You and Him

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" You look nothing like your brother (Y/N)" says Rebecca. She looked at Tae so dreamily that you felt like giving her a slap. 

Being one minute older than you by a minute meant that Taehyung was the more dominant twin. He was much more popular than you at school and had half the girls all after him. And that half included the ridiculous girl who sat in front of you and the one who looked like as if her eyes were about to come out. 

When both you and Taehyung turned 11, your mother taught you how to cook and clean and care for each other. When both of you turned 12, you got your first phones. Recently, your mum has never been home and doesn't even message you or Taehyung. Your dad, well it's almost like he doesn't even exist. He is said to be on a business trip around the world and will not come home for a few years to come. 

Whenever your mum is away from home, the only person you have for company at home is your twin brother. Both of you are very close and understand each other very well. Yes, VERY well! 

" He is older than me by a minute and he is a boy Rebecca, of course we won't look exactly like each other!" 

" Yeah, I know but still, no resemblance!" she replies

" Your'e simply blind then!" you snap back, " let's change the topic, you really bore me sometimes with those dum thoughts about me and my brother. Come on, tell me what the science homework was!"  

The worst possible thing that could happen to you right now was Taehyung coming upto you and asking you about what you had for lunch.   

 And guess what.... 

"(Y/N) What did you have for lunch today?" 

" I had pasta. Why?"

" Was it good?"

"It was ok, satisfactory, why?" 

" Did you save me some?"

" No! Why would I save you some lunch Tae? Did you not have some at break?"

" No, I had a detention..." Ooh! What a bad boy! Not doing his homework and then getting a detention for it - well done Tae, well done!

Taehyung notices the look on your face and then smiles. " Just kidding, I had a saxephone practice class." - oh.

He also notices the look on the dopey friend of yours and says " Oh, Hey Rebecca! Did you do the science homework?" This was enough to make your friend blush bright red and get all shy- are you serious?! " hehe... yeah I did! Did you? If you didn't you can copy it off mine if you like!" - this girl! 

" Nah, it's fine, I already did it" 

You start to get slightly annoyed about Taehyung hanging around you and Rebecca. " OK BYE TAEHYUNG! RE-BEC-CA WOULD -YOU- LIKE -TO- SAY- BYE- TO -TAE-HYUNG- NOW? IF- YOU DON'T- I WOULDN'T- MIND- LEAVING- THE- BOTH -OF- YOU- TO- HAVE- A- NICE- AND- COZY- CONVERSATION...!" 

Taehyung leaves feeling a little bit embarrassed. You and Rebecca sit on a bench and moan about how hard life at school has become. The icy breeze of December had frozen many trees around the playground. The frosty windows already had icicles growing on them but still, there was no snow. The sky had its colour drained and it felt as if you were part of a black and white film. 

All of a sudden, Rebecca stops talking. Her eyes widen and her expression looks terrified and frozen. Something was wrong...

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