Developing Feelings (RN)

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After a day of looking after Meggy and cheering her up, you decided to go back home and watch SMG4's new Hitbox episode.

Meggy: Thanks for all the help today, (Y/N). I really appreciate it.

(Y/N): No problem, I'll always be there for you, Meggy.

She waved goodbye, as you walked out of her apartment and jumped into the pipe leading to the Mushroom Kingdom. Meggy sighed and put her hands on her heart.

Meggy: Oh... I already miss (Y/N)... 

???: Admit it, you do have feelings for (Y/N), don't you? 

Meggy gasped and grabbed her Splattershot by surprise, but it was only Francis who was sitting neat the window.

Meggy: Francis...?

Francis: Hello there!

Meggy: How long have you been there...?

Francis: A few minutes... I heard about what happened today, and I'm really sorry about it.

Meggy: *Sigh* It's fine... 

Francis: So back to my question, do you have feelings for (Y/N), Meggy?

Meggy's ears perked up a little as a blush appeared on her face.

Meggy: Uhhh... Uhhh... 

Francis: Oh my god, you do!

Meggy: Okay... I'll admit it. I do have feelings for (Y/N).

Francis: I wonder if he has feelings for you too?

Meggy: I hope so... But I'm just too scared...

Francis: Scared? Why?

Meggy: I'm scared that when I do confess to him, he may turn me away...

Francis: Take all the time you need. It's better to build up confidence for a while, rather than doing it immediately, doing it right away will only make the situation more awkward.

Meggy: Yeah... Thanks for the advice, Francis. I'll think about what do say to (Y/N) for a while.

Francis: Alright then, Meggy. Good luck, and see you later.

Meggy: Bye!

Francis jumped out of the window but landed on Waluigi's Taco Stand.

Francis: OOF!


Francis: Sorry, fam... Ouch...

Meggy: Okay then...

Meggy jumped onto her couch and began to think of what to say to (Y/N) when the time came to be. 

Meggy: Come on... Think...

Meanwhile with (Y/N), you managed to chase the crazy chocolate eating rabbit into a corner and grabbed it.

Rabbit: CHOCOLATE!!!

(Y/N): And get out, you freak!

You threw the rabbit into the air and kicked it outside.


(Y/N): Finally... That thing is gone...

SMG4: Yeah, I don't blame you for kicking it out. We've been feeding that thing chocolate for two years straight now, so it's best if it's released into the wild. Hopefully it doesn't cause any harm or kill anyone who comes into it's path.

(Y/N): Now that that's out the way, is the Hitbox video uploaded yet?

SMG4: Yup! Come upstairs and watch it! Everyone is ready to see it.

(Y/N): Cool!

SMG4: What about Meggy? I haven't seen her all day actually, is she okay?

(Y/N): She ran into a few issues with some friends, so I decided to stay over at her apartment for almost the day to make sure she was okay. I just feel really bad, her day has been long.

SMG4: Oof... That was very nice of you to help her, (Y/N)... Anyways... HITBOX EPISODE!


You and SMG4 ran upstairs and jumped onto the couch with everyone else.

B0b: H0lY sHiT. tHiS wIlL bE ePiC. I'vE gOt My P0pCoRn ReAdY!

Sonic: Why am I here again?

Mario: Dafuq?

Mario and Sonic gave each other death stares.

Sonic: ...

Mario: ...

Sonic: You... You trashed my wheels last year!

Mario: Oi, you were the one who started the Prank War!

Sonic: Is that so? How about we settle this else where?

Mario: Gladly. I'll be able to kick your blue hedgehog ass!

Mario and Sonic walked out of the castle and found a good spot to fight.

Sonic: This should be good enough.

Mario: How about I kick your ass now, rat?

Sonic: Only if you catch me first!

Back with SMG4, he laughed with everyone else while watching the hitbox episode, he looked around and saw that Mario was nowhere to be seen.

SMG4: Wait... Where is Mario?

Tari: G-guys, Sonic is gone as well...

Everyone looked at each other and sighed.

(Y/N): Uh oh... They're gonna fight, aren't they?

SMG4: When those two fight, NOTHING good comes out of it. EVER.

Tari: What happened in their last fight?

SMG4: Umm...

Flashback to Mario VS Sonic: PRANK BATTLE...

The two rivals continued to prank each other non stop, then Sonic put a rocket on the back of Mario's kart and started pulling the fuse to a safe location, Mario was doing the same to Sonic's car as the two rivals passed each other.

Mario: Hello!

Sonic: Yo man, wassup?

*Record scratch*


The two ignited the fuses and hopped onto their vehicles, both rockets went off and sent them flying into the sky.

Mario: *Screaming*


Mario/Sonic: *Flips each other off* FAK YOOOOOUUUUUUUUUU!!!

They continued to scream and eventually left the planet's atmosphere.

Sonic: Nice going, idiot! How are we supposed to do pranks in Space? Now we can't see who's better!


The two got into a slap fight.

End of flashback...

SMG4: Yeah, it was quite interesting... But it's a little fuzzy. Anyways, back to the Hitbox episode!

(Oof, SMG4 just does not give a shit if Mario gets his ass kicked. XD)

Anyways, lata!

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