War of the woomies

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SMG4: Yesterday was... interesting.

Bowser: Indeed.

Mario: I'm still recovering from that. Seeing baldi again has scarred me for life.

Meggy: Well, at least he's gone.

(Y/N): That's a first, i guess.

Francis: My widowmaker mysteriously disappeared overnight...i was gonna use it to ambush wario but...yeah that ain't happening.

SMG4: Strange.

Saiko: Hey guys...look outside.

You went to the window, and saw desti with an army of octolings.

Desti: Meggy! Get out here, now!

Meggy: Ah great...she's probably trying to take our rivalry to another level.

Everyone went outside.

Wario-man: Alright, now do what you must!

Desti: I want to have a competition meggy.

Meggy: What sort of competition? 

Desti: A war! And i already have challenges sent in for us.

Bowser: Well...this sounds interesting.

SMG4: Are you trying to make a spin off of war of the fat italians?

Desti: Uhhh...no?

Meggy: Well...bring it on!

Everything went white, and everyone found themselves in a boxing ring.

Wario-man: Alrighty then! Now for the first challenge...

Who can survive around the weegee from halloweegee the longest?

Both meggy and desti were now at the castle, with the weegee in front of them.

Weegee: It's time for you to DIE!

Meggy & Desti: AHHHH! RUN!

Both ran away from the giant luigi.

Desti: He'll never find me in here!

Desti had hidden in a closet, while meggy hid underneath a bed.

Weegee: Where are you? I want to play a game.

The weegee went towards the closet, and opened it.

Desti: Oh carp!

Desti quickly got out of the closet and ran out of the room, the weegee chased her.

Meggy: Ha!

A weegee goomba went underneath the bed and scared meggy.

Meggy: AH! RUN!

Desti: Oh shoot...hey weegee!


Desti held up a board game.

Desti: How about we forget this and just have a game of chess?

Weegee: ...HELL YEAH!

Desti and weegee played a game of chess, while meggy ran around the building screaming.

Wario-man: And she beat the system! Next challenge!

Who can survive ralsei's singing the longest?

Ralsei: Are you ready for the song of friendship?

Meggy and desti nodded.

Ralsei: Then, here, we, go!

Ralsei started screaming into the microphone, obliterating everyone's ears instantly.

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