Mario vs (Y/N)

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You were just chilling out with meggy, until you heard mario scream.


Meggy: Uh oh, looks like mario is angry.

(Y/N): Over spaghetti? Seriously?


Toad: NO!

Mario: BOWSER?

Bowser: It wasn't me!

Mario: (Y/N)?!

(Y/N): Ugh, i didn't eat it!

Mario: Don't give me that look, mamafucker.

(Y/N): Excuse me, what was that? 

Meggy: (Y/N), just ignore him.

(Y/N): Just a sec, meggy.

Mario: I'm pretty sure it was you.

(Y/N): Drop that, what'd you call me?

Mario: I called you a mamafucker!

You suddenly hit mario in the face, sending him flying across the room.

Meggy: Whoa! Calm down, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Sorry, i just hate being called nam-

Mario threw a plate at you, sending glass everywhere.


You jumped at him, and you both fell out the window.

Meggy: Uh oh. I better go after them.

Meggy ran out the door.

You kicked mario multiple times, he blocked your next attacks, and hit you in the chest.

(Y/N): You've only made me do this because you've now pissed me off!

You hit him in the face yet again, sending him flying into a nearby pipe.

(Y/N): Get back here!

You went into the pipe, but there was a few bombs on the floor. You tried to get back out, too late. You fell and mario set them off.

Mario: HAHAHA!

(Y/N): You little shit.

You went after him again, he dodged a few attacks, and he absorbed a star.

Mario: I'ma gonna get you!


You ran throughout the sewer, but mario was faster, he tried to hit you, you managed to make him trip over, resulting in the invincibility being wasted.

Mario: Dang it!

You absorbed a fire flower, mario absorbed an ice flower.

Mario: Wait.

Mario realized he had messed up. He had absorbed the WRONG kind of ice flower. He was completely frozen solid.

(Y/N): Looks like i can melt ya!

Mario: SIKE!

Mario jumped on the water within the sewers, it turned into ice.

Mario: Gotta chase me first!

Mario skated throughout the sewers, and you trailed him.

Mario stuck both his middle fingers up, you threw a fireball at one of his hands, he screamed in pain.

Mario: Oh hell no! 

He jumped up and kicked you in the face, it was painful, since he was fully made of ice.

(Y/N): COLD!

Then you saw bob in the distance.

B0b: I lIkE mY nEw HoMe! AnD aLsO, i'Ve GoT mY fAvoRiTe dRiNk WiTh Me, GaSoLiNe!

You skated over to bob and set him on fire.

B0b: JeSuS cHrIsT tHiS hUrTs!

You threw bob at mario, he caught bob, and threw him at his gasoline.

Mario and (Y/N): OH SHIT!

B0b: Oh FuC-


You went flying out of the sewers, you were now in a city.

Mario: Shit, looks like my power up wore out.

You went to throw a fireball at mario, but you realized that yours as well was gone.

(Y/N): Shit.

Mario then grabbed a car, and threw it at you, which flattened you like a bug.


You punched the car at mario, sending them flying, then exploding.

Mario: Ah, screw this!

Mario then got out every single power up from every mario game, and absorbed them.


Meggy: What kind of transformation is that?!

Mario: Now, how about i kick your ass?!

You transformed quickly, you used the same form from when you fought infinite.

(Y/N): Meh, i'll kick yours first.

You rushed at him, and he did the same. Your fists collided, causing a massive explosion.

Mario: Oh, mama mia!

You were still in your form, mario was completely wiped out.

(Y/N): Yeah, i win asshole!

Mario: Must...fight!

Mario punched you rapidly, no effect.

You kicked him in the air, and punched him back to the ground.

Meggy: (Y/N)! Stop!

(Y/N): Meggy?

You went back to normal, landing on the ground perfectly.

Meggy: Well...i'm out of breath, i'm exhausted from all that running.

(Y/N): I guess that form kinda makes me lose it.

Meggy: What about mario? Is he fine?

Mario: I'm okie dokie...just need to rest...

(Y/N): Let's get back, i wanna avoid the plumber for a while.

Meggy: Good decision.

You gave meggy a hug, and went back to the castle.

Mario: Hey, where is everybody?


Mario: SHIT!

(I actually would like to see SMG4 do more character vs character fights, for example mario vs steve, which he already did, but it would be cool to see more of them.)

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