SCP shenanigans

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You were sitting on the couch with meggy watching the TV, mario and SMG4 were playing super smash each other in the ass bros with tari, suddenly, bob burst through the doors.

B0b: HoLy ShIt! TuRn ThE nEwS oN nOw!

(Y/N): Why's that, bob?

Bob ran over to you and snatched the remote, then he turned on the news.

Meggy: Hey! 

B0b: ShHhHh! LiStEn To ThE nEwS!

Reporter: Breaking news! A few SCPs from the SCP foundation were stolen by two people, it is unknown who they were, but police are searching currently for the criminals who took the SCPs. We recommend that you lock your doors in case the SCPs go loose.

Meggy: SCP? What's that?

SMG4: SCPs are entities which possess all sorts of different power, some are harmless, some are threatening.

(Y/N): Well, we should follow the advice given by the reporter.

Luigi: R-right.

Luigi locked the doors, and went back to playing with his luigi dolls.

Meggy: Well...hopefully we don't encounter these things.


SMG3: HA! Stealing these things was a piece of cake!

Desti: I know right? Now, it's time to set these things loose into the castle.

SMG3 and desti opened a massive box, and ran off quickly, then a bunch of creatures started coming out.

SCP-999: Hmmm? Where are we?

SCP-106: No idea...but i think i see people within the castle...

SCP-096 was just crying, as it always does.

SCP-999: Let's go give the people inside lots of hugs! What do you say, 173?

SCP-173: ...

The sculpture disappeared in front of the other SCPs.

SCP-999: Oh.

(Back with you)

(Y/N): Where's mario gone? He was right here a moment ago.

SMG4: I think he went upstairs, he's probably eating spaghetti.

(With mario)

Mario: I love you spaghetti! You're the best in the world-

Mario's sentence was interrupted by glass breaking.

Mario: Huh?

Mario went over to the window, it had been broken, and glass was everywhere.

Mario: What happened?

Mario turned around to see a VERY creepy statue a few feet away from him.

SCP-173: ...

Mario: Hello! Would you like some spaghetti?

Mario blinked, then the sculpture moved.

Mario: I'll take that as a yes!

SMG4 ran upstairs to tell mario about the news.

SMG4: Hey mario, have you seen the-

SMG4 froze, he saw the statue, which was completely still.

SMG4: Mario...what the fuck is that?

Mario: He's my new friend! I'm going to call him billy! 

SMG4: A-are you sure this thing isn't hostile-

Both of them blinked and the statue moved. 


SMG4 grabbed mario and ran downstairs, he started blocking the door with heavy objects.

(Y/N): What's going on, glitchy?

SMG4: There's a creepy statue upstairs, and i am not taking any chances with that thing.

Meggy: Is that one of the SCPs you were talking about?

SMG4: No idea.

A dark substance started to slowly appear on the floor, and everyone backed away from it, then  SCP-106 emerged from it.

Luigi: W-what is that?

SCP-106 started to breathe heavily, and it went towards saiko.

Saiko: Ummm...

Saiko ran off, while SCP-106 chased her.

Fishy: Oh no saiko! I'll save you!

Fishy went through the door and followed saiko.

(Y/N): What was that?

B0b: No IdEa. BuT iT's SpOoKy.

Tari: Well, i'm going to make myself a drink.

Tari opened the kitchen door, and found SCP-096 in there, she slowly closed the door.

Tari: Ok, forget that.

SMG4: Why? What's in there?

SMG4 went into the kitchen and immediately ran out.

SMG4: Well, we gotta deal with these things... somehow.

Suddenly, everyone heard laughter outside, meggy opened the door and found francis being tickled by a orange blob.

Francis: No! Stop it! -Laughing-

SMG4: Is that thing tickling him?

SCP-999 jumped at meggy and started to tickle her, making her laugh uncontrollably.

Meggy: Please, stop that! -Laughing-

SCP-999 stopped and then jumped at you, and did the same thing, making you laugh.

(Y/N): Get it off! -Laughing-

SCP-999 stopped tickling and slowly moved across the floor.

Meggy: It's so cute!

Francis: The little guy seems harmless, but he does like to tickle people. Anyways, let's get this  over and done with.

Saiko: I've already sorted one problem out.

Saiko and fishy threw SCP-106 on the floor, the humanoid was knocked out.

SMG4: Well, we should leave this to the professionals, call the police up.

You called the police, and within a few minutes they came over and sorted the situation out.

FM: Thanks for helping us get these things back! We're still searching for the people who stole the creatures, but we'll find them eventually.

SMG4: Good luck you two!

The police left the castle and went to the SCP foundation to deliver the SCP creatures.

Meggy: Today was interesting.

Mario: I'll miss billy, shame SMG4 pulled me away from him before i could give him some spaghetti!

SMG4: I only did that because that thing was trying to kill you!

(I had a go at playing SCP: Containment breach, SCP-173 freaking made me go flying off my chair XD)

Anyways, lata!

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