVE was telling Daisy the story on how he had become what he is now

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HIVE was telling Daisy the story on how he had become what he is now. It was a really sad story which made her feel bad for him. "It was in that moment my world had changed forever. The Kree Reapers brought me back to their ship and began the experiment. I didn't know it then, but the Reapers were using their own Kree blood to transform my DNA. Once they changed what I was, the Reapers took the final step, fulfilling the promise of what I would become."

She placed her hand on his, sending him a small smile. "So, that's how you became an Inhuman."

"Myself and many others. Put through the Kree experiment thousands of years ago." She nodded along with his words. "These first Inhumans... they were your ancestors." He turned to the three old Hydra agents, "Your ancestors started Hydra. You fought to bring me back, yet are the only faithful to evade being captured after Gideon Malick's spineless betrayal. Well... the time has come for your reward."

"Thank you." the younger of the three spoke up, "But... what does that have to do with your story?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Hive rhetorically asked. "We've been working hard to re-create the Kree experiment. And you're next."

HIVE and Daisy were walking down the street together, talking.

"This town represents the worst of humanity... allowing the greed of a few to destroy the needs of many. Their water was poisoned, which drove them out. The great failing was their unwillingness to band together."

"Sometimes it's hard to join forces." Daisy told him, smiling. "You need a good leader."

He stopped and turned to her, "Like Coulson?"

Daisy nodded. "He was the reason why I joined S.H.I.E.L.D."

He put on a blank face. "S.H.I.E.L.D. is no better than those Kree Reapers, both making soldiers for their never-ending wars."

She looked down. "My friends at S.H.I.E.L.D. wanted to stop wars, not start them," Daisy defended them, looking up at him again.

"By building giant battleships floating in the sky?" She opened her mouth, ready to say something when he spoke up again, "The only reason S.H.I.E.L.D. exists is to fight wars."

"But isn't that why we exist?" Sue crossed her arms. "I mean, that's what the Kree Reapers were hoping to make, right? Soldiers."

He tilted his head down at her. "Which is not what I became."

She smiled. "Sometimes, the world's greatest miracles happen by accident." He smiled down at her as they made their way to where their lab was set up.

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