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Oopsy daisy

"WHAT the hell happened?!" Daisy shouted, panting as she ran into Stiles' room

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"WHAT the hell happened?!" Daisy shouted, panting as she ran into Stiles' room. She paused, frowning at the sight of Stiles who was sitting on the edge of his bed, frowning, his face in his hands. "Stiles?" She asked, slowly approaching him. "What happened? What's wrong?"

He looked up at her, his whisky colored eyes full of tears. He cleared his throat, wiping away a few stray tears before nodding. "I am so useless," he choked out. She went to say something but he shook his head at her which shut her mouth. "The pack is in danger with all these assassins and I can't do anything because I don't have super strength, speed, claws, or even banshee screams or powers like you..." he trailed off, sighing. "I just have my stupid bat and my sarcasm!"

He shouted, jumping up from his bed, running a hand through his hair furiously.

"Stiles..." Daisy trailed off, slowly standing up and walking towards him. She took his face in her hands, making him look at her. "Power's aren't everything. People fear me because I have powers... because I can do things that you can't do," :$3?admitted. "I hate that people fear me."

"They fear you because you can actually do things that they can't do." He sniffed. "People fear things they don't understand."

"I know," she said and bit her lip. "But... the thing is... you can't always rely on your powers. I've been deprived of my powers before and i've hurt myself because of them." She caressed his cheeks with her thumbs. "I learned how to fight, hand to hand, because I can't always use my powers."

"Then teach me how to fight!" He exclaimed, looking at her with excited and urgent eyes.

She sighed, tilting her head. "What brought this all on?" She asked, worried and confused on why he wanted to learn how to fight so badly.

"Scott, Malia, and Liam were at the school campfire lastnight when they were sabotaged and almost killed," he informed her which made her even more worried about what was going on. "And... Lydia and I went to Eichen House because we got a lead. We were tricked by Broski and we were kept hostage. He almost killed Lydia... He would've if Parrish didn't come to the rescue." A tear escaped his eye which she quickly wiped away.

"Stiles..." Daisy placed her hand on his cheek, stepping closer to him. "I've been kidnapped, held hostage, beaten, and watched people hurt my friends," she explained. "I know how you feel."

"Then you know why I want to learn how to fi—"

"I'll help you," she stated, interrupting him. "Just one thing you need to promise me," she took a another step closer to him, their faces inches apart.

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