Infinity Smash

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You were playing Super Mario Maker with Meggy and Mario. (Dashie: WELCOME BACK TO SOUP, SUPER MARIO MAKER!)

Mario: So, how do you like my level?

The level was just a Mario head saying pingas. (Viger: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)

(Y/N): It's... Uhhh...

Meggy: I-it's really good, Mario!

Mario: Thank you! I must get back to making more levels!

(Y/N): -The level is bad, but I don't want to upset Mario.-

Infinite: -Whistling-

Crystal: I wonder what we should do today?

Meggy: How about-

Master Hand suddenly fell through the ceiling.


Luna: What the hell?!

Master Hand: Ow... I gotta stop doing that...

Mario: Wait, Master Hand?

Bowser: What are you doing here?

(Y/N): -A giant floating hand? What is this?-

Master Hand: Ahem... I wanted to invite you all to a...

Meggy: Oh?

Master Hand: Smash...

Tari: -Sr Pelo gasp-

Master Hand: Gamemode! (Sans: IT'S MY MODE BITCH! -Earrape Sans sound effect-)

Mario: Ooooooooooooooooh.

Bowser: And what is this gamemode?

Master Hand: I call it... "Infinity Smash!"

Clark: Interesting.

Luna: And what do we do?

Master Hand: It's an insane free-for-all! Whoever is last standing, wins!

(Y/N): Can we team?

Master Hand: Hmm... Okay, scratch what I said. You can pair up with somebody.

(Y/N)/Meggy: Already decided.

Infinite/Crystal: Same here.

Master Hand: Okay then... What about everyone-

All of the other couples teamed up.

B0b: UmMm...

SB123 B0b: HoW aBoUt We TeAm Up?

B0b: SuRe!


SB123 Meggy: -Giggle-

SB123 B0b: HeY!

Master Hand: Alright... Let the game... Begin!

Everything went white.

(Y/N): Oh god!

The light dimmed, and you found yourself on an enlarged version of Final Destination.


Tons of other fighters started spawning in.

Roblox Noob: FUCK THEM UP!

Teletubbies: -Annoying rioting noises-

Bullies: COOKIES!

SB123 Mario: What the hell?!

Bendy: I'm gonna keel ya!

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