Castle Calamity

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Mario: Nope! That's it! I give the hell up!

(Y/N): What is it, Mario?

Mario: I've been trying to destroy this small castle outside, but every attempt goes wrong! 

(Y/N): Hmm...

Meggy: Could we have a go at destroying it?

Mario: If you want, but i wish you the best of luck...

Mario went into the kitchen, and slammed the door.

Meggy: Well, let's see what he's talking about.

You walked outside, sure enough, there was a small castle near the cannon.

(Y/N): How the hell did that get there? It wasn't there yesterday.

Meggy: Not sure, but let's get rid of it!

(Y/N): There's a switch, which will create a fuse, and should blow this castle up.

Meggy: Let's do this!

(Introducing... The Wattpad Castle Calamity!)


(Y/N): Here we go!

You pressed the switch, a fuse was created and slowly went towards the castle.

Meggy: Now, prepare for a-

Luigi: Hey guys-

Luigi stepped on the fuse, and exploded.

Meggy: AH!

(Y/N): Oh shit.


(Y/N): Hmm...

Francis: So you want me to try and cut it up with my trident?

Meggy: Yep! 

Francis: Alright then.

Francis got his trident out, and hit the castle a few times.

(Y/N): Did it work?

Francis: I feel strange.

Francis suddenly split into five pieces.

(Y/N): WHAT?!

Meggy: HOW?!

Francis: Now this is some bullshit!


Meggy: Let's try the switch again!

Meggy jumped on the switch, two headcrabs fell from the sky and landed on yours and Meggy's heads.


Meggy: GET IT OFF!


Flame: Alright, let's do this!

Flame fired his Phoenix Bow at the castle, the arrows bounced off and one went directly into Flame's eye.

Meggy: Yowch!

(Y/N): Uhh...Flame?

Flame: Well, shit.


(Y/N): What the hell is in this box?

Meggy: SMG3 and Desti sent it. There's a note saying "Hope this helps destroy that castle!" 

(Y/N): Well, let's open it up.

You opened the box to reveal... an Ao Oni inside of it.


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